Only you

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Anthony sat silently staring out the window, he had woken up a few minutes prior, he was used to things like this, vivid dreams. Pulling the blanket higher up his shoulders as he watched his house. All the lights were off, considering it was two in the morning. He wondered how his family was doing, he wanted to talk to them. He wanted to see his sister. But she was asleep and he was already here, sitting in Alastor's room as he had the night before. Although this time he was slightly dazed. His head wasn't exactly grounded, lack of any comfort often led him to other measures for peace of mind. Unlike that first night it happened at Alastor's. He wanted that calm and almost tired feeling that came with them. Even if Alastor had advised against taking double the normal dosage. What was slightly more going to do? He knew what he was doing. He was in control. And he could stop whenever he wanted.

Alastor and his mother arrived at home, the woman wishing Alastor a good night before going to her room. Alastor walked up the stairs to his bedroom, quietly opening the door. "Anthony? Why are you still awake?" He called quietly. "Why were you out so late?" Anthony replied simply, wiping his eyes as he walked over. "Got into a bit of trouble. But it would appear I've gained a friend from it. So I suppose it's a good thing." He said with a smile. Anthony glanced at his shirt. "You bleedin?" He asked, cocking a brow. "Hm? Oh. Yes." Alastor replied, removing the probably ruined shirt and tossing it on the ground, he could pick it up in the morning. "What happened to you?" Anthony asked, running his hand over the stitches in his arm gently. "Just a little fight, Im fine." He said simply. Anthony wanted to pry, but didn't want Alastor to make the obvious point that Anthony never told him about his problems. So he decided to stay quiet. Leaning against the headboard, Alastor watched Anthony's expression. Eyes narrowing as if trying to see him better. "Have you been crying my dear?" He asked quietly. Anthony shook his head, turning to face him. "I'm all good!" He said happily. Alastor's expression softened, opening his arms as a way of signalling for Anthony to join him. The blonde happily cuddled up to him. Letting an arm rest over his stomach. Alastor rested one hand on Anthony's waist, the other gently holding below his shoulder. Pressing a small kiss to his forehead, he finally was able to get some proper sleep.

The next morning, Alastor insisted on going to work, despite his mother's useless attempts to make him stay. His day at work was normal, he did his show and left. As he was walking home, he noticed a familiar face on the street. "Mimzy my dear!" He called cheerfully. Mimzy whipped her head around, cheeks going red at seeing him. "Oh! Hey Alastor." She said, slightly flustered. "How nice to see you my friend! How are you this fine day?" He asked, motioning to the world around them. She smiled to herself. "I'm doing fine and dandy, thank you. Where are you headed?" She asked. "Home as of right now, I never have much evening plans." He explained simply. Mimzy bit her lip. "Well...if you want to make plans ever I'm sure I could make time..." she almost muttered. Alastor smiled his usual smile. "What a splendid idea! I have to drop a few things off at my home, if you don't mind tagging along." He said extending a hand to her. Mimzy's face lit up. "O-Okay!" She said happily.

The streetcar ride home was fun. It was nice having company for once, he never really kept company with him. So this was new, but exciting to Alastor. As for Mimzy? She was over the moon. They walked up the street together and up to his door. "Just wait in the front hallway, I'll be fast." He said briefly. They stepped in, Mimzy doing as she was told and waiting by the door.

