An Evening Out

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!TW! Grief, mentions of withdrawal. Less intense chapter this time I think. Not sure though

Rosie cleared the table, carefully walking the dishes into the kitchen. Hearing Alastor walk down the stairs and outside, she paused. She really did feel terrible for him. The only issue she had with her relationship with Alastor, is he still hesitated to be open with her. She wanted to help him too, but he just wouldn't allow her. And that was fine, she just wished he would. Anthony was starting to improve, so maybe Alastor would be fine as well. She knew Alastor. So she knew how badly he wanted things to be normal again. All he wants is for life to be normal. Slowly setting down the dishes on the counter, she leaned forward, elbows propping up her head as she pushed her hair back. Slowly moving her hands down to hide most of her face.

Rosie never said this to anyone. Not Elisabeth, not Alastor, not her shadow. But to know Alastor's life, was it's own burden. She wanted him to be happy, she cared about him. But to live every day of her life, aware of the exact date they would lose him. It plagued her thoughts. She couldn't even imagine what it was like to be Alastor in this situation. Of course, she knew Alastor most likely would out live her. No one lasts forever, and Rosie was getting on in her years already. But Anthony or Elisabeth? She could only hope, the last thing she wanted was for his final years to be spent alone. It hurt to think of any pain coming to him. She wanted to talk to someone, she had for a long time. But no one else should carry a burden like she and Alastor shared. She-

"Ro?" At hearing Elisabeth's voice, Rosie jolted a bit. The woman's hand quickly but gently taking her shoulder. "Hey hey hey... are you alright?" The brunette asked, placing her other hand on the blonde's shoulder. Rosie sighed, standing up straight again. "Yes I'm alright lissie, you know me. I'm always fine." She said dismissively, starting on the dishes again. Elisabeth frowned, taking a step back. "Okay, we'll that was just a lie." She snapped back, leaning against the wall. "Rosie, I know you. You aren't one to sulk, unless something is wrong." She said simply. Rosie stood silently, before turning to walk away. "Elisa, it really is nothing. I'm just tired." She said quickly. Elisabeth sighed, turning to look at her. "You are a terrible liar Rosie. And I don't need you becoming distant with me too. We could always talk, please, talk to me." She said, tone softening slightly as she pushed herself off the wall to fully face her. With a long exhale, Rosie turned around to look at her. "I'm just...worried, about the future, for this family. No one in this house is not breaking the law." She said honestly, to her own surprise. It wasn't like she wanted to lie to Elisabeth. But she did make a promise. Elisabeth shook her head, smoothing out her skirt before she answered. "We will all be fine. Alastor and Anthony have safely been together for over three years. It will all be okay." Rosie stood quietly for a moment. Before taking a step forward and leaning down to wrap both arms around Elisabeth. No words were exchanged as the brunette returned the embrace. "I promise you lissie, I would do anything and everything to protect your family." She muttered, eyes closing as she continued to hold onto her. Elisabeth shook her head, adjusting her arms a little before answering. "Rosie dear, this is just as much your family too. Don't forget that."

Anthony blinked his eyes, as he was slowly pulled into the waking world. Sitting himself up to look around. He still felt overheated, the mild burning was still there, and his head was splitting. But... he felt okay other than that. Slowly turning to the edge of the bed, he set his feet down on the floor as he attempted to stand. Holding the headboard to keep him balanced as he took a few seconds to get used to it again. After maybe a minute, he slowly pushed off of it, keeping a hand against the wall as he walked to the door.

Slowly but surely walking down the hallway, it felt good just to be up and out of that room. Carefully walking down the steps, he looked up. Eyes locking with Elisabeth's as she stared at him. "Angel, darling, why are you up?" She asked, quickly walking up the steps to where he was. Anthony shook his head. "Just, felt like walking I guess." He replied, as Elisabeth wrapped his other arm around her shoulders to help him balance more. With the high temperature, came a lot of disoriented vision. As much as she wanted Anthony to be able to walk on his own, it wasn't a good idea yet. "No no, Elisa I just wanna go downstairs. A few minutes, that all." She shook her head, turning to walk down the rest of the steps. "Alright dear, but you are still resting." Anthony gave a small smile, nodding as they walked into the lounge. Once he was sitting down, Elisabeth walked to open a window. Taking a deep breath, the blonde leaned back against the couch. It felt better to just be downstairs and doing something other than sitting in his room. After a few minutes, he got this feeling. Like eyes were on him, turning to look at the kitchen doorway, he saw Rosie standing there. Grey eyes watching him intently. He didn't really know what to do, so he just waved.

