Second Son

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!TW! Family conflict, slurs, suggestive topics

Alastor stayed like that for a few minutes longer, before pulling back. "Thank you, for understanding." He repeated. Elisabeth cupped his cheeks, a small smile tugging at her lips. "You're welcome baby." She said softly. Before standing up. "Next time he's here I want to speak with him." She said simply, as she walked to the kitchen. Alastor cocked a brow. "About what mama?" He asked, following her. "Just a few things about you and him." Alastor glanced at the door. "I can invite him to dinner, I'm sure he would enjoy it." He said cheerfully. Elisabeth turned around to face him. "What a fun idea! I shall prepare. You go and invite him." She said, pointing at the door. Alastor nodded.

Molly sat reading in the living room, Anthony still hadn't come downstairs and she was starting to worry about him. Hearing a knock on the door she got up to answer it. "Hello miss molly! How are you this evening?" Alastor asked, normal smile on his face. Molly smiled herself. "I'm doin just swell Alastor! How can I help ya?" She asked. Alastor glanced behind her. "Would you ask Anthony if he can come over for dinner? My mother wishes to speak with him." He said with a small chuckle. Molly cocked a brow. "Okay, I'll ask him. He'll be over in a minute." She said, closing the door and walking upstairs. She knocked on his door, opening it before he answered. "Tony! Alastor is wondering if you can come over. Mrs. L wants to speak to ya." She said casually. Anthony froze up at the mention of his mother. Staring at molly like a dear in headlight. "Did he say what about?" He asked quickly. "No, why?" She replied, tilting her head slightly. Anthony tugged at his hair, feeling his nerves rising already. "Oh....fuck!" He yelled. Molly's eyes widened. "Anthony! Watch your language! Did something happen while you were there?!" She asked, watching him intently. "No! Nothing happened! Oh...I'm so dead!" He muttered the last bit. Molly was now more than worried. "Anthony! What's going on with you today?!" She asked loudly. "Nothing's going on with me! Why can't you just leave it alone?!" He yelled back at her. "Because you're my brother! And I care about you!" She yelled back. "Then stop! You would be doing yourself a favour if you stopped caring about me! One less f***** to be worrying about!" He snapped back. Molly's eyes widened. "Tony! Don't call yourself that! I don't understand why you're so upset with me!" Anthony wasn't upset with her, he wasn't even sure why he was yelling. But he was here now, and pride got the best of him. "Then leave it alone! Can you just shut up and leave me alone for once in my god damn life?!" He asked. Molly fell silent, staring at him. She didn't look angry, or worried, or anything he had expected. Normally when they fought, molly wouldn't back down, or she would stop and try to understand why he was upset before they kept going. But this time she didn't. She just looked at him, with a blank expression on her face. Anthony stopped, falling silent himself. "...molly...I'm sorry-" "Just go Tony." She cut him off. Turning to leave the room. Anthony took a step forward. "Molly I didn't mean to say that..." Molly shook her head, walking to her room. "It's fine Tony. If it's what you want, I'll leave you alone." She said simply. Closing her door behind her. Anthony stood in the hallway staring at her door. Feeling the guilt start to set in, he turned to the door. 'Great, Great fuckin work. There goes the one person looking out for you.' Anthony walked down the stairs, and outside. 'Just take the heat for it, it's fine. We've done this before. Alastor can just tell her to keep quiet.' He said, trying to give himself at least a little confidence. Knocking on the door, he felt his nerves rising even more. Alastor opened the door, letting him in. Anthony remained silent, and Alastor's lack of a greeting wasn't helping anything in his mind.

Once Alastor had closed the door, he took Anthony's hand and spun him around. Before pulling him into a hug. Anthony was caught completely off guard by this. "" He called almost to quiet to hear. "Thank you for coming my dear!" He said cheerfully, pulling back but keeping his arms around his waist. "Alastor, isn't your ma home?" He asked quietly. Before Alastor could answer, Elisabeth walked into the hallway. "Oh, he's here!" She said with a smile. Anthony was visibly uncomfortable, Alastor still holding onto him with someone else present. Alastor and Elisabeth exchanged glances at his lack of an answer, and how he was seemingly frozen. Alastor leaned in closer to the blonde. "She knows Anthony, it's okay." He whispered quietly. Anthony looked from Alastor to his mother. "Is...she okay with it?" He asked nervously. Elisabeth nodded, walking over to give the blonde a hug of her own. "I am absolutely fine with it dear." She said, pulling back to see his face. Anthony still was very on edge, and surprised. "Anthony, me and mama talked about it. She knows about us. And supports it." He explained again simply. Elisabeth let go of the blonde, who stood still for a moment. Just registering what he been told, before slowly sinking onto his knees. Alastor knelt down next to him, not sure what was going on with him. Elisabeth exchanged a confused glance with Alastor. Anthony was quiet for a moment before he broke out laughing, surprising both Alastor and his mother. Anthony brought a hand up to his mouth, trying to keep himself at least a little quiet. Eventually Anthony was able to collect enough breath to speak through his fit of laughter. "I'm sorry! I was so-" Anthony was cut off again by his own hysterics before finishing his sentence. "-God damn scared" Alastor sighed, pulling Anthony against him. "I'm sorry Anthony, I didn't think this would frighten you so much." He said quietly. Anthony rested his head against Alastor's shoulder. "I thought I gave the game away this morning...Oh my god..." he said through a few heavy yet empty breaths. Alastor bringing both arms to rest around Anthony's chest. Elisabeth sighed. "I apologize for any stress I've caused you Anthony. I wasn't upset, simply surprised." She said sheepishly, feeling a little guilty for unintentionally causing him to have all this anxiety. Anthony sighed, coming down from his small outburst. Leaning further into Alastor's gentle hold. Elisabeth sighed contently as she watched them. Almost feeling a bit stupid. With the way they behaved around each other their entire relationship, and how Alastor could go on for hours about the boy. Of course Alastor felt this way about him. And the way she saw it, these two were perfect for each other. Alastor started to stand up, bringing Anthony up with him as he did so. "Mama had a few questions for you and then we'll be eating." He explained, finishing of the sentence by pressing a quick kiss to the blondes lips. It felt a little weird to do so in front someone else, but he would get used to it. He could only assume that she found out recently, and her good reaction was why Alastor was so excited.

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