Never again

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!TW! Suggestive topics, drug use

Ten years

It was March 17th
13 months since Anthony left.

Day to day life was exactly the same. Semi bland, but still bearable. He missed the boy with every passing moment, but he couldn't do anything about it. Often referencing him in his radio shows. But sometimes he had to keep himself from becoming overly emotional with it. Often asking if himself if his lover could possibly have been listening.

He wasn't in much of a rush to get home, he never thought his old life was so boring, but now that Anthony was no longer a part of it, he realized just how much he affected his routine. Hardly a word from the blonde, every time he asked molly she said he was fine. Then again, he didn't know where she was getting that information, whether or not it was through family or Anthony himself. The very idea that he couldn't be sure worried him. Of course, Alastor wasn't miserable the entire year. He just took a few weeks to adjust. He found himself pining over the blonde more than he used to, almost craving him. Wondering if he changed much, how he was feeling, if he was enjoying the time out of town. Thoughts he had when Anthony moved the first time all resurfaced into a new context.
Alastor got off the street car and walked up the street to his house, work was the same as any other day. He was looking forward to just spending his night with his mother. Unlocking the front door and stepping into the house, his mother quickly walked over to him. "Welcome home my darling! How was work?" She asked, wide smile on her face. "Fine as usual. How are you?" He asked. "I'm doing just splendid! If you wouldn't mind coming with me." She said cheerfully. Alastor examined her facial expression a little further. "Mama, have you been crying?" He asked nervously. Elisabeth gave a small laugh. "Yes, but it's nothing bad." She said, stopping in the lounge. "Please wait right here, don't move." She said briefly, before walking into the kitchen. Alastor watched her with a confused look, putting his hands in his pockets as he waited. What on earth was she doing? He heard soft footsteps behind him, before he could react a pair of gloved hands covered his eyes.

"Guess who!"

Alastor froze, feeling his breath catch in his throat. "Oh my god..." he muttered. "Ya got one minute, whats your answer?" Alastor couldn't help the smile on his face. "I know your voice anywhere darling. So I don't even need to guess. You're my Anthony." He said quickly. The blonde removed his hands from his eyes, Alastor turning around quickly to face him. Anthony stared up at him, his hair was a bit longer, he was dressed slightly more formally than his normal attire. He had a small cut on his cheek but nothing huge. Alastor stared back at him just registering the changes in his appearance, far to shocked to say anything yet. "Hey smiles..." Anthony muttered quietly. The stare and lack of words starting to worry him. "I know, I'm sorry. I promise I ain't leavin ya again. I just wanted this one thing. I'm here to stay this time and-" Alastor cut him off, quickly grabbing his waist and pulling him into a long lasting kiss. Anthony was a caught off guard by the suddenness of it, but relaxed almost immediately, wrapping his arms around his neck. Alastor didn't ever want to let go of him, but eventually he released the kiss his for air. "You're finally back..." he breathed out, slightly out of breath. Anthony nodded, staring into Alastor's eyes with every bit of affection that had been pent up over the past few months. "And I ain't leavin ya ever again." Alastor couldn't help the smile on his face, brushing his hair out of his face. "I've missed you so much." Anthony nodded a few times. "I know...I missed you too." Alastor pulled Anthony a little closer, if that was even possible. Practically smothering the blonde in kisses. Anthony sighed, relaxing into the arms of his lover after so long of being apart.

