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!TW! Blood, suggested violence, loss, mentions of injury and abuse, mentions of death, self harm, suggested drug use

Anthony sat on the edge of the bed, shaking his head at all the answers he received. "Al, I'm serious. It was bleedin and all torn up." He repeated for maybe the third time. "Anthony, I'm sorry, but it's just impossible, unless I was injured, how could it be?" Anthony whipped his head around the look at him. "Why would I make this up?" The brunette sighed. "I'm not saying you did, I'm trying to figure it out myself. If I am unharmed, what happened to it?" He muttered the last bit under his breath. Anthony tilted his head to look at him. "Do ya think this's got somethin t' do with last night?" He asked nervously. Alastor shook his head. "Anthony, I merely blanked. Nothing happened." The blonde narrowed his eyes at him. "The entity said you didn't remember. Guess it was right." Alastor quickly sat up, grabbing his wrist. "What don't I remember?!" Anthony quickly pulled his wrist out of his grip, shaking his head a bit. "Please don't grab me if ya don't gotta." The brunette's expression softened a bit, giving a half nod and a quiet apology. "I don't know what happened. It can't tell me for some reason. But Al, I'm tellin you it was badly beaten up." Alastor shook his head, again trying to remember anything about the previous evening. "Well, I don't know what happened, but whatever it was I'll get an answer."

Elisabeth walked into the lounge, where Rosie was sitting reading a book, she was about to speak when she noticed a shadowy figure nearly identical to Rosie appear next to her, Rosie turned and nodded at it before it disappeared again. She stood there, honestly very surprised. "You have one too?" She asked quietly. Rosie looked up at her, small smile
Crossing her face. "Yes, I do. And there is news!" She replied cheerfully, quickly standing. "Henry and Molly have both moved out of the house, and it is therefore safe to return too!" She said, grabbing the woman's hands and spinning her around. Elisabeth huffed a laugh at the gesture, steading herself and processing what she said. "Do you think Angel will take it well?" She asked nervously. Rosie stopped, biting her lip. "I'm sure he'll be fine. From what I know he most likely will not miss his father." She said simply. "No, his sister is what I'm worried about." She said quickly. The blonde shook her head. "This is Anthony we're talking about, and he has both of you. He'll push through." She said, nodding a few times. Mostly confident in her answer. "Right, and he's got you now too." Elisabeth said, pressing a kiss to her cheek and turning to the door. "I'm going to go let them know." Rosie slowly brought a hand to feel her cheek, still not entirely used to it. But she overall was really happy. "Alright."

Elisabeth knocked on the door frame, standing just outside the room. "Boys...Rosie said it is safe to go back to our house, I'm just wondering if you want to go back yet." Alastor's eyes darted towards Anthony, who sat quietly. Considering his options. "I've kept you both away long enough, let's go back." He said quietly. Elisabeth gave a small smile, nodding at them and walking away. Alastor took a sigh of relief, finally being able to go back after just over four weeks. Looking up at the blonde, his smile faltered. His lover sitting, staring at the floor, either zoned out or deep in thought. Slowly reaching to put a hand on his shoulder, Anthony seemed to come back to reality and met his gaze. "Are you alright?" He asked quietly. The blonde nodded, forcing a small smile. "Fine, I'm fine."

Slowly getting out of the car and looking at her house, Elisabeth smiled to herself. "Just how I left it." She muttered as she walked to the door and unlocked it. Alastor getting his bags and following her to the doorstep. Once inside he set the bags down in the front hallway to be felt with later. Glancing outside at Anthony who stood beside the car silently. Stepping onto the porch, following his gaze to the house next to theirs. Smile faltering, realizing what he was probably thinking. "Anthony, how about we go inside." He called, motioning to the doorway. The blonde glanced at him, shaking his head. "I'm just gonna...I'll meet you later." He called from the sidewalk. Alastor watched him walk up to his own home, sighing and walking into his house again. Nothing in there could hurt him anymore, so he may as well look around.

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