The agreement

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Alastor sat in his room, just finishing his written rant about the events that had taken place that day. Slowly closing the book and putting it back on the shelf where he'd previously kept it, Alastor took a sigh of relief. Still in almost awe of what had happened between them. Sitting on his bed and looking out the window, Alastor couldn't help but smile at the view he had. That thrilling feeling of excitement returning at the mere thought of his friend.

Elisabeth opened the front door to her home, it had grown dark out and the house was silent. She originally had assumed Alastor wasn't even home. Walking up the stairs to drop off her things in her room, she stopped at his door. Taking a quick detour just to check inside. Quietly opening the door, she quickly ducked back behind it. Seen as Alastor was passed out on his bed. Closing the door again, she simply smiled to herself. Walking to her own room like she'd originally been doing. She was tired herself, and could imagine Alastor had most likely eaten already, she wasn't necessarily hungry so she decided to get some rest too.

Morning came, molly was up with the sun. Quickly getting up and pulling a dress on. Grabbing a brush to try and tame her mess of hair. Walking to her door, she caught a quick glance of herself in the mirror, smiling to herself in pride at her reflection. Before continuing her normal routine. She wasn't too worried about waking her family up, but still remained quiet. Molly always got up early to start on her work for the day. She liked tidying up early so besides meal times, she would have most of the day off. Walking down the steps to the main floor, molly grabbed the kettle to make some tea for herself. Quickly starting to fix up the kitchen.

Anthony woke up with a start at the sound of a loud thud from downstairs, followed by a yelp. Quickly getting up and running down, he saw molly picking up the kettle, which she'd dropped. Her other had balled in a fist against her chest. "Are you okay?" He asked, kneeling down next to her. "I'm fine, you know me! I can be such a klutz." She said with a small shake of her head. She stood up setting the kettle back on the counter. Still keeping her hand against her chest. "Mollz, what's up with your left?" He asked, pointing it out. Molly shook her head again. "It's fine, I just burnt it." She said with a small laugh. Anthony sighed. "Let me see it." He said simply. Molly gave him her hand, Un balling her fist to reveal the now white-ish skin on her hand. "It's fine really, it doesn't even hurt. Nothing like-" molly cut herself off with that sentence. Deciding it was best not to go there. "Don't go comparing yourself to me, that's completely different. Go run that under some water I'll clean up." He said quickly. Turning to get something to soak up the spilled water. Molly walked over to the sink and ran the cold water. Anthony slowly knelt down to dry the floor. Did Anthony enjoy doing so, not at all. It wasn't the cleaning that he hated, so much as the way the hot water felt against his hands. Taking a breath before continuing. After a few minutes, the kitchen was fine. Molly getting back to making herself said tea. Anthony walking back upstairs to get some actual clothes on.

Coming down the second time, Now fully dressed. Anthony walked into the kitchen to get the painkillers. "How's sleeping been? With the ones on your back?" Molly asked, getting the things necessary to start breakfast. "It's fine. It takes a few days to get used to it, then you're fine." He said simply. Taking two pills and putting them back. Molly glanced back at him. "Maybe we should get you your own pills. Then you can just have em with ya." She suggested. Anthony thought for a minute. "Let's ask Lucio. See what he thinks." Molly nodded, going back to preparing to cook. Anthony stepped into the lounge, sitting down. He technically wasn't aloud to help molly, cooking and whatnot being a "woman's job". He was aloud to sit and talk to her but didn't feel like it. If did make him feel guilty at times, since she did everything. But she never seemed to mind so he saw no point in protesting. That was the norm for the time after all.

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