Just One Favour

219 15 19

!TW! Gore, violence, mentions of drugging

Anthony walked down the sidewalk, glancing down at the list again that Elisabeth had written for him. Rosie was coming over that evening and she just needed to get a few things. Unfortunately she had been called into work that morning and Alastor was hardly even able to remain awake.

After about an hour, he set the bags down and checked the list again, going through everything he had gotten. "Yeah...yeah...yeah..." He heard footsteps behind him but thought nothing of it, he was out in the street anyways. "Anthony?" He glanced up. "Hey Mimzy." He said, only half paying attention to her as he went back to the list. The realization that it was Mimzy of all people set in not long after as he quickly looked up. "Oh! Uh, Mornin." He said nervously. She smiled, glancing at the bags. "Doing a bit of shopping?" She asked, leaning down to see the bags. "Uh, yeah. It's not for me, Elisabeth needed a few things." The blonde woman stood up, smile on her face. "Yes, I remember Alastor mentioned you were staying with him. He's such a gentleman, isn't he?" Anthony's expression faltered. "How much about it did he tell you?" He asked. Mimzy quickly looked up, cheeks going a shade of pink. "Oh! Don't worry, I asked. He didn't tell me much at all! Just that your family moved." He gave a quiet nod, picking up the bags. "Well, it was nice seein ya Mimzy." He said briefly, turning to walk away. Much to his dismay, she followed him. "It's such a lovely day today, perhaps we should go for a walk?" She suggested. Anthony turned o face her. "That's real nice of ya, but I need to get this back to Alastor's." The woman took some of the bags for him, and grabbed his now free hand. "Oh! We'll make it quick. Just chatting. You're such a good friend of Alastor's. I thought I would get to know you too." She said as she started to pull him along. He glanced in the direction of his house, before giving up and walking beside her. The streets were somewhat peaceful, but it wasn't as relaxing to have Mimzy with him. With her continuous attempts to get him talking. Most questions he would just dodge, others he would just pretend he didn't hear her. They both stopped at the end of a street, only leading into a more wooded area. "Well, this was fun. But I'll let you get home." He said quickly, turning around. "Wait, Anthony-" She quickly grabbed his wrist, stopping him from going. Anthony bit his lip, whipping his head around. Mimzy quickly recognized alarm and let go of his wrist. "I-I'm sorry..." she said sheepishly. Anthony sighed, facing her fully and feeling his wrist. "It's fine, just an old habit. That's not your fault." He said simply. "Alright, but do you really need to go?" She asked, placing a hand over his. "Well, kinda...listen, this was fun. I just gotta..." Anthony stared blankly at the tree line, eye narrowing at the figure standing there. Long blonde hair that went below her waist, ghostly pale, and...oddly familiar. Mimzy watched his Blank expression for a moment, before turning to follow his gaze. Only to see nothing. "What is it?" She asked, scanning the trees. Anthony stared at the woman, her beckoning him to walk over. "It's nothing...nice seein ya Mimzy." He said quickly, walking past her and towards the trees. Mimzy turned to watch him, something in her was saying she needed to follow him, so she did.

It was weird, and something he couldn't imagine himself doing before. Following a woman through the woods, he didn't bother yelling at her, or trying to get her attention. Merely keeping up with her. He wasn't sure how long he was walking, but eventually found himself in a clearing, a burnt out fireplace in the centre, and trees surrounding the area to the point where if he hadn't just come from outside, he would have assumed they went on forever. "Ma'am." He finally called, the woman stopped just in front of the fireplace. "Do I know you?" He asked, taking a few more steps toward her. She turned to face him, eyes scanning over him with a smile. "Now Anthony, do you not remember me?" She asked, motioning for him to come closer. Despite her little invite, he chose to keep at least a bit of distance. Thinking that he should be ready for anything, rightly so. Seeing how the blonde would not be coming any closer, she walked over to him, leaning down a bit to be more at eye level. "Tell me dear, how much would you do for that lover of yours?" She asked. Anthony was taken aback by that question. "I beg your pardon?" He asked, trying to keep himself calm, at least on the outside. "Alastor, how much would you do for him?" She repeated. The blonde glanced around and then back at her. "Listen miss, I don't know who you are, or who you think I am... but-" The woman huffed a laugh. "No need to keep that a secret from me, besides, I already now most things about you. So I will ask, one more time. How much would you do for him?" She asked. Anthony took a step back. "He's not in danger is he?!" She merely shrugged. "Not yet at least." He took a few seconds to run over what she had said, quickly looking up at her again. "Why are you asking me this?"

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