Friend or foe

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Anthony sat with Alastor on the couch, simply enjoying each other's company. It had grown late and the sun had already begun to set. Elisabeth still wasn't home, not that either of them were worried, they had no reason to be at the moment. Anthony really gave the brunette a sense of comfort.

There was a knock on the door, which they originally thought was Elisabeth, only to remember she had her own key. Anthony got up, brushing himself off. "I'll get it. One second." He said briefly, walking out of the lounge and into the front hallway. Opening the door and seeing his older brother. "Oh hey Lucio, do I need to come home?" He asked, tilting his head. "Not exactly, dad and I need to head back to New York on... 'family business'." He said, the last part more quiet. Anthony immediately getting the hint. "Okay, what about molly and I?" He asked, shifting a little. He didn't want to go back there, he never wanted to leave. That may sound childish to some people, but the worst years of his life were spent there. He never wanted to have step foot in the city again. He wouldn't be caught dead there. "Molly wants to stay, and pops wants you to stay and keep an eye on 'er." He said. Anthony felt like a weight was lifted off his shoulders. Taking a breath before responding. "Yeah, yeah I can do that." He said quickly. Lucio nodded, walking back to the house. "We need to leave as soon as possible, so if you're comin home late and we're gone that's why." He called back as he opened the door.

Anthony walked back to the lounge, sitting with what he could now call his lover once again. "Who was it?" Alastor asked, tilting his head. "Just Lucio, family stuff. They're leavin for New York, me and mollz are stayin...thank god." He muttered. Alastor thought for a moment. "Family? Is it good or bad?" The brunette asked. Anthony shook his head. "Who knows. It's work. Could mean a lotta things." He said casually, almost as if Alastor would have known what he meant. There were rules about who he could talk about the mafia business with. And from what he knew, Alastor wasn't on the list. Alastor decided not to pry. This wasn't his business, especially considering this was "family" matters. Looking down at the blonde who was leaning against him. He had an idea. "My mother won't be returning until morning. Would you like to stay here again?" He asked. Anthony cocked a brow, looking up him. "What? But I can still go home, I haven't been kicked out again..." he said, slightly confused. "And no one is home to say you can't stay here. I'm sure molly won't suspect anything." Alastor said briefly. Anthony thought for a second. He could easily tell molly to keep quiet about it. She knew that Anthony getting into trouble would be a big issue, so if she couldn't stop him, she was silent. "Hm, yeah. Sure! Let's do it."

Molly watched as Lucio and her father left the house. Sitting back on a chair and sighing, she liked having some time to herself. And as much has she enjoyed Anthony's company. She welcomed being home alone with open arms. No expectations, no responsibilities constantly on her shoulders. Just her. At the news Anthony was staying the night, it just was even better. An entire night to herself. Something that almost never happened. She planned to make the most of it.

After spending maybe ten minutes arguing over who would sleep where, they both settled on sharing the bed. That way they both got what they wanted, which was the other being comfortable.

Anthony sat down on his bed, patting the spot next to him. Alastor walked over to sit with him, moving himself to be against the headboard. Pulling the blonde over to him. Anthony just went with it, normally if he was pulled around his mind would immediately activate his fight or flight. But here he didn't need it. Letting his head rest against the man's chest and looking up at him. "You're pretty." Anthony mumbled, a small smile crossing his face. Alastor smirked, running a hand through his hair. "Not as pretty as you though." He replied. Anthony rolled his eyes in a playful manner. Just adjusting himself a little more. Alastor settled both of his arms around his back. Anthony looked up at him. "You ain't gonna go numb like this right?" He asked, cocking a brow. Alastor gave a small laugh. "No Anthony, I'll be fine."

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