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Alastor pulled the boy slightly closer to him. Being very gentle now, with his newfound knowledge of his burns. Only pulling away every couple of seconds to breath. Immediately diving back into the kiss.

To say Anthony was happy was an understatement. He was over the moon at the events unfolding before him. Something he had wanted so much for so long. And now it was all real, and his for the taking. Resting his hands on Alastor's shoulders, he pulled back slightly. Simply admiring his friend for a moment. "What't'd I do to deserve this...?" He mumbled, hand gently tracing Alastor's jawline. "I could ask the same thing." The brunette whispered back. Anthony was almost giddy at it. His words, the affection, everything. God was he ever glad he came over.

Eventually Alastor sat up. "Well...Anthony." He said, stopping to clear his throat. "I'd hate to cut this short, but my mother will be returning shortly. And we've both agreed to be careful. So it's best we take the safe route and put this on hold." He said simply. Anthony nodded, brushing his hair out of his face. "Yeah, you're right." Alastor smiled to himself, looking down at his hands, slowly taking Anthony's. "If you would like. You may come back tomorrow. We could discuss this further." He said, examining the freckles that were scattered on his wrists. "Okay, yeah. I'd like that Al." He said softly. Standing up and walking to the door. "This was...somethin else Alastor. Thanks for havin me." He said, reaching for the doorknob. Alastor watched as Anthony stepped out.

Alastor sighed, leaning further back against the couch. His smile only growing as the events of his visit set in. He couldn't help the giddy excitement he had. Anthony wanted him, and he wanted Anthony. This worked out so perfectly. Alastor sat up, he wanted to be able to tell his mother all about it. Before realizing everything wrong with telling her. While it was a disappointment, he wouldn't let it ruin his mood. Cheerfully getting up and walking upstairs, writing it down wasn't the exact same as telling someone. But it was close enough for him.

Anthony opened the door to his home. That smile still on his face, humming to himself as he walked inside and to the kitchen. Molly was making herself a tea when her twin arrived. She was about to greet him when she noticed he was...humming? Molly remained silent, simply watching him. Anthony opened the cupboard and got the painkillers out. Finally catching on to the eyes watching him. "Hey molly!" He almost sang. He couldn't help the happy feeling he had. Today's events were nothing short of magic to him. Molly had the most dumbfounded expression on her face. "Hey Tony...I take it you had a nice visit?" She asked. If it were anyone else it wouldn't have felt so weird and new. But this was Anthony, he was never like this. Especially not at home. "More than nice!" He said cheerfully. Lucio walked in to ask molly about plans for the evening. When he saw Anthony. "Oh, Tony. You're back! How's Alastor?" He asked. "He's doin great, everything is great!" He said, again in that happy, almost sing-song ish voice. Lucio immediately looked at Molly. She gave him a shrug before they turned their attention back to their brother, who was taking the painkillers. "That's great're in a good mood t'day." Lucio said hesitantly. "Yes I am!" He said, smile only seeming to grow. Lucio's facial expression changed from shock to concern. "Tony, serious question. Are you high?" He asked slowly. Anthony stopped, mid putting the bottle away. Turning to face them, smile falling. "What? Lucio I'm not high. What the heck? What gave you that idea?" He asked, brows furrowing at the topic. "Nothing Tony. Just making sure. You're not normally like..." he said, motioning to Anthony. "This." Anthony rolled his eyes, reaching to put the pills away and closing the cupboard. "Is seeing me happy really that rare to you guys?" He asked, every bit of joy in his voice subsiding back to his normal one. " And it's not that we don't like seein you happy! It just...hasn't happened in a while." Molly said quietly. Anthony sighed, Turing to look at them. "Well I guess you should get used to it. And don't even go there with the drugs. You both know I'm better than that." He said, frustration clear at the very idea. Molly nodded quickly. Lucio sighed, running a hand through his hair. "Sorry about that, just wanted to be sure. I trust you, don't worry." He said, putting his hands up as if he were surrendering. Anthony gave him a nod, before walking upstairs.

Lucio waited until Anthony had left the room before turning to molly. "Is it just me, or does this place seriously do something to him?" He asked. Molly clapped her hands. "Lucio! This is a good thing! I told you coming back was what he needed." She said happily. "Yeah, I didn't think it would happen so quickly. We really should have come back a long time ago." He said, glancing at the doorway behind him where Anthony had exited. Molly's smile only grew. "At this rate, he'll be back to his old self in no time! This is it! We're getting our brother back!" She said. Lucio nodded his head, before picking her up and spinning her around. Lucio didn't normally find himself like this, all excited. But in the moment it couldn't be helped. Setting his sister back down, she pulled him into a hug. "Everything is gonna go back to normal. You'll see."

Anthony closed the door to his room. Looking out the window to see the house standing next to his. Smile crossing his face again as he sighed. Today had been perfect, better than perfect. Alastor knew everything. He had nothing left to to hide from him, Alastor excepted him and the entirety of what had happened. And best of all, had made it clear he liked him in a similar way. Laying back on his bed, laughing lightly to himself as he stared at the ceiling. This was too good. Things were finally going well for him.

When their father returned, molly was just starting dinner. He walked into the kitchen to greet her. Seeing her and Lucio happily talking to each other. "Evenin." Was all he decided to say. Molly turned, smile very present on her face. "Evenin pops! How was your day?" She asked cheerfully. "It was fine, yours? I trust you and your Lucio didn't get into trouble." He said, it was sort of a joke. But he also very much meant it. "Not at all! We were home all day! Anthony went to Alastor's for a bit. Oh my goodness pops you should have seen him!" She said, smile only growing. "What's she talkin about?" He asked, turning to face Lucio. "I swear it's the first time in years I've seen him like it. He was happy pops, for real. Not like when we were in New York." He said, still amazed himself. Henry turned to look up at the ceiling, already knowing Anthony was upstairs. "Really. Well, that's a nice change." He said simply. Molly turned to her brother. "Lucio, would'ja get him? I'm ready to start setting to table." She asked, wiping her hands off with a rag. "Okay. One second." He said, standing up. Molly smiled at her father, nothing short of giddy. "Isn't that good news?" She asked. Turning to get some plates. "It is." He said. Yes, he didn't get along with Anthony. But illness or no illness, this was still his son. So he was glad to know he was doing well. Anthony walked down the stairs into the kitchen. Going to help molly set the table. "Evening Anthony." He said as the blonde entered. Anthony turned to face him cutlery in hand. The most surprised look on his face. 'First Alastor, now my father acknowledging me? Could this day get any better?!' He thought. "I take it you had a good day." He said simply. Anthony's face lit up. "Yes sir!"

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