Slipping Away

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Anthony slept rather peacefully that night, laying next to Alastor as the night progressed. Slowly blinking his eyes at the amount of shifting around next to him, Alastor seemingly tossing. He groaned a bit as he sat up, turning to look down at the brunette. Who was...
"Al?" Alastor's grip on the bedsheets was tight, almost close to tearing under his grip. Breathing seemed quick yet laboured. "Al? Can you hear me?" He called again, leaning over him a bit. The brunette's eyes snapped open suddenly with almost a gasp for air. Anthony quickly bringing a hand to his shoulder in an attempt to keep him laying down. "Hey...hey hey okay?" He asked quietly. Anthony ran his fingers through his hair, just in an attempt to soothe any nerves he could have. "It was...a dream?" He muttered breathlessly. The blonde continued the small gesture, watching his eyes intently. "Are you okay love? What was it about?" He asked quietly. Alastor was quiet for a moment, shutting his eyes. "It was about..." Anthony leaned down a bit more, pressing a kiss to his cheek and leaning up again. "'s gone." The brunette finally said, barely above a whisper. Anthony got the hint, slowly laying next to him again. "Alright big guy, how about you just go back to sleep." He suggested, pressing one final kiss to his cheek. Alastor nodded quietly. "I apologize if I woke you." He murmured as he already felt sleep coming back. "It's alright love. Just try to sleep."

Anthony walked down the stairs, it was late morning and Alastor had already left for work. Stepping into the kitchen, and getting a glass of water. He took a breath, his head hurt a bit but it wasn't awful, and he was still sore from the previous day. Walking into the lounge, his eyes immediately met with Elisabeth's. "Good morning Angel." She called, with a sickeningly sweet smile. One he knew damn well was fake. "Mornin Elisabeth." He muttered. "How did you sleep? I do hope you and Alastor weren't arguing too late into the night." The blonde sighed, bringing a hand to push his hair back. "No, we made up when he got home..." the woman looked up at him, tilting her head. "Oh? That's a relief. Although I will say I do just love to have to listen to you yelling at him half my afternoon." Anthony walked over and knelt down next to where she was sitting on the couch. "Sorry Elisabeth, I overreacted this time." He said with a sigh. "Oh yes! Of course, of course. Like the time before this! And the time before that, and the time before that, that one time last October, let's not forget the incident in may." She listed off, raising a finger for every scenario she recalled. "Shall I continue?" She asked, sarcasm very clear as she spoke. "No ma'am. You've made your point." He said quietly, eyes on the floor as she spoke. "Have I? We've had this conversation before. Yet it never changes. Now this could mean two things. Either one, I'm not getting through to you. Or two, you simply aren't taking any of these talks seriously." Anthony looked up quickly. "No no! Elisa I do take this seriously! It just- it's all really heat of the moment... I don't mean to start yelling at him. I don't like yelling at him!" Elisabeth cocked a brow. "Then don't. Doesn't that just seem easier?" Anthony stopped, trying to think of words. "Well-" Elisabeth leaned back against the couch. "Remember what I told you the first time you fought. And then every single incident after?" She asked. Anthony groaned, sitting up straighter to look her in the eye. "What did you say?" He muttered under his breath. "Talk next time." The blonde crossed his arms over his chest. "I do talk, he doesn't listen." He said simply. Elisabeth rolled her eyes. "Don't talk back to me. Alastor is always more than willing to have a conversation. Where as you almost always raise your voice first. And I have a few very memorable quotes from when that's happened. Most of which are not exactly very appropriate." Anthony dragged a hand down his face, shaking his head. "Okay, you've made your point. I overreact." He said reluctantly. "And what are you going to do about that?" She asked. "Fix it." She watched him for a few seconds, before a smile crossed her face as she messed up his hair. "Good. Now, shall we change the subject?" She asked, moving down the couch and patting the spot next to her. "Please." He said quickly, a sigh of relief escaping him as the conversation finally ended.

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