A Single Sentence

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They were seemingly in the middle of nowhere, nothing was really in sight for miles. Anthony tapped the wheel with his fingers, seemingly a little bored. It was dark, and the only light he had was from the headlights ahead of him, faintly illuminated his face as he kept his eyes on the road ahead of him. Alastor had tried to stay awake as long as possible but fell asleep around twelve, Elisabeth having passed out an hour before. The dead silence was a little creepy but he had to suck it up for now. He knew he had to focus on driving but unfortunately multiple thoughts clouded his mind. Like what had happened to molly before he left, and if molly wasn't the one bleeding, who's blood was she covered in? Lucio was the most likely answer. But he didn't want to imagine that. And frankly the thought of his siblings that he had just abandoned being injured made him feel sick to his stomach. He momentarily pulled over on the side of the road. Letting go of the wheel for the first time in hours as he rubbed the sleep out of his eyes. Glancing down at Alastor's watch, now almost two-thirty in the morning. He turned his head to glance back at Elisabeth, who had her jacket draped over her as a makeshift blanket. It was cold, and none of them were exactly all that prepared for this situation. Anthony leaned against the dashboard, shaking his head a bit, trying to do anything to keep himself awake. Leaning back against his seat, he glanced to his left to look at Alastor, a small smile crossing his face. Quietly opening his door, he got out of the car and closed it again. Pulling the pack of cigarettes from his pocket and lighting one up. It was like he never got a chance to smoke in peace anymore, almost always interrupted by something. God did he need just a bit of down time then. Suddenly freezing up. Alastor had packed for him...what if that meant."-
Anthony quickly opened the back door, careful not to disturb Elisabeth as he pulled out his bag, digging through it quickly. Taking a sigh of relief as he found the bag of pills. "Thank god..." he said breathlessly. Folding the bag up and burying it under his clothes as it was before. Alastor having probably not noticed it when he was packing. Putting his things back where he found them and closing the door. Resuming to his smoke as he leaned against the car, he took a moment to really think over the situation. What on earth were these people doing? And for him? Were they insane? Well....Alastor was. But this was still irrational by all means.
Shaking his head, crushing the cigarette and flicking it away, Anthony pushed himself to stand straight. Walking around the other side of the car and getting back into the drivers seat, starting the engine and continued driving.

As Alastor started to stir, he could see the rays of light shining in through the windows. He was slightly sore from having been sitting up, but it wasn't unbearable. Slowly the memories of the previous day resurfaced, recognizing that he was still in a car. Glancing to his side, he saw Anthony driving calmly. Eyes glued to the road and un-shifting. "Anthony?" He called groggily, sitting himself up more properly. Anthony blinked a few times, before turning to glance at Alastor before turning back to the road. "Mornin amore." He said quietly. Alastor brought a hand up to rub his eyes, tired smile crossing his face at his lover's voice. "What time is it?" He asked. "You tell me." The blonde replied simply. Alastor glanced down at his watch. "Just after eleven..." Anthony gave a brief nod, smirk pulling at his lips to how long Alastors had slept in. "Did ya sleep well?" He asked, still keeping his voice quiet. Elisabeth was only half awake and he didn't want to bother her, not to mention he felt like he was on the verge of passing out himself. "I slept fine Cher. Did you sleep at all?" He asked, turning to better face him. "I should hope not, I woulda crashed the damn car." Alastor's smile faltered. "Would you like me to take over?" He asked. Anthony scoffed at the offer. "I'm fine. I've been up later. Besides it don't take a lot outa ya when literally nothing is happenin. We are basically just completely lost." He said calmly, huffing a laugh at his own comment. Elisabeth looked out the window. "Yes, I also have no clue where we are." She said simply. Alastor glanced back at her. "Good morning mama." He called cheerfully. A small smile pulled at her lips as she looked up at him. "Morning Aly." After a while of just fully waking himself up. Anthony pulled over for a moment. Bringing a hand to push his hair back. "So...how much more nowhere do ya think there'll be before we actually find humanity again? This is all it's been the whole night." He said simply. "That or it was dark and I'm tired so I just can't see anythin." Alastor sighed. "Most likely the second one." He replied. "Anthony by all means, take a break if you need to." The blonde rolled his eye. "Again. I'm fine."

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