For Anthony pt 2

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"So what did ya wanna talk about amore?" Anthony asked, leaning against the headboard. Alastor stood leaning against the door, his chest felt tight. He was blanking. All the anxiety from earlier returning. "Well..." his voice was quiet, it felt almost suffocating to speak. "Yeah?" There was a long pause of silence, before he sighed. "Never mind, we can talk about it later..." the blonde was quiet, before shrugging. "Alright, whatever ya say."


"On second thought..."

You will upset him

"...maybe we should..."

He won't trust you anymore

"...You see Anthony I was..."

He'll hate you.

"...I've been thinking..."

He'll hate you

"..I want you to be..."

Or he could die,

and you loose him forever.

"Anthony, Could you get that pack of cigarettes from your drawer? Perhaps we should both have one." The blonde nodded and stood up, walking across the room to his drawer. Opening it, he looked through his things, before he froze. Alastor watched him intently. Anthony started looking through the drawer more hastily, before stopping and leaning against the dresser, eye on the wall in front of him, dead quiet. "Well?" He called.

"Al..." Anthony slowly turned to look at him, he looked...scared. "You-... haven't been in my things have you?" He asked, his voice was quiet. No turning back now. "Yes, I have." He replied, trying his best to sound confident. Anthony turned to face him fully, eye locked with Alastor's. " didn't..." "Anthony. I know. And yes, I am upset, and angry, and scared and so incredibly confused." He said honestly. The blonde slowly brought his hands to tug at his hair. "You-" and yet again, there was another long pause. Anthony coming to grips with how Alastor knew. He knew.

" isn't what you think..." Ha started nervously. "Is it?" He snapped back, here they go, defending himself, alright. "It isn't! I'm being careful, and it's not like I'm just doing this for no reason!" The brunette took a step forward. "Then what is the reason?! I thought things were going fine!" Rolling his eye, Anthony turned to face him fully. "They are! This is just- Oh my god...Alastor I'm completely fine!" "No you aren't! Anthony, I've seen what these things do to you! I figured that out. All those incidents, I should've known... but I trusted you! I chose to trust you!" Sighing, Anthony leaned against the wall. "Smiles...I promise you, I will be careful. Now give them back."
"I said no."
"Alastor, I will be careful. You know, you can keep me under tabs yourself!"
"Anthony. I will not be giving them back, because I do not have them." He said sternly. And yet again, the blonde seemed shocked. "You what?" Alastor shook his head. "I do not have them anymore. They've been dealt with." Anthony was dead quiet, you could've heard a pin drop in that room. "You-..." "I'm doing this for your own good." Anthony didn't seem shocked anymore, he looked scared, and...angry.

"YOU FUCKIN WHAT?!" Alastor flinched a bit when he yelled, but held his ground. "I got rid of them. I love you too much to let you do this to yourself. Please, Anthony, you have let me before. Let me help you again." Anthony's hands were shaking, his breath trembled with every exhale. "You bastard!" The brunette walked over, resting a hand on his cheek. "You don't need to continue this, it's going to be-" Anthony hit his hand away and pushed past him. Walking to the door, hand covering his face. "Anthony-" "don't talk to me." Opening and slamming the door, Alastor quickly went to follow him. "I really must insist you listen to me." He called after him as he followed the blonde down the stairs. "Leave it alone Alastor." Elisabeth stepped into the doorway, remaining quiet unless she deemed necessary to step in. "Anthony please-" "Oh my god, juST SHUT UP!" He yelled, his grip on the doorknob tightening. The house fell silent. Alastor's eyes glued to Anthony's back. Anthony's heavy breathing was the only noise in the room, before he slammed the door behind him.

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