Darling little flapper girl

338 15 43

!TW! Gore, use of alcohol

Lucio walked down the alley way, cigarette between his lips as he stopped at his destination. As he stopped to knock on the door, he stepped back. Waiting for it to open. Underground bars were one of the most exciting ideas to him. So he knew if he got a chance he would just have to try it. Walking g in and down the stairs.
Hours past. His night was everything expected, nothing short of fun. As he walked up the steps, he was only slightly tipsy. Never exactly being a lightweight when it came to alcohol. As he opened the door he could hear movement a few meters from him, the alleyway was dark so he couldn't see them. But there was someone standing near the street. "Hey!" Lucio called. Immediately getting a bad feeling from him. "What'cha up to there?" He asksd, reaching into his coat pocket for his gun. They looked at Lucio, before bolting into the street and disappearing into the night. Lucio ran after them, stopping at the edge of the alleyway, unable to see anyone. He turned to look where he was standing, only to drop the gun. Eyes going wide in disgust and shock. There, sat up to be leaning against the wall, was a heavily mutilated woman. The amount of blood pouring off of her made him almost sick to his stomach. The only thing keeping him from panicking was that he had seen a dead person before, he's killed too. He looked in the direction the person went. "That was him..." he muttered.

Alastor stopped once he arrived at the park. Catching his breath. Running his blood soaked hand through his hair. That was way to close for his liking. Walking down to the small spring he did his best to get most of the blood off of his hands. Standing up and brushing himself down, he looked around. Reaching into his pocket to clean off his knife, only to feel nothing. "Damn it..." he muttered. Looking back in the direction he'd come from. He must have left it in the alley, luckily no one could trace it back to him, it was just any other cooking knife he used. So he didn't need to worry.

After sitting alone simply enjoying the evening he heard something behind him. Footsteps, running. He looked behind him to see a young woman not far from him. Two men following behind her, quickly catching up. One of them grabbed her arm. That's when she screamed, she screamed bloody murder. That was a sound Alastor knew very well. Slowly standing up, he walked over. Seeing the two men, clearly in some form intoxicated. One had her arms restrained behind her back as she struggled to no avail to get free. "Gentlemen." Alastor said, walking over. They looked over at the brunette approaching them. "Get out of here buddy." One hissed at him. "Now, Did your mothers never teach you this isn't how you treat a young lady?" He asked, his voice was very calm despite the situation. "I'm giving you one more chance to get out of here." The man holding her said. "Let go of her first." Alastor demanded, despite his calm demeanour, the look in his eyes gave away the fact that he was dead serious. One rolled his eyes and pulled a knife out of his jacket. "Okay, you had your chance." He said, glaring at him. Alastor scoffed, the one time he didn't have his knife. The man swung the knife at Alastor, while he did successfully swipe it against his cheek, Alastor grabbed his wrist. He had no issue with fighting a man, he did this all the time. Successfully knocking him off his feet, and rendering him unconscious by the force he pushed him down with, not to mention disarming him. Alastor smirked. "I expected more of a fight from yo-" Alastor was cut off by a sharp pain in his arm. Eyes darting to the knife in his left arm just below his shoulder. "I..." he started, truly not expecting that. Having almost forgotten there were two of them since the other remained so silent. Taking advantage of the fact that Alastor was momentarily distracted, he took the opportunity to knock him to the ground, keeping his head pinned to the paved pathway with one hand. The other twisted the knife that was still in his arm. Alastor glanced up at them, he was more impressed than angry or scared. He bit his tongue to keep himself from giving him the satisfaction of making any noise. It was interesting to him, seeing his own blood pooling on the ground. He truly just wasn't in the correct head space for this situation. But he was brought back by the knife being removed only to immediately be dragged across his back. Again, Alastor didn't make a sound. Eyes falling on the knife on the ground next to him. 'These idiots...' he thought to himself. Getting a hand free and grabbing it. Stabbing the man in the leg. That was enough to get him off of his back, pushing himself up and pointing the knife at him. Now a knife fight would have been an interesting story for later. But it wasn't convenient at the time, so this wound be quick. Simply a moment of back and forth before he successfully stabbed the man in the neck. Pulling back, letting the man collapse to the ground. He stood catching his breath, admiring his work before he turned to the woman. "Are you alright my dear?" He asked, breathing still heavy. She stared at him in shock. The brunette narrowed his eyes at her, vision becoming blurry. Alastor was feeling something he hadn't felt before. He felt almost lightheaded, stumbling back a bit and dropping the knife. Bringing a hand to his forehead. The feeling quickly growing. He dropped on his knees, legs no longer being able to support his weight. As everything faded out into nothing.

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