A Drink

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!TW! Mentions of suicide and torcher, family conflict, drugging

(Elisabeth doesn't know Anthony started the fire)

When Anthony started to stir, it was around nine. Slowly opening his eyes and immediately feeling like his head was splitting. He was alone in bed, and slowly sat himself up. He had a few burns on his hands and face, something he was used to feeling at this point, as sad as that would sound. Stretching his arms, he glanced out the window at the sunny day outside and-
Suddenly being fully torn away from any sleep remaining, staring wide eyed at the blackened remains of his house. Slowly bringing a hand to cover his mouth as the memories of the previous night started coming flooding back, though very fuzzy. He remembered the plan. "Holy fuck...I did it." Hearing the door open behind him didn't even faze him, staring blankly at his house. "That was quite the problem you created." Alastor said from behind him, clearly unamused. Anthony slowly turned to face him. "Al I..." he dragged a hand down his face. "Oh my god." Alastor narrowed his eyes at him, getting the chair from his desk and sitting across from him. "Answers. Now." The blonde had to push the processing memories aside for the time being, turning to look at his lover again. "I was..." the brunette pointed a the window, glaring at him. "Do you realize what you did?! You are so incredibly lucky no one saw you! And running into the house?! Anthony have you gone insane?!" Alastor continued on about what he had done, Anthony just sat and took it, this was deserved. Whatever he did last night, though fuzzy, was probably incredibly stupid. "You scared me and mama so much! Not to mention your behaviour after you came inside! What was with you last night?!" Anthony remained silent, shutting his eyes and nodding a couple of times. Alastor sighed, shaking his head. He would have said more, but the built up frustration with his lover was still running its course. "You could have been killed..." He said quietly. Anthony remained silent, when Alastor didn't say anything else he bit his lip. He was so reckless the previous night. He could have gotten Alastor killed. Why did Alastor run in after him? He was more than fine. He was better than fine. He was finally going to fix all his problems with his plan. Yes it was impulse, but he'd considered it for years. It was so perfect, going down in a blaze of glory! Slow, painful, deserved. "...Maybe that's what I wanted..." he muttered quietly. Those few words almost didn't process in Alastor's mind, but when they did he froze up. Eyes glued to the floor as he felt breath hitch in his throat.

Say something.
Say something to him!

"I-...one moment." Alastor quickly stood up, walking out of the room and downstairs. Elisabeth looked up from the glass of wine, early for drinking? Not with what happened last night. "He's awake?" She asked. Alastor silently nodded as he stood in the doorway. Elisabeth quickly stood up. "Good." She walked to the door, she had quite a few things to say to the blonde herself. Alastor quickly grabbed her arms, pulling her to face him. "Mama..." he said quickly. The woman stopped to look at him. "What...?" Alastor took a few shaky breaths before he looked her in the eye. "Anthony was...he..." Alastor shook his head for a second. "He was trying to." He finally said. Elisabeth stared at him blankly, not knowing what he meant. "The fire was an accident, unfortunately Anthony seemed to..." why was this so hard to say?! "Anthony didn't want to be saved." She stared at her son, eyes wide with confusion. She now knew all to well what he meant. The pause lasted a few minutes, Elisabeth taking the time to think everything over while Alastor used it to get a grip on his thoughts. Elisabeth pulled out of his grip and walked up the stairs, Alastor hearing her close the door behind her. Sighing and leaning against the wall, dragging a hand down his face. "God damn it Anthony..."

Anthony bit his lip when Elisabeth closed
The door, bracing himself for whatever she was about to say. Elisabeth walked over to the bed, dropping on her knees and hugging him. "Why are you so reckless?" She asked quietly, voice breaking a bit as she did so. Anthony sighed, leaning into the embrace. "I'm sorry." She pulled back, eyes narrowed at him. "Damn right you are!" She snapped back. "Angel, you mean so much to me and Alastor. I understand it's been a really terrible month, but this...?" The blonde went quiet, bringing his hands to hide his face. "I'm sorry okay?" He muttered into his hands. "I know you are, Angel I want to be here for you, but I can't if you don't tell me what's going on with you...please talk to me." She replied in the softest voice she could. Anthony couldn't explain it, but something about this felt wrong. Maybe not wrong.
But familiar.
She slowly reached to put a hand on his shoulder, which the blonde quickly hit away. "You don't need to." He said, eye narrowing as he kept his gaze on the ground. Elisabeth was taken aback but didn't let up yet. "Angel I'm really worried about you." Biting his lip, he wasn't mad at Elisabeth, he was mad at himself. But something in him hated this. He needed it but god knew he didn't deserve it. "Well you shouldn't be! You aren't my mom! Stop pretending you are!" He snapped back. Regret almost immediately setting in at the look on her face. Eyes wide and staring at him, completely frozen. There was a voice in his head begging him to take it back, but the louder and more prevalent ones were yelling at him to just leave. "You'd be doing yourself a favour if you stopped." He said, malice clear in his voice as he stood up and got his jacket, slamming the door behind him as he walked away.

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