Act On Impulse

250 15 14

!TW! Blood, suggested violence, actual violence, discussion of murder, slurs (censored)

As Alastor and the shadow discussed the situation, which at this point seemed more like them accusing each other of the event, Anthony was naturally woken up by their fighting. Slowly shifting on top of Alastor, the brunette glanced down at him, his glare softening into a small smile as he adjusted his arm to be around his waist, using his other, more free, hand to push his messy blonde hair back. "Look what you've done, you woke him up." Alastor muttered as he looked up at the entity. It scoffed and crossed it's arms. "We woke him up? Have you forgotten he cannot even hear our voice?" Alastor rolled his eyes, turning his attention back to the blonde. "Who are ya talkin to?" He asked groggily, clearly still mostly asleep. "Just the shadow darling, sorry we woke you." Anthony pushed himself to sit up, using a hand to slick his hair back as he looked around. "It's fine, I probably shouldn't have slept too long anyways." He said as he stretched his arms above his head, glancing over at the entity. "Hello." He called with a subtle glare. The entity nodded, looking over at Alastor. Anthony could only assume it was talking by the fact that Alastor was watching it, he really did wish he could hear it sometimes. "Anthony, it says it's very sorry and it didn't realize it was nor mean to scare you." Alastor translated for it. Anthony turned his attention back to the shadowy figure, who watched him intently, waiting for the response. "Alright, apology excepted. Just listen next time please. And for future reference on either of you, I don't like being held down." The shadow nodded, looming over and momentarily wrapping it's arms around the blonde. Anthony stiffened a bit, a chill immediately running up his spine. But let it happen none the less. The entity pulled back, nodded at Alastor, and faded into static as it normally would. Alastor gave Anthony a small smile as he cupped his cheek. "Thank you for letting me know love, I again, apologize for how it behaved last week." Anthony shrugged. "It's all good. I ain't worried about it anymore. Besides I know it didn't wanna hurt me." He said with a sigh.

Lucio walked into Anthony's room. His father was especially irritable that morning so he decided to go upstairs and catch a break from that feeling of walking on eggshells. Sitting down at his brother's desk and slumping back against the chair. He honestly missed him every now and again. Yes, he and Anthony didn't always get along, but he still cared about him. And there were times where he and Anthony generally enjoyed each other's company. On days he felt more lonely he often would just spend his spare time in Anthony's room. Whether it was reading, writing or simply having a few minutes of quiet. Slowly standing up and walking over to his dresser, he opened the top drawer, knowing damn well Anthony kept a pack of cigarettes in it. Eyes going wide at what he found, slowly picking up the handgun and examining it. The initials engraved in the side definitely were not Anthony's. This was val's gun. How did Anthony have it? His story was that he came, stabbed him, and left, how did Anthony get his hands on the gun? Examining it a little further, the small dried stains of blood, it was a little damp, as if it had been drying off from something. How did Anthony have this?! He started to feel his nerves rising. There was a rumour going around, one Anthony had told them wasn't true, that Anthony may have had something to do with his disappearance. If this was here, then his story no longer checked out. No mention of a gun was anywhere in his explanation. If he didn't fight back, then he would have had no way to get this...unless.
Lucio quickly put the gun back in the drawer and slammed it shut. "Anthony, please please please, don't let this have been a lie." Lucio went to grab molly from her room, pulling her back into the bedroom and showing her what he had found. Molly didn't know what he was talking about at first, but quickly got the hint from the initials on the handle. "Lucio, Anthony wouldn't kill him...right?" She asked nervously. He glanced around the room, then out the window at Alastor's home. "Okay, molly we aren't gonna freak out. And we sure as hell ain't tellin pops about this. If Anthony did, then we lose him. So stay quiet." He said simply, but the anxiety showed through very clearly as he spoke. "Okay, so don't tell dad. Makes sense. Okay, we can take this to the grave...we can do this." Molly muttered to herself. "Don't tell me what?" Henry asked from the doorway. Both of them having not heard him come upstairs. Lucio practically slammed the drawer when he heard his voice. "Pops! We didn't hear you come up!" He called nervously. "Don't tell me what?" He repeated, eyes narrowing at them. Molly and Lucio exchanged glances, fear very clear on their faces. "Uh...about the..." molly was just racking her brain to think of a lie. "About..." Henry walked towards them, stepping in front of Lucio and staring down at him. "Answers. Now." He said harshly. Lucio stared back and in that moment he was actually blanking. "'s..." he took a breath and glanced at the window. "Anthony was on drugs while we were out of town!" He said quickly, it was the best thing he could think of in the moment, yes it was true, yes it would get Anthony into trouble. But anything was better than what they had actually just found. Henry looked towards the drawer he slammed shut. "Drugs huh?" He asked, walking towards the dresser. "Why wouldn't you tell me this?" He asked, reaching to open it. Molly quickly stepped in front of him. "Because he quit! And we...just wanted to keep him out of trouble now that the problem was over?" Henry cocked a brow. "You both act like I'm some kind of monster. What is wrong with you?" He asked, going to open it anyways. Lucio quickly grabbed his wrist and pulled him away from it. Yes. It was a dead give away. But he wasn't thinking straight. "Lucio, have you lost your damn mind?" He asked, pulling out of his grip. Molly took the opportunity while he was distracted to quickly grab the gun from the drawer and put it in her dress pocket, closing the drawer quickly and silently. Henry quickly walked back and opened the drawer, seeing...nothing of any significance. He turned back to them. "What are you both hiding?" He asked sternly. Molly fidgeted nervously, staring at her father with wide eyes. "We already told you, you just seem mad so..."

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