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!TW! Mentions of abuse

Alastor bolted up the stairs at the sound of Anthony yelling for him, throwing his bedroom door open, Elisabeth following close behind him.

Anthony was completely frozen as he stared at the entity, it was just inches from his face. He couldn't even breath. Alastor quickly walked over. "Oh my god! Give him some space!" He yelled. The shadow quickly backed up, Alastor sitting next to the blonde. "Anthony darling, are you okay?" He asked softly. Anthony slowly turned his head to look at him. "W-what is that?" He asked, raising a hand to point at the being not far from them. "It's my shadow Anthony. It won't hurt you, I'm sorry I didn't think it would follow you." He said, glancing back at it. Glaring daggers at the entity. "Look at what you've done." Alastor practically growled at it. Anthony grabbed the brunettes shirt, clutching onto it tightly. "Why is it here? What is it?!" He asked. Alastor put an arm around the blonde. "Anthony, I practise voodoo. This is something I summoned a few years ago. It doesn't want to hurt you." Alastor whispered to him. Anthony stared off into space wide eyed. The whole situation made his head hurt more than it already did. Alastor stared at his shadow for a moment, listening intently to what it was saying before leaning his head next to Anthony's. "It's sorry. I know you had no knowledge of it existing, but it missed you." He said, merely repeating what it said. Anthony shook his head. "No, no...we've met. I saw it that why is it staring at me?" He asked. Alastor sighed, letting the blonde rest his head against his chest. "I know it's a lot to process..." he started. Anthony shut his eyes, shaking his head. "This isn't helping my headache...Jesus Christ." He muttered. Alastor ran a hand through his hair. Other hand remaining around his back. "Would you like something for that? I'm sure we have painkillers downstairs...." Alastor started. The shadow immediately sat up straighter at the mention of painkillers. "Mama, could you maybe get him one?" Alastor asked. Elisabeth nodded and left the room.

The shadow disappeared from Alastor's room and reappeared in front of Elisabeth as she reached the top of the stairs. Grabbing her shoulders and shaking its head. Elisabeth brushed it aside and kept walking. All the while the shadow followed her down the stairs, trying to get her to stop walking. Elisabeth turned to face it, look of disapproval crossing her face. "Can I help you?" She asked. The shadow shook its head quickly. Motioning at the stairs, desperately trying to communicate with her. "Can you tell me after I get this for Anthony?" She asked. The shadow appeared in the kitchen before she could get there, taking their new bottle of painkillers before Elisabeth could get them. "Okay you little devil. Now is not the time for games. You scared the poor dear, now let me have them!" She commanded simply. The shadow shook it's head against. "Give them to me." She repeated. Hesitantly, the shadow looked down at the bottle, setting it on the counter and disappearing.

Alastor remained next to Anthony as the blonde tried to get control of his breathing again. "It scared me too when I first saw it." He said, pressing a kiss to the top of his head. Anthony played with the collar of Alastor's shirt, smile crossing his face. Unable to help but laugh a little. Alastor glanced down at him in confusion. "What is funny dear?" Anthony shook his head. "Who knows..." he muttered. While that answer didn't make any sense to Alastor. He decided not to question it. Elisabeth returned with the pills and a glass of water, setting them on the nightstand. "I'm downstairs if you boys need me." She said, before leaving the room again. Anthony reached for the pills, unscrewing the lid and pouring a few into his hand, Alastor watched intently, as Anthony reached to put the bottle down Alastor stopped him. "Anthony, that's not how many you're supposed be to take." He said, immediately noting Anthony's confused expression. "Really..? What's the amount?" He asked. Alastor cocked a brow, reaching to take two of the four pills he had in this hand. "Two dear. I don't think taking double of that is good for you." He said, pouring the other two back in the bottle and setting it aside. "Oh, sorry my heads kinda slow right now. I think I'm just tired." Anthony sighed, taking the pills and leaning further into the brunette. "I just wanna sleep..." he mumbled into his shirt. "Then you should. I won't keep you." He said simply, standing up and letting the blonde get comfortable. Anthony glanced at Alastor, eyelids already becoming heavy. "Hey smiles?" He called, Alastor glanced back at him. "Yes?" He called back. "Can you stay a little longer?" The blonde asked, looking at the brunette who stood halfway to the door. "Of course dear." He said, walking back and kneeling down next to the bed.

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