Home again

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Anthony and Alastor walked down their street. Simply talking about little things. As they reached the streetcar stop, Anthony turned to face the taller man. "What'cha got in mind for today?" He asked, a small smile tugging at his lips. "Well, we could go out, simply walk around, go see the bayou..." Anthony lit up at the mention of that. "Can we go back? I only got to see it for a few minutes before, and it was kinda dark." He asked nervously. Alastor's expression softened at that. "Of course my friend!" He said cheerfully, as they boarded the streetcar.
Upon arrival at the river side, Anthony visibly relaxed. This was something he had really missed about New Orleans. "Still just as breathtaking." He mumbled under his breath, simply taking it in.

Molly checked outside every couple of minutes. Just trying to see if she could spot her twin. Her father standing in the kitchen doorway watching her. "Molly, don't you think you're over reacting?" He asked, no expression on his face. Molly looked back at him, narrowing her eyes. "If you don't like seein me like this, maybe you should think twice before threatening my brother." She said, frustration clear in her words. He only shook his head. "It wasn't entirely a threat. Just more a statement. If I see a reason to take him back, I'll take him back." He said honestly. "He doesn't seem to care anymore honestly." Molly's teeth clenched as she felt herself only getting more ticked at the man. "Well, maybe him running into the street is a pretty good reason to believe that he does! Don't ya think? I would be terrified if my dad threatened to put me in a mad house!" Henry tensed a bit, feeling himself grow more frustrated as well. "Don't make me out to be that bad guy here, young lady. He's the one who needs help. I'm doing this for you, Lucio, and Anthony. I want what's best for all of you. And from what I can see, he needs help!" Molly stood up. "From us pops! He needs help from us! You need to be there for him right now. Not some doctor!" She said, tears forming in her eyes. He was about to say something else when he noticed Molly's quivering. Slowly taking a step forward. "Hey...Don't cry, everything will be alright." He said in a soft voice, wrapping an arm around his daughter. Something about this felt so wrong to molly, not her father being kind to her, but everything about the situation. Anthony was the one who needed this kind of comfort, not her. But she knew damn well he would never treat him this way. Especially since he didn't view Anthony as stable. It wasn't fair, not to Anthony. And she hated it.

Anthony and Alastor walked down the docks simply admiring the scenery. All the while, Alastor couldn't help the smile he had. Different from his usual one. Simply admiring the blonde as he enjoyed their walk. More content than his usual peppy self. 'He does seem to be similar to himself as a child...he still loves the bayou, and he still has those freckles, that soft blonde hair, his beautiful green and blue eyes..." Alastor found his mind wandering. Everything about the setting only adding to his thoughts, and fantasies.

"Am I right?" Anthony asked, turning to face The brunette. Alastor blinked his eyes, not even realizing Anthony had been talking. "Pardon?" He asked, slightly embarrassed. "Forget it, it was a stupid question anyways." The blonde said with a light laugh. Alastor's smile fell slightly, now wishing he been paying attention. Only to realize, he wasn't paying attention. Because he was thinking about... "What is wrong with me..." Anthony turned his head to look at him. "Nothing's wrong with ya Al. Sorry did I say something?" He asked stepping closer to him, concern clear in his voice. Alastor felt himself panic a little. He hadn't mean to say that out loud, nor did he think Anthony would respond. "No no! Just, thinking out loud. You've done nothing wrong my friend. Quite the opposite in fact. I would say you're doing everything right." He said. Anthony gave a small smile, cheeks flushing a bit. "Thanks smiles, that's real nice of ya to say." He said sheepishly. Alastor took a quiet sigh of relief, glad he had saved that so well. Almost glad he'd said it by the reaction Anthony had given him. "You're welcome!" He said cheerfully as they continued on with their walk.

Alastor and Anthony spent most of their day out, getting lunch at about one. And then fighting over who would pay the entire meal. Eventually deciding on Alastor, much to Anthony's disappointment. Afterwards just walking around a catching up. Today was the kind of day where it didn't matter if they were really doing anything, as long as they were hanging out. It was about four pm when they arrived back at their street. Just as they walked past Anthony's house, molly threw the door open. "Tony!" She called, running up to them. "Hey mollz." He said with a small smile. "I talked to pops, you're good to come back!" She said, a nervous smile on her face. Anthony exchanged glances with Alastor, before turning back to molly. "Okay, thanks molly. I'll meet you inside." He said, molly nodded and walked back to the house. Anthony turned to face his friend. Smile still present. "Well, thanks for everythin, these past few days have been fun." He said cheerfully. Alastor could only take a sigh of relief. "Of course my friend! I'm glad I could help. Thank you for spending the day out with me!" He replied. Smile only growing. "Yeah, no problem. And again, thanks...for takin the illness thing so well too. You don't know how much it means to me." The blonde said more quietly. Alastor nodded, giving him a pat on the shoulder, Anthony wincing at the touch. "Again, you are very welcome."

Anthony followed his sister into the house, immediately greeted by his brother vigorously checking him for anything at all. A brief and not very convincing apology from his father. And a really gentle hug from his sister, just hardly touching him. "Guys guys, I'm fine. It was only bad that one night." He said with an uncomfortable laugh, looking between his two siblings. "Okay, but you promise you were safe." Lucio said nervously. Giving him a final once over. Anthony nodded quickly, a small smile tugging at his lips. "Alastor let me stay with him. Everything was fine." He said, sighing at the thought of it. "And he doesn't know why you got kicked? He doesn't know about the threats? The violence? The hospital trips? The illness?" Molly asked nervously. Anthony went stiff. 'Oh shit...'
"No! He has no idea why this happened! Simply was fine with helping me." He said with a dismissive laugh. Molly and Lucio took a sigh of relief. "Thank the lord. I'll go start dinner, Lucio care to help me?" Molly asked, walking towards the kitchen. "Sure. Tell Alastor I said thanks next time you see him." He called back to Anthony as he followed their sister. Anthony stood silently. "Y-yeah...course..." he said quietly. Regret now setting in.

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