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"Rosie, I assure you. Everything is under control." He said calmly. "No Alastor. The photo." She said harshly. Handing him the paper and tapping aggressively on the picture. "Do you see it?" She asked. Alastor squinted in an attempt to see it better despite how blurry it was. Before his eyes widened, smiling falling completely. "No. No that's impossible, it's gone." Alastor said quickly. Looking up at her, the fear showing through not just in his voice but his eyes. "May I come in? We need to talk. Now." She said quickly. Alastor stepped out of the way to let her in, closing the door quickly. Anthony sat in the lounge as he heard Alastor and her talking in the hall. "You said you sealed it away again!" He said quickly. Rosie shook her head. "I did, I don't know how this happened. But either way, you need to be very very careful Alastor." She said, grabbing his shoulders. "Rosie, do you think it meant what it said? About my timing?" He asked. Rosie sighed, looking up at him. "I'm not sure. But you can't let it get to your head. It wants you to be scared. You can't listen to anything else it tells you." She said, shaking him a bit.

Anthony sat on the couch silently. 'What in gods name are they talking about. What is "it"? Who's here?' He thought to himself.

Alastor took a deep breath. "Okay. We aren't going to panic. We are going to be careful. And..." Alastor looked towards the lounge doorway. "Damn it...Rosie I have company right now." He said quietly. Rosie's look of concern quickly turned to frustration. "What? You didn't think to say that when I came in?" She asked, her grip on him tightening. "It's okay. I'll tell Anthony it's nothing." He said much more quietly. Rosie let go of him. "Anthony is here?" She asked, walking towards the lounge. "No Rosie don't-"

Rosie peeked in, seeing the blonde. They both made eye contact, staring blankly at each other. "Oh my god." She said quietly, stepping into the room. "Look at that, finally I can meet you." She said, looking him up and down. Anthony cocked a brow. "Um, hi?" He said nervously. Alastor stepped in. Seeing it was already to late, since she had come in. "Anthony- this is Rosie." He said with a bit of a groan. Rosie extended her hand to him. Anthony hesitantly shaking it. "Pleasure to meet you my dear! Alastor has told me so much about you." She said cheerfully. Anthony looked from Alastor to Rosie. "Oh...really...that's nice. Nice to meet you too." He said. Before giving Alastor a look, silently telling him to step in. This lady shows up, and is giving Alastor all these really harsh warnings. Anthony couldn't help but feel uncomfortable. "Rosie, Anthony and I were just...spending some time together. I apologize for the intrusion." Alastor explained, the last part directed at Anthony. The blonde nodded. "So...what was all that about?" He asked hesitantly. Alastor sighed, looking at Rosie. Rosie shook her head, before turning back to the blonde. "Personal matters my dear, nothing you need to worry about. I hate to cut this visit short but I very much need to speak with Alastor. I imagine you have things to do yourself." She said, motioning for him to leave. Anthony quickly got up, nodding at both of them. "Alright, I won't bother you." He said briefly. Before turning to the door. Rosie waited until she had heard him close the front door.

"Anyways. Dont trust anything it has told you before. And even if what it said was true, twelve years is a long time, so you have time to figure this out. All this banter about threats is only going to mess with your head. Just get what you've promised." She said, pointing at him. Alastor sighed. "Rosie, as much as I'm glad you've come all this way to warn me. That was a very rude way of dismissing my guest." He said, narrowing his eyes at her. Rosie rolled her eyes at that comment. "What did you expect me to do? Invite him to listen?" She asked sarcastically. The brunette simply shook his head. "No, but you could have at least been more friendly. That wasn't a very good first impression." He said simply. Rosie waved a hand dismissively. "It's not important. What is important is you staying safe. So be smart. That's all I'm going to say. I'll see what I can do to help you. Do not engage in any way unless I permit you to do so!" She said. Giving him a stern look. "Right..." was all Alastor said. Rosie nodded her head and turned to leave.

Anthony closed the front door behind him and walked inside. Molly looking him up and down. "Jesus Tony, how many did you end up havin? Last I checked a smoke only really takes a few minutes." She said with a smirk. Anthony shook his head. "Me and Alastor ended up talkin for a bit. Anyways, I'll be a minute." Anthony walked into the kitchen to grab the bottle of pills. It would be easier until he got his own to just have them in his room. "Uh...Tony, you're not due to take another one for an hour. She said nervously. Anthony shook his head. "Mollz, I'm just takin em upstairs." He said simply, before walking up the steps. Closing his bedroom door and sitting in his bed. He couldn't help but wonder what on earth they were talking about. What were they both so concerned about? Anthony sighed, laying back on his bed. Looking down at the bottle still in his hands, he thought for a second. 'what molly doesn't know won't hurt her.' He thought to himself, opening the bottle.

Alastor stared at the picture from the article, the blurry image only causing him to feel more tense, quickly looking around his room. "If you're here. I told you to stay away from us." He said, trying to keep his voice steady. The lights flickered a bit as he felt cold claw like hands on his shoulders. "Thought we would check on you, five years is a long time." Alastor quickly pulled away, turning around to see...nothing. "I'm not playing games with you!" He yelled. If anyone had heard him, no doubt you would have sounded crazy. "This isn't a game. You know what we want, and you're only wasting time.  Twelve years isn't much time Alastor. So choose how you spend them wisely." And with that, the lights came on again. Alastor frantically looking around. This wasn't good, not at all.

Elisabeth got off the street car and started home, walking down the streets up to her own front door. Alastor stood in the kitchen cooking when she arrived. "Oh, evening Alastor." She called from the doorway to the room. Alastor turned to face her, smiling as he usually was. "Evening mama! I trust you had a good day?" He asked, moving to hug her. Elisabeth was surprised by the contact, Alastor not normally being the type to show physical affection, but embraced it anyways. "Yes, my day was just swell. How are you?" She asked. Alastor's hold on her almost tightened at her answer, not wanting to let her go. Elisabeth gently tapping on his back. "You can let go if me now my dear." She said quietly. Alastor slowly pulled back. "Apologies, my day had been fine." He said briefly. Elisabeth cocked a brow. "Is something bothering you?" She asked. She wasn't sure why, but something felt wrong. He wasn't telling her something, and she knew it. "Everything is fine mama! More than fine." He snapped back. Elisabeth was taken aback by the tone. Clearly he was upset, and she wasn't about to pry and start an argument. So she simply nodded and left. Alastor wasn't one to get mad, but she knew it was still a possibility if she pushed him for an answer. So she chose to leave it, for now.

Alastor watched silently as his mother left the room. He didn't want her to leave, not at all. He didn't want to have to go to work tomorrow, if he was gone and something happened, he wouldn't be here to stop it. Everything he feared about the entity was returning to his mind. Especially it's threats, what it would do to the people he cared about if he wasn't careful. The clock was ticking away and he wasn't sure what would happen when his time reached zero. Would he lose her? Would he lose his life? His sanity? Himself? What happened when his time was up? He could only wonder. Rosie's words played like a broken record in his mind. "Don't let it get to your head." He wanted to listen to her, but too much was on the line now. He couldn't help the helpless feeling of fear he had. Worst of all, he wasn't sure if there was anything he could do to stop it.

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