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!TW! Use of alcohol, family conflict

Anthony walked down the street, night had fallen a few hours ago and he wanted to get some air. His father was home from work, and once the man started drinking Anthony knew he was a he wanted to leave. Lighting himself a cigarette and continuing his walk, a slight breeze that felt really good to him. It was seemingly perfect out.

As he was walking, Anthony felt what almost seemed like heavy breathing down his neck. Whipping his head around, he saw nothing. He looked around, the street was empty. He was alone. Deciding to push it aside for now, he kept walking. This growing feeling a dread was taking form, and it was difficult to ignore. He could now very clearly hear footsteps behind him. He tried to brush it all aside, anyone could have been out right now. It didn't matter if he was nervous, he was fine. Right? Hearing who ever was behind him catching up he turned around and saw, yet one. "What in gods name...?" He muttered, looking around yet again. He heard footsteps, he wasn't crazy. Someone else was here with him, he knew it. Walking a little more quickly, he could hear the footsteps yet again. Taking a moment, he decided to stop. Wondering what would happen if the sound reached him. Hearing them drawing closer, the sound of breathing came with it. It was becoming incredibly hard to remain still, wanting to book it down the street and back home, drunken father or not. Waiting a little longer, he felt a cold hand on his back. His breathing hitched in his throat, as he dared to turn his head. There met to blue, void like eyes. They were there for a split second before disappearing. Anthony turned around fully, not a trace was left behind. Finally feeling himself breathing again. He had to take a moment, as if catching his breath. Before he quickly made his way home, upon arrival at his street, he walked up the steps, crushing his cigarette and dropping it in the ash tray that was on their porch. Reaching for the door handle, he stopped. Already hearing Lucio and his father arguing. He was a bit at war in his mind, should he go in? Was it smart? Molly might need his help, same with Lucio. They weren't safe in there, but he was putting himself in harms way just by going in. Swallowing his fear, he made a decision. Opening the door and stepping in. Immediately spotting molly sitting on the steps midway up the stairs, hugging her knees. Anthony quietly walked over. "Hey, you okay? Maybe you should go upstairs." He said quietly. Molly shook her head. "Lucio told me to wait here for him." She said just as quietly. Lucio practically threw the kitchen door open, booking it down the hall towards them. "Upstairs. Now." He said quickly. Motioning for molly to get up. The three of them walked up the steps, Lucio pulling his younger siblings to his room. Shutting and locking the door. Taking a deep breath and looking back at them. "Neither of you go downstairs. Understand?" He asked harshly. The twins exchanged glances before nodding quickly. "What happened?" Anthony asked, looking between them. Lucio took a breath. "He just said some bad stuff, and I called him out on it. He didn't exactly take it well. Best if neither of us go back down. Molly is probably safest." He said honestly. "Lucio. You know better than to call him out." Anthony said harshly. "Yeah, I do. He deserved it this time really." Lucio walked over to Anthony, gently grabbing him by the shoulder and pulling him to the side of the room. Molly staying where she was. "You need to be really careful Tony. I know I tell you that bottling things up isn't good. But you need to keep yourself in check." He said, looking his brother dead in the eye. Anthony sighed, looking him up and down. "What he said was about me, wasn't it?" He asked, disappointed clear in his voice. Lucio gave a small nod. "Sorry Tony. I'm not gonna repeat any of it. But, please. Be careful."

When morning came, Alastor wasn't feeling much better than he was. Walking down the stairs to his house, he saw his mother sitting in the lounge. He opted not to go in, feeling a little guilty for driving her away the previous night. Walking into the kitchen, planning on eating and getting to work quickly.

