Early morning

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By the time Anthony woke up, it was still pretty early. Looking around as his eyes adjusted to the light. Almost completely forgetting where he was for a moment. Slowly sitting up, noticing how much of his hair was in his face. He never got bed head, so this was new. Pushing it out of his face, he looked down at Alastor. Smile crossing his face at the sight of him still asleep. It was nice, one of those nights where you don't dream. In his mind, dreamless nights were the best nights. Leaning down to press a few kisses to Alastor's cheek, slowly trailing down. Alastor blinked his eyes, the faint feeling of the gesture helping pull him into consciousness. Turning his head slightly to be facing up, seeing Anthony just above him, propped up on his elbows. "Mornin handsome." He said, leaning down to press a kiss to his nose. Alastor smiled to himself, reaching up to run a hand through the blonde's messy hair. "Good morning to you." He said groggily, still not entirely awake yet. "Did'ja sleep well? Again, hope I didn't make Ya go numb." Anthony asked quietly. Leaning into Alastor's hand a little. "Not at all my dear." He said. That was a new name for him, but it felt natural to call him that. Alastor pondered for a moment on whether or not he should tell Anthony about what had happened. From what he knew, Anthony didn't even know the shadow existed. And it may be a bit unsettling to know a shadow entity was playing with his hair whilst he was sleeping. "I slept just fine, thank you." He said, leaning up a bit to press a quick kiss to his lips. Anthony leaned into the kiss. Cupping the mans cheeks as he did so. It felt different now that they were actually together, but it was a good different in his mind. Moving to sit up, bringing to blonde with him. Alastor reached a hand up to fix his hair, breaking the kiss as he did so. "Did you sleep well?" The brunette asked, eyes finding Anthony's once again. "I slept perfect." He said cheerfully. Alastor smirked, eyes wandering to his messy blonde hair. God it bothered him, knowing that that thing was so bold as to even get near him.

Anthony watched as Alastor's smile fell a bit, following his gaze to his own hair. "Sorry, I'll fix it." He said, slightly embarrassed. Alastor shook his head. "No no, it's fine Anthony. I was just thinking." He said, bringing a hand up to fix his hair slightly, brushing a few stray pieces out of his face. "Somethin botherin ya?" Anthony asked, leaning in a bit to cup his cheeks. "Yes. But nothing you should worry about. Nor does it have anything to do with you, so please don't worry." Alastor said calmly. It was sort of the truth, his frustration really just came from the shadow getting near him. That wasn't Anthony's fault. Anthony sighed. "Okay, if ya say so." He said nervously.

Alastor pressed another, slightly longer, kiss to Anthony's lips. Letting his head rest against his shoulder afterwards. "So, what'd'ya wanna do t'day?" The blonde asked. Kissing the top of his head, before resting his own against it. "Whatever you like my dear." He replied. Feeling almost a little off, not because of Anthony, but almost like they weren't alone. Alastor pulled back and looked around the room. They were seemingly alone, but the feeling didn't leave. Slowly getting up just to check around, opening his closet and briefly under his bed. Anthony watching in nothing but confusion. "You okay?" He asked nervously. Alastor stood up in a bit of a huff. "Yes I'm fine." He said dismissively.

Anthony walked downstairs while Alastor got dressed, going into the kitchen. He just planned on getting a painkiller before Alastor would come down and question why he needed it. Opening the cupboard in their normal spot, he couldn't see the bottle. "Did they move em?" He muttered. Opening a few others. That was annoying, and he couldn't ask about them because then the topic of why he needed them would be impossible to avoid. Looking around a little more, he just couldn't find them. He walked into the lounge, slumping down against the couch. What a great way to start his day, no fuckin perks.

Alastor walked down the stairs, and into the lounge. "Would you like me to make you breakfast?" He asked, looking over at the blonde. Anthony sighed, looking up at him. "If it's not to much trouble." He said briefly. Alastor shook his head. "Nonsense! I'll go start." He said, walking into the kitchen.

The early morning sun was bright that day, only shade by the bayou being the trees. Anywhere else and it was almost blindingly bright. The shadowy figure of Alastor's entity walking out of the shadows down to the water front. It stared at the water for a moment, before looking down at the bottle of painkillers in it's hand. It's grip on the bottle tightening a bit to the point where it almost broke. Before throwing it into the water full force. Waiting until the bottle had fully sunk into the water. It looked down at itself, seeing its hands almost evaporating away. It stood silently, until it had vanished altogether.

Sorry for the short chapter. Just felt like writing something else tonight. Anyways, have a great day lovely's!

-your local lunatic

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