Things I've Done

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Anthony took a deep breath, fidgeting nervously. "Well, remember the day I left?" He said sheepishly. Alastor nodded slowly. "That day, you kinda did something. And it well..threw me off. Just because I didn't know what it meant." Anthony said honestly. Alastor thought back to that day, remembering the interaction in the alleyway. "Yes, I do know what you are talking about." He said. Anthony sighed at that. "Well, it shouldn't have stuck in my head for so long but it did. I never exactly understood why it did. I was maybe fourteen when I pieced it all together. Basically, my dad finds out. And...he didn't take it well. So, I spent a long time with family help and...professional help to cure it. I've been worried seeing you would give everything a chance to come back." He said honestly. Alastor blinked his eyes in shock. "Oh, Anthony I'm sorry." He said softly. Anthony shook his head. "No no, that's not your fault. I'm the messed up one. You hardly had any role." He said quickly. Alastor rested a hand on his shoulder. "You're not 'messed up'. And I'm sorry to hear about your family's reaction." Anthony sighed, the touch stinging slightly. But he brushed it off. He hugged him earlier and brushed any pain aside. He could do it again. "Just promise you won't tell anyone." Anthony said quietly. "I promise."

Alastor sat in the lounge while Anthony was in the kitchen. Things were less tense but it was also getting painfully quiet. Everything about the situation was giving Alastor more time to think about ideas he didn't want to have. Anthony admitted to his own attraction, and the fact that he had played a part in him finding out both hurt and was taken almost as a complement. Anthony walked back and sat on the couch. "How are you feelin?" He asked with a small smile. "I'm fine my friend. How are you?" The brunette responded. A smile crossing his face as well. "Better, thank you." Alastor nodded, moving to sit next to him. "Just know you're always safe here." Alastor said quietly, Anthony's smile only growing. "Again, thank you so much. It means more than you think." He said happily. Alastor's expression softened. Moving his hand to rest on his cheek again.

Was Alastor thinking straight? Kind of...he was thinking about a lot of things. But these were thoughts he had the night before, and now that he knew Anthony's thoughts on the matter, he took it as a safe chance. "Can I try something?" He asked nervously. Anthony was noticeably stiff at the contact. But gave him a small nod, not sure where this was going. "Tell me if you hate it, okay?" The brunette asked, before pulling him forward slightly, and pressing a quick kiss to his lips.

It lasted maybe a moment. Before Alastor pulled back, hand remaining cupping the blondes cheek. Anthony opened his eyes and stared at him blankly. "Alastor..what the heck was that?" He asked quietly. Alastor shook his head. "It was something I thought of last night. Just wanted to do it and see how it felt..." Alastor said honestly. Anthony was quiet for a moment. Before he started laughing, it was quiet but still a laugh none the less. "Anthony?" Alastor called nervously. The blonde now covering his mouth with his hand to try and keep himself quiet. "I'm sorry, that just wasn't the answer I was expecting."  Anthony said, taking a moment to compose himself. "But honestly I've been there, did the exact same thing." He said with a smile. Alastor felt himself relax at that answer. "Alright, thank you Anthony. I shall see you in the morning." "Night."

Alastor sat up, noticing the sunlight peeking through his curtains. He slowly stood up stretching his arms above his head. He walked over to draw the curtains, seeing the beautiful spring day outside. His clear view of the house next to him only making his smile grow. Quickly remembering that his friend was most likely still here. Quickly getting dressed he walked down the stairs, peeking into the lounge to one. Alastor stood still for a moment. Anthony didn't seem like the type to get up at the crack of dawn. But none the less, if he wasn't here he could always find him later. Walking into the kitchen he found yet another empty room. Walking in, he noticed the bottle of painkillers on the counter. Taken g the he started reaching up to put them away.

Anthony stood in the bathroom, shirt slightly removed. Just slid off his shoulders a bit, buttons undone. Anthony reached a hand to run over the raised skin, it was not a very pretty sight to look at. And the scars from the previous times didn't make it any more appealing to look at. The texture of his skin having changed, slightly dry now. Anthony couldn't help but loath the way it looked. Quickly putting his shirt on properly. "Fuckin stupid.." he mumbled to himself as he opened the door, walking back to the kitchen.

Alastor hearing footsteps up the hall, turned in the direction of the doorway, smile growing at seeing Anthony. "Good morning Anthony! Did you sleep well?" He asked cheerfully. "I slept fine thank you. How about you big guy?" He asked, unable to help the smile on his face. "I slept wonderfully! And I'm quite excited for this morning because I do not have any work." He said, almost giddy. Yes, he loved his job. But he hadn't had a day off in a while.

Anthony nodded, pushing his messy hair out of his face. "Sounds fun. Hope you have a nice day off then." He said with a small smile. The blonde turned out of the room and walked back into the lounge, sitting on the couch. Alastor walked to stand in the doorway. "You know, I would be more than happy to spend my day off with you, only if you'd be interested." He said, eyes giving the blonde a once over. Anthony looked over to face him. "Are ya sure? I wouldn't wanna intrude on your time off." He said, giving a nervous smile. Alastor shook his head. "Not at all my friend! Only if your up for it." He said cheerfully. Anthony thought for a moment before giving his answer. "I'd like that."

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