What would you do?

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!TW! Use of alcohol

Anthony adjusted his arms into a hug, holding Alastor a little tighter, just enjoying that moment. Alastor sighed, leaning further into the blonde. "What did I do to deserve you...?" He mumbled, arms finding their way around Anthony's back. Anthony smiled at his words. Again, that amazing feeling of being wanted that he always gave him. "You deserve everything amore." He said just as quietly. Alastor couldn't help the smile that tugged at his lips, nodding his head. "He's right you know, you deserve everything coming your way." Alastor quickly pulled back. "Where?-" Anthony looked up at Alastor with nothing but confusion as the brunette glanced around the room. "Everything okay?" He asked quietly. "Y-yes, I just thought I heard someone." Alastor explained quietly, just so the blonde could hear. Anthony glanced around the room himself. "Is it your friend? We haven't really seen it in a bit." Alastor nodded slowly. "Yes, I believe that's it." He said almost cautiously, before turning back to Anthony. "Don't worry, everything is fine." He said with a small smile, before his eyes caught the faint blue light from behind Anthony. The shadow quickly reaching forward and grabbing Anthony's shoulders. Pressing its clawed hands over his eyes. "Alastor. We need to speak with you." It said briefly. Alastor stared at it. "Uh- let go of him first?" He asked, motioning to Anthony, who surprisingly wasn't fighting back, or even moving. "He can't hear this." The entity said simply. "He can't hear you." Alastor pointed out, motioning at the shadow. "Any of this, you included. We did not think you would tell him. But now you have, which complicates things. But we'll move around it. Also, when it comes to love, I suggest you don't get to attached to him. You don't live forever, and it will only make your life harder." Alastor blinked in surprise. "He's not getting in the way of anything. Listen well, these have been the best months of my life and if you have an issue I hate to tell you, I won't be giving them up." He said simply. The shadow narrowed its eyes at him. "You're childish. An overlord can't have a heart." It said briefly. Alastor frowned. "Again with the 'overlord'. Yet you still don't explain what it means." He said quickly. Alastor glanced at the blonde who still hadn't moved, led alone breathed. "Is he...okay?" Alastor asked. The shadow glanced down at the blonde. "Completely fine. But as we were saying-" Alastor's expression softened a bit into more concern. "Why isn't he breathing?" He asked, slightly nervous. The shadow scoffed. "He's just in a trance state so he won't hear us. He's fine." It explained, a little agitated. "This is what we mean when we say you can't get so attached. You don't want to have to care. It isn't to late to let go of him, we've seen where this goes. We gave you eleven months undisturbed with him, isn't that enough?" Alastor shook his head. "I know what I'm doing." He said simply. The shadow frowned. "A fool's answer." And with that, it disappeared into static.

Alastor waited a minute until the static could no longer be heard, before grabbing the blonde's arm. "Anthony, can you hear me?" He asked nervously. Anthony took a moment, blinking us eyes almost as if trying to adjust to the light when you first wake up. "Uh, yeah." He said, glancing at him. "You okay?" He asked. Alastor reached up to cup his cheek. "I'm fine, are you?" Anthony cocked a brow. "Completely fine. Jesus Al, you look pale...you sure you're okay?" Alastor just watched his expression for a second or two. Was Anthony conscious of the event? He didn't really seem to be reacting, so chances were he wasn't. Alastor nodded his head, giving him a small smile. "I promise I'm fine my dear."

A few hours had passed, Alastor kept himself awake long enough to go out without disturbing Anthony. Once he was sure the blonde was comfortable with having his own time, he got up, walking down the stairs and outside, luckily catching the streetcar before it left. Upon getting off, he only had to walk to short distance to the bar that he hadn't visited for a few months. Walking down the steps, the faint sound of music already reaching him. Entering the main area, his eyes landed on a certain young lady on the stage. Smiling to himself at the sight. Ordering himself a drink and sitting at a table, eyes remaining on the small stage. A few minutes had passed, Alastor set his glass down taking a deep breath. This was something he needed, for a while. Today's events had been very off to him. There were other things he needed to ask the entity, but they could wait in his mind. Especially if Anthony had to remain so freakishly still in order to have a conversation. It wasn't that he wanted to get away, he just wanted to talk to a friend, someone who would listen without insisting on context. Much unlike his mother or Anthony. As much as he loved them, they were both prone to pry for answers. He enjoyed the muffled sounds of background noise, made up of talking and music, it felt almost peaceful. But that was quickly broken when he felt a pair of gloved hands over his eyes. "Guess who!" Alastor smiled to himself. "Well, judging by your feminine and energetic voice, the gloves, and the fact that I can no longer hear you on stage, I would guess....Mimzy!" She quickly removed her hands from his face, Alastor turning a bit in his seat to face her. "You got it!" She said cheerfully. "How lovely to see you my dear, you're actually exactly who I came to see." Mimzy felt her cheeks heat up a bit at that comment. "Oh? Well, I don't have any other shows tonight. So I'm all yours! How have you been? I haven't seen you in so long." She asked, pulling up a chair to sit across from him. "I've been alright." He replied simply. "And how's molly?" She asked, cocking a brow. Alastor stopped for a second, honestly confused as to why she was asking, before it clicked on his head. "She's just fine from what a know!" He said with a small laugh, almost having forgotten all the effort they went through to convince Mimzy that molly was his girlfriend. "That's wonderful! And...the other one, sorry I know his name..." she said, snapping her fingers a few times as if it would help her think. "Anthony! How's Anthony?" She asked, face lighting up at remembering. Alastor huffed a laugh. "He's been alright, we've had a very eventful week." Mimzy leaned in a bit. "Oh, do tell." She said, eyes intently watching Alastor. "Oh it's all quite personal to him my dear. No offence. but I feel he would be very unimpressed if I told you." He said quietly. Mimzy waved a hand dismissively. "No no! None taken lovey! Look at me, getting into a man I hardly knows personal business. I'm sorry." She said with a small laugh. Alastor nodded. "Well, enough about me. How's my favourite flapper girl doing?" He asked. Mimzy smiled to herself at that. "I'm just swell Al."

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