The walk

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Elisabeth watched as the door closed. Alastor moving to sit back down on the couch. Her smile fell into a more confused look. "Did I say something?" She asked, nervously looking over at her son. "No mama. He's been here for a while." Alastor said, adjusting his position a bit. " was nice to see him I suppose." She said, disappointment clear on her face. "Mama, like you said, he just needs some time. He told me himself he found yesterday overwhelming. So much so he had to step away. Perhaps that was what happened here." He said, waving a hand dismissively. "Yes I know, you're probably right." She looked back at the door and then to Alastor. "You should invite him to go to the old park. That might help him feel more comfortable. We'll give him time, but that doesn't mean we can't help things along!"

Lucio and molly sat at the table having coffee. When the door quickly opened and shut. Both of them getting a quick view from the doorway of Anthony quickly going upstairs. Lucio set his cup down, looking from the doorframe to molly. "Should we ask?" He said in a whisper. Molly sighed. "I sent him over to see Alastor. Maybe things didn't go well. Let's give him a minute." Lucio nodded. "Do you think he's behaving this way because of the incidents?" He asked, leaning a little closer to molly so he could try to remain as quiet as possible. Molly thought for a moment before answering. "Maybe, I would be worried about my friends knowing too. Is this something we should bring up with him?" She asked just as quietly. Lucio slowly got up. "I'm gonna talk to him. Give him another painkiller maybe, lord knows he'll need it." He said as he walked into the kitchen. Molly sighed and nodded. Cursing under her breath a few times.

Lucio knocked quietly on Anthony's door. "Tony, can I come in?" He asked. "Sure." Lucio opened the door, closing it behind him. "How did it go at Alastor's?" He asked, looking across the room at Anthony. Who was sitting at his desk, simply reading. "It went great. He hadn't changed very much at all." He said simply. Lucio took a sigh of relief, setting the pill on the desk. "How are you feeling?" He asked, kneeling next to him. "I'm fine. You don't gotta keep asking." Anthony groaned, not looking up from his book. Lucio nodded, taking the book from him. "Do you need anything?" Anthony narrowed his eyes at him. "Lucio, I get your trying to be helpful. But we've done this before. This is not and different. Please, just leave it alone." Lucio sat quietly next to him. Before taking a deep breath. "We all know you don't care anymore. But I do. And I'm not going to 'leave it alone'." He said, turning his brothers head to face him. "And you're not going to push us away this time."

Alastor stepped, it was already growing dark. And was growing colder despite the warm spring weather they had been having all week. Humming softly too himself. As he walked past his neighbour's hours he could hear some kind of commotion inside. But decided it was next not to intrude by how loud the yelling actually was. Quickly moving past the house he found his way to the park. Due to the late hour it was empty, no one else but him. As he trailed through the familiar slightly forested area, he found the spot he was searching for. Settling himself under the tree he and Anthony had climbed so many times as children. It always brought him a sense of comfort when he was lonely, reminding him of his one good friend he had all those years ago. Although this time around it almost was better, knowing that said friend, was just next door to him. In that house....where people where yelling..and. Alastor looked in the direction of his street. Wondering what it could have been about. He wouldn't intrude on their business, but he couldn't help but wonder. What was it they were so worked up about? Who were the ones yelling? His smile falling slightly at the thought. He didn't like the idea of Anthony fighting with someone. But that very well could have been the case.

Anthony practically threw the door to his house open, booking it down the street. Molly running out into the street after him. "Anthony! He didn't mean it!" She called as loudly as she could. Lucio running out after her. But Anthony was already gone from their line of vision. "Which way did he go?" He asked quickly. Molly pointed up the street. Lucio took a deep breath, before looking at the doorway where their father was standing watching them. "What's wrong with you?!" Molly yelled, pointing at him with narrowed eyes. He only kept a straight face, staring at them. Lucio had to keep a lot of things he wanted to say in his head. Which was much more difficult for him at the moment. "It's not my fault he's like this, he's overreacting. If he comes back, tell him he's not welcome back until we've had a chance to cool down." Was all their father said before walking inside. Leaving Lucio and molly staring at the now shut door.

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