My lover...molly?

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Molly stared at them both blankly. "So...let me get this straight. You want me to pretend to be Alastor's girlfriend, because his friend was flirting with him so you made up a story about Alastor being taken?" She asked. Anthony nodded quickly. "Yep! That's exactly it." She said. Molly thought for a second. "I mean...I guess I can. How long do we have to do this?" She asked, tilting her head. "Just this evening. We are having a short outing with her. And we just need you there to convince her." Alastor explained. Molly nodded, smile tugging at her lips. "This is so stupid, let's do it!" She said, trying to hard to keep herself from laughing.

Molly came over later that night, simply going over the plan one more time before Mimzy got there. Elisabeth couldn't help the smile on her face as she watched them. "Just treat her like how you'd treat someone you were dating." Anthony said simply. Alastor nodded, glancing at molly. Both of them with a slightly uncomfortable smile on their face. Elisabeth smirked. Her and Anthony's mother used to joke about this idea. Molly and Alastor dating. It was funny to her even now, because they had the wrong twin and now molly had to fake it. There was a light knock on the door, Anthony walked to answer it, smile immediately faltering. "Evenin Mimzy." He said, forcing his smile to remain on his face. "Good evening Anthony!" She said with a grin, walking inside. Anthony led her to the lounge. Eyes immediately falling on molly and Alastor sitting next to each other on the couch. It took all of his self control to keep himself from smiling like an idiot. "Mimzy! Glad you could make it." He said, standing up. "Glad to be here, is this the little lady?" She asked. Alastor extended a hand to molly, helping pull her onto her feet. "Yes! This is molly." Alastor said. Very close to letting go of her hand, but just for the sake of selling it, continued to hold it in his. "Pleasure to meet you Mimzy!" Molly said in her normal friendly manner. "Pleasure is all mine." She replied, gritting her teeth slightly. Anthony exchanged glances with Alastor. Both of them very uncomfortable. "Well...shall we be off then?" Molly spoke up.

Sitting at the bar counter, Alastor and molly opting to sit next to eachother, Anthony and Mimzy on either side of them. Alastor ordered everyone a drink. Mimzy sighed, watching Alastor and Molly. It made her sad to know she never had a chance with him, and of course he wanted someone like molly. She looked so perfect. Alastor and molly on the other hand. This was one of the weirdest situations they had been in, ever. Awkwardly having to keep a hand on the other just to sell the idea. Alastor did as Anthony said, treat molly like he would him. It was just so different. The appeal of Anthony...was that it was Anthony. Molly, she didn't hate it. But certainly didn't enjoy it either. She was just willing to go with it, occasionally catching a few looks not only Mimzy gave her, but Anthony too. She couldn't help but feel a little confused. Why was Anthony so bothered?

Anthony? He didn't know how he felt. Molly was helping them, this was his idea. But why was it bothering him? Was it the fact that his sister had to be all over Alastor? Was it the fact that they could hold each other in public? Was it the realization that this was the couple his family wanted, and that his father would approve of molly and not him? He wasn't sure. Anthony downed his drink quickly, standing up. "I'm gonna go have a smoke, I won't be long." He muttered, walking away. Leaning against the wall and lighting a cigarette, he gave those feelings a chance to subside. Alastor was still his boyfriend. He didn't have to worry about molly. He trusted molly, he trusted Alastor. He trusted him, he trusted him
He trusted him
He trusted him
He trusted him
He trusted him
He trusted him
Anthony crushed the cigarette and flicked it away. Sighing to himself as he ran a hand through his hair. This was stupid, this was so incredibly, mind numbingly stupid.

Alastor glanced at the door, it had been twenty minutes since Anthony left, and he was starting to get worried. Standing up and walking to the door, Alastor's eyes quickly landing in the blonde. "Anthony? Is everything alright?" He asked, stepping out with him. "It's not fair...." the blonde mumbled. "Molly is such a perfect fit. She always has been. You and her was somethin my mom used to talk about..." He continued. Alastor sighed, putting an arm around his shoulders. "Unfortunately for them. You are the one I want. Anthony, molly is just helping us. Nothing more behind it." He said quietly. Anthony nodded silently. "I know...why do they get to have everything? Why can't we be normal?" Anthony asked, motioning from himself to Alastor. "Why can't this be normal?" Alastor watched Anthony silently, pulling Anthony to a more secluded area and pressing a quick kiss to his lips. "I know, it isn't fair. One day Anthony, we are going to be considered normal. Just wait and see." He said, brushing a few stray hairs from the blondes hair. Anthony gave a small smile. "God, your amazing." Anthony sighed, hugging him tightly. "Not as amazing as you my dear. Shall we head back inside?" He asked, Anthony pulled back nodding a few times.

The rest of the evening went pretty smoothly. Mimzy didn't seem to suspect much, and molly and Alastor were less awkward around each other. So overall things were going fine. Eventually starting home, Mimzy deciding to catch the streetcar home. Leaving Alastor and the twins. The brunette turned to face the young lady, unable to help the smile on his face. "Thank you very much my dear! That was very well done. What a performance!" He said, clapping his hands. Molly smiled, giving a small curtsy at the applause. "Glad I could help. And thanks Anthony, for coming along. Made it a lot less awkward." She said honestly. Alastor turned to face him as well. "Indeed he did. Thank you very much my friend!" He said patting him on the shoulder. Anthony brought a hand up to cover the stupid smile he had on his face. He has honestly almost forgotten what praise felt like, and it was nice. "Well, shall we go home?" Alastor asked. Both blondes nodded, molly looking arms with both Alastor and Anthony. "Let's go!" She said with a smile.

As they arrived back at their street, molly stepped onto her porch, waving at both of them before going inside. The two boys wasted no time going inside of Alastor's house. Alastor looked both ways before pressing Anthony up against the wall, giving him a long lasting kiss before pulling back. "I would call this evening a success my dear, shall we continue upstairs?"

Heyyyy guys! It's me! Your local lunatic. Imma leave this off here and let you take a guess at what happens because I sure as fuck ain't sayin it.

Anywho, sorry for this seemingly pointless chapter that probably didn't need to happen and

Just kidding it's not over yet let's keep going

The radio began to play static, which wasn't right considering it wasn't on. A hardly translucent hand reaching through the speaker, suddenly the rest of Alastor's shadow appearing. Breaking up into static before reforming. Seemingly struggling to remain in this plane of existence. Walking up the halls of Alastor's home to his bedroom, silently opening the door. It stood silently over the bed, before leaning down to run a hand through Anthony's blonde hair. Kneeling down and continuing it's little actions. Sighing and removing its hand from his hair, it pulled back.

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