Rosie stepped into the room, sitting down next to him. She didn't say anything yet, just watching his hands. Anthony wasn't sure what to make of the situation, so he decided to speak first. "Hi?" The woman leaned back against the couch. "Yes, hello."

Alastor sat under the tree, he sat there for a long time. For a topic he considered himself over, he still felt sick at the details. He knew his time wasn't for years, but still. Anything could happen that day. And he couldn't risk that. What if something happens to him? He didn't have time to think about this. He didn't. What was he thinking? His death is in eight years. No matter what happens here, it can't lead to his death. Standing up, he started home. 'It's just impossible.' At least, that's what he told himself. Walking home, he found himself looking over his shoulder a few times. He hadn't been so on edge since the first months of his shadow. Climbing the few steps on his porch, he pulled the front door open. Immediately being met with his mother who was walking upstairs. "Evening mama." He called up, the woman turning to look at him. "Welcome home dear, Rosie is asleep so try to be quiet." She warned, continuing to walk up the stairs. With that, Alastor didn't answer. Already deciding to let his mother go rest as well. Walking down the front hall, his eyes briefly caught Anthony sitting in the lounge reading. He continued to walk like it was nothing, before the image registered in his mind. Stepping back to the doorway, his expression softened. The blonde looking up and waving at him. Walking into the room, he sat down next to him, watching as Anthony closed the book and put it down. "Nice to see you downstairs." He said, adjusting an arm to be around Anthony's shoulders. "Feels nice too. Had to get outa there." The blonde replied with a smile, leaning against him. "Where have you been?" Suddenly that sinking feeling returned, even if it had sufficed only a moment before. "Oh- well....I was just on a walk." Anthony just looked at him for a minute, Alastor was not entirely sure what he was thinking, and it almost bothered him. Even if that worry died down only a moment later when the blonde wrapped both arms around him. "I'm sorry about all this, and before you tell me 'it's okay' again. It really isn't. And if you don't trust me anymore that is okay. I just want you, your mom, and Rosie too I guess.... To know I'm sorry."

There was a pause, Alastor stopping to think everything he said over. Smile faltering into something more sympathetic as he raised a hand to hold one of Anthony's. "Thank you. And while I still trust you, I will admit I am still hurt by this. But that doesn't mean I won't trust you anymore. And I know you are sorry." He replied quietly. The blonde simply nodded at his answer, leaning against him. "Al, thank you. And I promise I'm never gonna do something stupid like that again... and when this is all over, I wanna just live out the rest of my life right here with you." Alastor couldn't help the smile on his face, despite the topic, the last sentence was what really got him. "You would really stay forever?" He asked. Anthony was quiet for a second, before looking up at him. "This is what I want Al, not some kill job, not to work with people I hate.....not...with molly." There was clear hesitance in the last words, but he pushed through anyways. "Not with family who won't support me. They made their choice. And who fucking needs 'em anyways." He finished, sitting up to actually face him. "This." He muttered, bringing both hands to hold the brunette's face. "You're what I want." Alastor didn't waste any time, to lean up and place a kiss to his lover's lips. Pulling back quickly to speak. "And that feeling is mutual." He muttered, before pulling the blonde in to connect their lips once again.

HEY! Holy FUCK guys.

I am so sorry this took as long as it did.
Anyways, here
Writers block is a mother fucker and I'm also very sad A LOT But I'm back! So it's okay I think. Anyways, sorry about the wait. Imma try to start another chapter. Hopefully this one won't take two and a half fucking months ;-;

-your local lunatic

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