Of course, Alastor didn't view this at all as a possible romance. Especially considering he had found love already. He simply wanted to try and have an actual friend. He opened the door to his room, immediately met with a kiss to the lips as Anthony wrapped his arms around his neck. "Welcome home handsome." He said, smile crossing his face. Alastor smiled, leaning down to press another kiss to his lips, adjusting his arms to be around his waist as he slowly spun them both around. "Thank you darling." He said, enjoying his little moment with the blonde. Anthony pressed a few gentle kisses below his jaw, biting at the skin every now and again. Alastor tilted his head upwards to give him easier access. Alastor leaned down to press a line of kisses down Anthony's jawline to lips, placing a lasting one there. Anthony hummed in response at the gestures. One hand tangling into his dark hair, Anthony gave him a smirk. "Wanna take this a little further?" Anthony asked. Alastor was so incredibly close to saying yes. Until he remembered the young lady he had actually forgotten about waiting for him. "As tempting as that sounds, I have plans this evening." He said honestly. Anthony's smile faltered, before immediately returning. "That's okay, we got all the time in the world. What'cha up to?" He asked, tilting his head. Alastor hesitantly let go of the blonde, walking to his dresser and removing his jacket. "Me and a friend are going out." He said simply. Anthony cocked a brow. "Is it Rosie?" He asked walking up behind him. "No dear, Rosie is my mother's friend. While we do enjoy spending time together, I don't do it on my own time." He explained as he fixed his hair slightly. Anthony rested his chin on Alastor's shoulder. "Do I know em?" He asked. Alastor shook his head. "I would be surprised I you did."

Alastor walked down the steps, Anthony following him. "Sorry for the wait Mimzy!" Alastor called as he made it to the bottom. Anthony stood halfway down the stairs. Looking her up and down, she was well dressed, blonde, up to date when it came to fashion. "Don't worry! I was fine." She said cheerfully. Alastor extended an arm to her, her cheeks tinting pink as she accepted. Anthony's smile fell. "Alastor." He called, just before they left. "Yes?" He replied, turning to face him. "When are ya gonna be home?" He asked. Alastor thought for a minute. "Most likely after dinner. Just tell mama not to wait for me." He said cheerfully. Anthony but his tongue. "Yep.'cha."

'Alastor doesn't belong to you, he can have friends.' This little sentence repeated in the blondes mind like a broken record. He sat down on the couch with a sigh. After half an hour things were just getting to quiet. It was a little weird being home alone in a house that wasn't yours. Standing up and walking to the front door, he would just be fast. What they don't know can't hurt them. He walked out and to his own house. Opening the door and quickly walking upstairs. He just wanted to get a few things and talk to molly. After collecting what he wanted he walked across the hall to Molly's room.

Knocking gently on the door, and opening it. Molly immediately looked up. "Anthony?" She called. Standing up quickly. Anthony hugged her tightly before pulling back. "Dads not home is he?" The boy asked quickly. Molly shook her head. "Listen Tony, Alastor has a rough idea of what happened between you and dad. And, I talked to him about it...I think it's a good idea if you live with him for a little while." Anthony shook his head. "Molly. It was one little fight. I don't think it's a big deal." He said simply. Molly frowned, staring into his mismatched eyes. "Not a big deal? Tony, why is everything 'not a big deal' when it's about you? If it was me you wouldn't be calling it that." She said. Anthony narrowed his eyes at her. "You're right. If it was you, it would be. Same with Lucio." He said honestly. Molly scoffed, letting go of him. "I hate how you think sometimes." She muttered. Anthony crossed his arms. "What's so wrong with how I think?" He asked. Molly turned to face him. "You think about yourself just like dad." She said, every bit of confidence in her words. Anthony looked at her, eyes widening. "W-what?! No I don't!" He yelled. "No...Tony you do. And you just proved my point! Dad calls you a burden...and you believe him." She said, pointing at him. Anthony stood staring at her silently. Molly sighed, shaking her head. "He's messing with your head. I don't want you near him until you have a grip on what is and isn't true." She said, motioning to the door. Anthony took a deep breath, before finally speaking. "If I wasn't a burden, then explain why everyone in our family is miserable. Give me a good reason as to why we moved back here. A factor as to why our father has been so stressed out, that has nothing to do with me." He requested simply. Molly's look of frustration fell. "Tony..." she started. "Give me a reason molly." He repeated. Now it was Molly's turn to go quiet. Anthony crossed his arms, nodding his head. "Anthony! It doesn't matter! You aren't a burden!" She yelled. Anthony rolled his eyes. "Fine. Whatever you say Mollz... I'll leave if I'm so royally fucked up." He said sarcastically, opening the door. "Love you Tony..." she called quietly. Anthony stopped just before he closed the door. "I love you too molly."

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