Once every January

340 17 72

!TW! Scars, suggested blackmail

                              Eleven years

Anthony and Alastor had been going on with their relationship for a quite a few months now. Things were seemingly going fine. As much as they wished it didn't need to be this way, they kept everything behind closed doors really well. From what they knew, no one suspected a thing.

Anthony had the option of living with Alastor whenever he wanted, and molly encouraged him to stay with him as much as possible. Yet despite this, Anthony still insisted on staying at his own home most of the time. Which no one really understood. Why would Anthony choose to stay with his father instead of Alastor? Anthony never seemed to have much of a reason, but unfortunately it just was what he chose to do.

Alastor? No one thought that the already optimistic boy could get even happier. Something about Anthony improved his mood in more ways than one, and being with him all the time had taken it's toll. It was an understatement to say he adored the blonde. Never wanting anything more than to be with him all the time, love really does something else to you.

Molly on the other hand, her mood hadn't improved at all. In fact she only found herself becoming more and more concerned. Anthony wasn't acting like himself the past few days. She knew that they were used to seeing him upset. But even she knew exactly what he was like when he was happy and this...wasn't it. She only really saw him when he was home, and didn't know if he was like this with Alastor. But the worst part for her is she didn't know why he was acting different, especially when it came to her.

No one had seen the shadow for months.

Alastor walked down the stairs, it was cold that day, even if New Orleans didn't get too cold. Elisabeth gave him a brief greeting, watching Anthony's house through a window. "Everything alright mama?" He asked, walking over. "Yes, yes everything is fine. I just wonder about your lover sometimes." Over the months, Elisabeth really just did not care what gender Anthony was, nor was she shy to talk to them about their relationship. Even if it only really happened when she was telling them to get a room. "Will you be seeing him today?" She asked. Alastor nodded his head. "I am, I'm sure he's okay. He has his reasons and he doesn't need to tell us." Alastor said quietly. Elisabeth nodded her head a few times. "Yes, you're right, as usual. I'm off to work." She said, walking out of the house. Alastor watched as his mother left his line of sight. Shaking his head he went to make himself a coffee. He didn't like Anthony being in that house anymore than Elisabeth did. Especially since Anthony seemed quieter than usual the past few days. But he didn't own Anthony, and as such it wasn't his place to tell him what he was and wasn't aloud to do.

Molly knocked twice on Anthony's door before stepping in. Anthony was laying on his bed staring at his ceiling with an almost dazed expression. Zoning out wasn't something he ever used to do, but now it happened a lot. Molly cleared her throat as a way of announcing herself, not that she got a response. Walking to the side of the bed and waving a hand in front of his eyes. Anthony finally looked at her. "Mornin mollz." He said simply, sitting himself up. Molly gave a small smile. "Morning. You're meeting Alastor, right?" She asked, sitting next to him. "Mhm, I'll go over in a bit." He said, eyes remaining in the ceiling. Molly glanced up, mainly to see if there was something he was looking at. Only for there to be nothing. "Anthony...I've been meaning to ask you somethin." She started, Anthony looked down from the ceiling down at her. "Okay what's up?" He asked, leaning back against the headboard. Molly took a deep breath. "Please don't take this the wrong way, but you seem different." She said quietly. Anthony watched her explain with a blank stare. Most of her words not even registering. "And I know that you had a really stressful first few weeks here, but that was almost a year ago. I'm wondering if it had something to do with Alastor...or the time of the year..." Anthony's expression quickly changed to a look of fear. "What about the time of the year?!" He asked quickly. Molly glanced up at him, immediately noticing the change of attitude. "Well...it's just-" Anthony vigorously shook his head. "No! No no no! There is nothing wrong with this time of year! I don't know what in god's name you are talking about! What about this time of year?!" He asked, seemingly a bit frantic. Molly stared at him with nothing but concern. "Tony...everything is fine. No ones is going anywhere." She said calmly, reaching to hold his shoulder. Anthony quickly pulled back and stood up. "You're right! Because nothing is happening!" He said quickly, walking to the door and slamming it behind him. Molly sat staring at the closed door. Biting her hand softly, something she occasionally did when she was nervous. Now realizing this was not a good time to bring it up.

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