Elisabeth watched them from the doorway, a content and happy look on her face. Maybe things would go back to normal now. She was beyond excited, seeing Alastor this happy at finally getting to see the boy again. "Angel, you don't know how happy we are to have you." She called. Alastor momentarily pulled back, glancing back at his mother before his eyes fell on Anthony again. "Yes. This is amazing. You're finally back." Alastor said quietly. Anthony nodded a few times. "Like I said, I ain't leavin ya ever again." Alastor took Anthony's hands and pulled him over to the couch to sit down, quickly taking a place beside him. "Do you want anything boys?" She asked, turning to walk back into the kitchen. Alastor glanced down at Anthony. "Do you need anything mon Cher?" He asked. Anthony huffed a laugh at the name, cheeks going a shade of pink. "I'm okay." He replied simply, taking this chance to cuddle up to the brunette. He was pretty touch deprived the entire year, so he was planning to make up for it now. Alastor took Anthony's hand, removing his glove and putting it aside. Simply just wanting to hold his actual hand. Anthony smirked, tilting his head back to look at him. "Just as handsome as I remembered." He said, more to himself. But he definitely wanted Alastor to hear it. "And you, your hair has gotten quite long." He said, slowly putting down the blonde's hand to run his fingers through his hair. "Yeah...kept forgettin to cut it. I dunno I like it." He said quietly. Alastor smirked. "Well, be ready for mama to insist on styling it some day soon." Anthony shook his head, fiddling with a piece of it. "Well damn...I guess I'm screwed."

Alastor and Anthony didn't move from their spots on the couch or conversation for a good couple of hours. Not that either of them minded, they needed this time to catch up. Elisabeth sat with them for a while, simply having her share of conversation with Anthony before she eventually let them be and got ready for her night shift at work.
Alastor's shadow definitely came around for a while, it had Alastor translate a few sentences to the blonde before it eventually disappeared. Overall the were just happy he had returned.

It was around eleven at night when Alastor reached back to turn the radio off, before adjusting his arms around Anthony's back, who was laying on top of him as Alastor sat against the arm of the couch. "You're so beautiful amore." Anthony muttered, Alastor almost didn't hear it, but he couldn't help but smile at his words. "Not as much as you Cher." He replied just as quietly. Rubbing circles on his back. "I missed this. Spendin this time with ya." Alastor nodded, smile faltering. "I missed this too. But let's not talk about that. You're here now, that's what matters." Anthony propped himself up on his arms and pressed a quick kiss to the brunettes lips. "So, what'd'ya wanna do?" He asked. "I'm good with anythin, I could stay like this forever. I just don't want ya to get bored." He said simply. Alastor thought for a minute. "We could always stay like this, or we could make up for lost time." He said, lifting the blonde's hand a placing a few kisses to the base of his fingers. "Oh? What'd'ya have in mind?"

Okay. Lets leave these two alone. Let them hang out a little longer. We all know they are just vibing together, nothing else at all, one hundred percent will not be escalating into anything.

Alastor and Anthony sat on his bed, Anthony placing one final kiss to his cheek before laying down next to him. "Now that is something I definitely missed." He muttered breathlessly. Alastor smirked, adjusting his position to lay down with him. "Yes I'll admit, I've missed it too." He replied simply, turning a bit to face him. "Overall I just missed you." He continued, smile crossing his face. Anthony reached a hand up to cup his cheek. "Well, as promised, we got the rest of eternity to be together." The brunette nodded, smiling to himself. "Yes, let's make the most of it...and Anthony." The blonde turned to face him. "Yeah baby?" He asked. "I'm proud of you, for what you did. I know what could have happened. That was very brave." Anthony bit his lip, shutting his eyes and giving him a small nod. "Thank you Alastor." He said, pushing himself up to stand. "I just gotta go do something and then I'll come back."

He would never. Say this out loud. To anyone, especially not Alastor. But he wasn't at all satisfied with himself even after doing work for his dad. And he couldn't understand it. He was so sure this was what would do it. He had spent so much of his life feeling like he something was missing, and he was so sure it was his father's approval. It was just eating him up inside. Maybe he just hadn't gained real approval? He got acknowledged by his father every now and again the past few days...he wasn't pretending he didn't exist as much. So why didn't he feel happy yet? What was he doing wrong? Five years of convincing himself that all it would take was this job and everything would go back to normal, before his dad knew he was gay. So...why didn't things change? This had all led up to a certain sense of comfort, a newly discovered way to make him feel less. That numbness he craved constantly.

Reaching into his bag he took a out a bag of pills, leaning against the wall as he took out two, unlike the painkillers these changed everything. And once he started he had no idea how he lived without them before. And he didn't fear the effects they had. After all...

He was the one controlling this.

He could stop...whenever he wanted.

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