Hearing her son come downstairs, Elisabeth stood up, brushing down her skirt and walking into the kitchen. Alastor didn't acknowledge her when she came in, staying focused on what he was doing. She stopped only a meter from him and cleared her throat, as a way of announcing herself. "Good morning." She said, a bit of frustration laced into her words. "Good morning to you." He said briefly, still not looking up at her. "How was the rest of your night? I'm asking, because you didn't bother speaking to me for the entire evening." She said, crossing her arms. "I apologize for that. I had a lot on my mind." He said simply, Elisabeth walked over to him, pulling his shoulder. "Can you please look at me while I'm talking to you?" She asked. Alastor looked her in the eye. "Again, I apologize." He said quietly. "What's going on with you? What had you worrying yesterday?" She asked, scanning his face as if it would get her an answer quicker. "Just something that happened a long time ago. I don't want to talk about it." He said, pulling out of her grip. Elisabeth sighed, shaking her head. "Alright, just remember everything is fine. If it makes you feel better, as it normally would, you should make plans with Anthony. He always seems to brighten your mood." She said, walking back to the lounge. Alastor decided to just skip breakfast that morning. He needed to leave soon anyways. Walking to the door and putting on his jacket, he looked back up the hall at the entrance to the lounge. He couldn't help but assume the worst, and just in case, he didn't want the last thing he ever said to his mother to be that he didn't wish to speak to her. Walking up the hall just standing in the doorway. "I love you mama." He said quietly, but still loud enough for her to hear. Elisabeth looked over to the doorway. Her expression softening. "I love you too." She said with a small nod. And with that, the brunette left for work.

Work was the same as usual, Alastor leaving quickly, just as he had the previous week. Arriving at his street he quickly made his way back home. He knew his mother wouldn't be home, but either way just wanted to be back. Her shoes and jacket were gone. She was at work, so chances are, she was safe. Maybe he did just need to get his mind off of it. And who better to help with that then Anthony? Elisabeth was right, he always brought out the best in him. Walking to his house and knocking on the door, Lucio came and answered it. "Oh, hello Alastor! Are you here for Anthony?" He asked. Alastor nodded. "Yes hello. And you are correct. Is he home?" He asked. Lucio looked behind him. "Yeah, he is. I'll get him." He said, closing the door. Alastor waited patiently, hearing the footsteps approaching the door after a minute or two. Anthony opening the door this time. "Hey smiles, what's up?" He asked. Seeing him was already a sense of relief. "Hello Anthony! I was wondering if you would perhaps enjoy picking up where we left off yesterday. I apologize for the rude dismissal." He said. Remembering how Rosie had practically just told him to get out in a semi gentle manner. Anthony thought for a second. Recalling the interaction himself. "Yeah sure. So...your place or out?" He asked. Alastor glanced at his house. "That depends, do you just want to enjoy each other's company, or pick up exactly where we left off?" Alastor asked. He was fine either way, he just needed a distraction. Anthony's smile turned into something of a smirk. "Your place it is." He said, stepping out the house and closing the door. Anthony walked down the steps and onto the sidewalk. "Come on then." He said, looking Alastor up and down. Alastor smiled to himself, it was a relief to see the blondes lack of patience. Walking back to his own house, Anthony trailing behind him. He opened the door, allowing the blonde to go in first before closing the door again. "So." Anthony started, turning on his heels to face him. "So." Alastor repeated. Anthony walking back over to him, pulling him by his bow tie into a quick kiss. "Hope we're on the same page. But if I'm remembering correctly. This is where we exactly left off." Alastor gave a small laugh at that. Nodding his head in agreement. "Yes, I do think this is where we were yesterday." He said, before reconnecting their lips once again. After a few minutes of this, Alastor pulled back, simply admiring him for a second. Eyes scanning down his face to his neck to...
"Anthony, what happened there." He said, grazing his thumb over a small bruise just under his jaw. Anthony shook his head. "It's nothing, just...somethin that happened last night." He explained simply. Alastor luckily didn't find it to concerning, anything could have caused it.

If someone had told Anthony this was what would become of his friendship back when he was a child, he wouldn't have believed them. This was all still such a surprise to him, and he continuously questioned how he had lucked out this much. Pulling back for air, Anthony couldn't help the smile on his face. Reaching a hand up to cup the brunette's cheek. Alastor leaned into the touch, smile only growing at the look Anthony was giving him. Bringing his own hand the hold the one on his cheek, gently bringing it forward to press a quick kiss to the base of his fingers. Anthony's cheeks quickly heating up by the gesture.

Heyyyyy peeps! It's me, the person writing this. How you guys doing? Thank you all for the votes! I didn't think people would see this so quickly, but either way, you guys are the best!

-your local lunatic 💕

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