For Anthony

227 10 11

!TW! Discussion of drug use and violence

Anthony folded the dress and put it away with his other clothes. Walking to the dresser, he pulled his drawer open and pulled out a lighter and spare box of cigarettes. Taking one out and putting the box away, opening the window next to Alastor's bed and sitting next to it. Cigarette's, something Anthony wouldn't have realized he was addicted to, only because they were considered normal in his mind. But now they hardly did anything for him. No surprise, he craved something a lot stronger. Yes, he was taught that this sort of thing can be dangerous. But it did more than just make him forget. It gave him a sense of power. One he didn't have when he was with his father. That he got to decide when he felt that bliss. It was up to him. All of which just piled onto why he needed it so much. That was one of the only drawbacks of living here. It wasn't a safe space to do it. He was left alone more often then not in that house. Here, he wouldn't be able to hide it. Unfortunately that was just the case, so it had to wait for late at night, or going out and doing it somewhere else. Crushing the cigarette and flicking it away he stood up, brushing himself down, now wearing his normal clothes, and walking to the door.

Walking down the steps to see Alastor and his mother. He waved at them briefly before continuing on to the front door. "Angel where are you going?" Elisabeth asked as she got up to walk to the front hallway. "Just on a walk, I won't be long." Anthony closed the door behind him and walked away. He was in a fairly good mood that day, the dress was just too good on him. And the amount of praise he received for merely existing in the outfit has really made his day. It was hot out, New Orleans weather always had been that way though. Summers could quickly become unbearable to anyone. He could recall the first summer back, how he couldn't believe just how hot it had gotten. So used to the New York weather. There was a thought. When he moved back. It had been three years by now. Three years. Had it really been that long? It was like he was still nineteen a few days ago to him. But he was glad he was the man he was now. Compared to then, he was so much better. Confident, free, and happy. He felt happy. His old family was a distant memory to him, he could live now. This was perfect. Life was...perfect.

Alastor sat down on his bed, feeling his neck with a content sigh. Today had been very entertaining for him, and so far was in a very good mood. Sitting back against the headboard, he thought over how he could make the day just a bit better for Anthony. It was nothing but the best for him. He smiled to himself at the mere thought of him. Just three years ago he could never imagine himself in this position. Especially not with another man. But here he was, and this was the happiest he had felt in a long time. He was living. He was living. Anthony made his life worth while. He had his family. And he wouldn't give them up for the world. He would stick with them, up until the end. Nine years, make them count. Sitting up, he noted that the window was open, pulling the drawer of his side table open he took out his box of cigarette only to find it empty. He rolled his eyes, putting it down on the top and stood up, walking to the dresser. He knew Anthony kept a spare box, and his lover wouldn't mind if he took one. Pulling it open, and moving a few shirts aside, he eventually found it. Taking one out and putting it between his lips, he went to put everything back how he found it before something caught his eye.

Alastor slowly took the bag of pills out of the drawer, examining them closely. No label, no proper packaging, nothing. Anthony never mentioned these. He glanced at the door, snapping his fingers to summon the entity. The shadowy figure appeared beside him, turning its head to look at the brunette. "You called?" Alastor held the bag out for it to see. "What is this?" He asked. The shadow took one look at the bag before answering. "Phencyclidine. It's a psychedelic used in some painkillers. This is concentrate though." Alastor was silent. He stared at the entity blankly as it stared back. "Why does he have this?" He asked calmly. The entity was quiet, staring at him. "...Alastor. We have made mistakes in the past. We have hurt you with information about the future, and this will-" "Please, just tell me." The shadow sighed, looking up at him. "They have a very strong effect on the human mind. It can cause people to forget, hallucinate, have more erratic or out of character behaviours, and can distort your view of reality. Making someone either paranoid, violent, or feel weightless and even invincible. It's very dangerous to use like this, and Anthony unfortunately has grown dependent on them for his own peace of mind."

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