The Chance

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Molly slowly blinked her eyes, sitting up in her bed. Face lighting up at the realization it was morning. Quickly getting up and moving to her mirror, she checked her reflection quickly. As she stood fixing her hair a bit, there was a knock on her door. "Come in." She called quietly, just in case someone was still asleep. Lucio opened the door, box in hand. "Good morning!" He said with a smile. Molly turned to him with a wide grin. "'Mornin Lucio!" She called cheerfully. He walked over and passed her to box, molly quickly setting it down and opened it. Eyes going wide as she pulled out the dark pink dress. "Oh Lucio! It's beautiful!" She said, walking to her mirror and holding it up at her shoulders. "Yeah, pops thought you'd like it." Molly set the dress down and hugged him tightly. "Thank you!"

Anthony slowly sat himself up, glancing around the room, only to find himself alone, Alastor most likely already awake. Standing up and stretching his arms above his head, he walked to the door. As he walked down the stairs he could hear practically nothing. The house was dead quiet. They probably weren't there. Walking into the kitchen and getting a coffee cup off the shelf, Anthony suddenly felt a hand on his back. Whipping his head around to see Alastor standing behind him. "Good morning!~" Anthony's expression softened, pulling the brunette into a quick kiss. "Mornin baby, how'd ya sleep?" He asked. "I slept just swell my dear. If you wouldn't mind joining me in the lounge." He said, offering his arm to the blonde. Anthony set the cup down and took it, letting the brunette lead him into the other room where-
"Happy birthday!" Elisabeth said quickly, standing up and giving the blonde a hug. Anthony had a slightly surprised but overall just happy expression on his face. "So, I spoke to your brother. We have you for the day, you eat dinner with your other family." She explained simply, patting him on the shoulders. Anthony huffed a small laugh at the words 'other family' Alastor took Anthony's hand and sat him on the couch. "Normally we wait until after breakfast but me and mama are unfortunately very impatient." Alastor said, handing the blonde a box. Anthony cocked a brow, looking between them. "What's this?" He asked. "Only one way to find out." Elisabeth replied simply. Anthony shook his head with a small laugh, opening the box to see
"Oh my god..."
The blonde slowly lifted the locket up, the photo that had been taken back when they were children. Anthony leaned forward, his right arm over his knees supporting his weight while the other covered his mouth. Shutting his eyes for a moment. Alastor and Elisabeth exchanged glances. "Angel?" Elisabeth called quietly. Anthony let out a shaky laugh, staring down at the picture in the silver casing. "You didn't have to go all out." He said quietly, unable to help the smile on his face. Alastor took a sigh of relief, putting an arm around his back. "I think we did. My first birthday with you in ten years. What were we supposed to do?" Anthony shook his head, smile only growing. "God, I love you guys. Thank you so much."

The rest of that day had honestly just been beyond perfect in Anthony's mind. He never got this much attention from anyone. Especially when it was a good event. He almost forgot what the feeling was like. After an overall amazing day, Anthony headed next door to his own house, just to join his 'real' family for dinner.

That as well was really nice, one of the few days a year their father seemed to relax. Molly was just over the moon. After the dinner, cake and all their normal customs, having done presents earlier that day. Anthony and molly sat in the living room, simply showing each other what they were given. Giddy excitement hard to hide for the both of them. Henry cleared his throat as he stepped into the room. "Anthony..." he started. The boy looked up at him, smile immediately faltering. "I've been thinking...and well, I pulled a few strings and-" he shook his head, averting his eyes not to look at him as he held out an envelope towards him. "Happy birthday kid." He said quickly and hesitantly. Anthony slowly got up and took the letter, slowly opening it and reading the message, eyes widening as he looked up at his father. "Wait, you're serious?" He asked, in complete disbelief. "Yes. I am." He said, glancing at his dumbfounded expression. Anthony stared down at the letter, reading it again. Before his face lit up. "Oh my god!" He quickly got up. "What is it?" She asked, looking over his shoulder. Anthony held the letter up so she could see it easier. Molly's smile faltered a bit. "Oh..." his father cleared his throat. "It's in a week, just be ready. Got it kid? Your twenty now." Anthony nodded quickly. "Of course! Right..oh my god. This is it!" He said, smile turning to a grin. Lucio watched from the doorway, Henry walking passed him. "You sure this is a good idea?" He asked quietly. "Not at all. But molly has been talkin, for once I thought I would listen."

Anthony opened the door to Alastor's house, quickly running up and hugging the brunette from behind. "Alastor! guess what!?" He asked, giddily clapping his hands. "What is it my love?" He asked, turning to face him. "I got a job! My dad got me a gig! This is it! Five years of nothing, I'm finally gettin out there again!" He said, wide eyed full of excitement. Alastor's smile faltered. "You got a job with your..crime family?" He asked. Anthony held up the letter. "Isn't that amazing?!" Alastor let his hands wrest in the blonde's shoulder's. "Yes...that's great. How long will you be gone?" He asked. Anthony's smile immediately dropped, not having thought about that. "Well...these things take time. A few months, a year or two at most?" He said nervously. Alastor nodded his head. Anthony sighed, looking down at his feet. "I'm sorry baby, I didn't think of that. But this is my big chance to get out there again! Isn't that exciting?" Alastor nodded his head a few times. 'Be happy for him.'
"Yes! I'm so glad you get this chance dear." He said with a smile, slightly forced. Anthony hugged him tightly. "I'll miss ya baby, and when I get back we can spend the rest of eternity together. Okay?" Alastor bit his lip. Hugging him back. "Yes...eternity." Anthony's excited expression fell. Pulling back and looking up at him. "Al...I'm not gonna be gone forever." He said quietly. Alastor shook his head. "It's not that, I'm just..." Anthony nodded. "You know...if you really don't want me to, I won't go." He said quietly. Alastor immediately looked at him. "No!" He grabbed Anthony's shoulders quickly. "No. No, Anthony don't stay if it's just for me. Don't let me stop you from going. If this is what you want then who am I to stop you?" Anthony gave a small smile. "You know what? Rest of the week I'm completely yours. I'm staying here right until I have to leave! And when I do, I'll be back before ya know it."

Yes. Anthony did think that going back was definitely a risk. But this was hardly even near New York, so he wouldn't be anywhere close to the place he dreaded the thought of. After the Valentino incident he thought he would never get out there again. Yet here he was, being offered this job. Of course he would miss Alastor and his mother, molly as well. But it's not like he wasn't coming back. He would definitely be more careful this time, nothing remotely hinting at his sexuality. That was so off limits after everything he went through.

Risks aside. He couldn't wait for this to happen. Finally his chance at redemption. His chance to prove he was good for something.

Finally get his family's approval.

Short chapter but

who gives a fuck

This is just setup, so you know. We just Rollin with it.

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