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Murder, murder murder murder

Anthony paced back and fourth in the room, muttering under his breath. Fear for his partner laced into every word. It was around four in the morning, he hadn't slept for a moment. But that was hardly any of his concern, he needed to find him. Why wouldn't Alastor tell him about this? Why did he go?! Who the hell left that note?! Sitting down against the wall, he read the note for the twentieth time. At this point, he didn't think it was helping anymore, but it didn't matter. He wanted anything, any sign at all, to know Alastor was safe, and if he wasn't, find him and bring him home.

Anthony glanced up immediately as he felt a chill run up his spine, seeing the shadowy figure in front of him. Quickly sitting up straighter. "You! Where is he? What's happening?!" He asked, the nerves still clear in his voice. The entity motioned towards the door, the window, the note in his hands. Anthony watching every movement in confusion and worry. Eventually stopping it. "I don't-....this isn't working. Talk to me." He said, staring up at it. The entity was hesitant at first, but after a few moments went by of consideration it covered his eye.

Anthony's eyes snapped open, it didn't take long to adjust to the feeling of both eyes still being there, glancing around the empty void, trying to pinpoint where the entity was. Feeling a hand on his shoulder he whipped his head around. Where the shadow stood, blood pouring off of it's head. Anthony quickly stumbling back in shock. "...Oh my god." The entity just hugged him, hands gripping the blonde's shirt. "Anthony, there's something we need to tell you." The blonde knelt down, bringing the shadow version of his lover with him. "Yeah? Where is Alastor?! Is he okay?!" The entity sighed. "No- well, probably not. The thing is- we can't reach him. This guy knew what he was doing when it comes to Alastor." Anthony shook it a little as he stared at it. "WHO?!" The shadow sighed, pulling away from Anthony slightly. It just stayed there for a moment, raising a hand to caress his face "...the note we gave you, is all you'll need to know. Please find him Anthony..." The blonde was next to silent. Staring down at this entity as it returned the concerned look. Watching the creature lean up slowly. He was still completely frozen to where he was. So when he felt the cold lips connect with his, he hardly even reacted. When the entity pulled back, it stood up, and without another word, disappeared into static.

Anthony woke up with a start. Hand immediately covering his mouth as he processed all that had just happened. The entity looked so...hurt. Why is it like that sometimes? Anthony quickly snapped back when he remembered the issue at hand. Where was Alastor. He scrambled to his feet and grabbed the note off the dresser, reading it a few more times. "Okay you bastard...anyone lays one finger on him-" He stopped and looked up when he saw the entity standing there, holding out a very familiar gun. Val's gun... "No-...no I'm not using that." He said, looking up at the shadow. It tilted it's head and pushed it closer to him. Anthony stared at it for a while. Hesitantly picking it up, he ran his finger over the engravings, biting his lip. "This thing got so many people hurt... I don't wanna- my brother literally got himself killed trying to..." He sighed, he wasn't good with any other weapon. And lord knows Elisabeth wouldn't allow any of them to actually keep another gun. "I'm stuck with this thing aren't I?" He mumbled. The entity put its hand on his shoulder, Anthony sighing as he stood up with the note and the gun. "Whatever happens, I'm not doing this for him. One old friend I hope stays in the ground." He said quietly as he walked to the door.

The shadow watched him leave, a smile crossing it's face.

"You're coming down with us love...whether you like that or not. We're going to be together forever."

When Alastor finally started to come to, his vision was mildly blurred as he opened his eyes. The floorboards were old looking, like a basement that had gone long untouched. He raised his head to see a board. He couldn't make out anything on it just yet, everything still out of focus. He tried to stand but quickly realized he couldn't move. "Wh-" The dead silence of the room was cut off by an unfamiliar voice. "Oh good, you're awake." A man said, his voice was fairly average for a man, not one you could recognize easily, and one Alastor definitely didn't know. "You know, it has taken me years to find you. Who knew my own favourite radio host was the same monster who's been tormenting this city." He said with a short laugh. Alastor's vision finally focused as he looked at his captor. A middle aged man, with dark scruffy hair. He wore no uniform, but the board behind him was enough information to know what the entity had told him was true. This man was an officer. But then there's just one thing that didn't add up. This wasn't any police station. Where...was he? "You know, from that man they found in the alley over a decade ago, to all those families... and you're so young, you would've been just a boy when you started." Alastor stared up at him, finally speaking himself. "Well, seems you have found me. Bravo." He said sarcastically. There was no point denying it, why not take the credit? The man smirked. "Just as charming as always, even in the face of death." The brunette cocked a brow. "Yes...well you've caught me, shouldn't I be, in prison, preparing to stand trial?" He asked casually. The officer paused, turning around to pull a few things off his desk. "We have 98 bodies from over the years, but we are more than positive there's more. Of course I doubt you'll tell me where they are. Three cases of attempted murder, all three of them giving the same vague description of you... and one case of arson. You've done a lot in your life haven't you?" Alastor sat quietly, waiting for his question to be answered. "I've never committed arson." He said confidently. The officer paused, turning to look at him. "Oh come on, it was literally right beside your home." He said, glancing back at the brunette. Alastor did his best to hold back any remarks about that situation. Who knew he'd be credited for his lover's crimes? "Yes yes, I already know about everything I've done. You've caught me, you can all hang me." He said, doing his best to mask his concern. "You all? Ha ha...no Alastor. No one knows you're here except you, and me. No one even knows who you actually are." He said, opening a drawer and pulling out a knife. Alastor paused for a moment, processing what he had said, and now what he was seeing. "W-well...wouldn't it be your job to make this public? To have me properly dealt with? Isn't that what you want?" He asked manically, the concern becoming harder to play off as the man approached him. "No, this is more personal." He said, kneeling down in front of him. "Isn't-" Alastor started to repeat himself, quickly cut off by the blade being pressed to his throat. "I'll tell you what I want Alastor." He snapped back quickly. Glaring into his eyes. "I want my wife back." Alastor did his best to pull away from him, realizing now this was not going to go exactly how he planned. Snapping his fingers a few times, glancing around the room for any sign of the entity. There was a pause, and... nothing. "You're little demon can't reach you here." He said with a smirk, Alastor's eyes widening at that comment. "How did you-" "I didn't want this to go in your favour...I did my research." He said simply, pulling away from him momentarily. "So I took the necessary precautions. No one knows where you are, and no power from heaven or hell is gonna save you."

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