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Must not write Elisabeth, must stop writing Elisabeth. Stop it with all the Elisabeth! Future Lunatic, I swear to god if this entire chapter is Elisabeth I'm gonna be fuckin upset.



I'm sorry past lunatic! I caved!

!TW! Discussion of sexual assault

Anthony practically forgot the entire event that had just happened on his porch. Alastor being his only focus. The brunette kissed him one more time before finally letting go. "You're perfect. You know that?" He asked, cupping the blondes cheek. Anthony smirked. "You're the perfect one."
Pulling back momentarily, Alastor took his hand and twirled him around. Anthony giggled at the little movement. Tilting his head up to press a few gentle kisses to his neck and jawline. Alastor smiled, wrapping both arms around his waist, embracing the little gestures.

Elisabeth walked down the street, it was really late and work had already gone on longer than expected. Walking through the park, over the same spot she had been searching for Alastor so many months ago, she stopped. Hearing something...familiar. Looking around, she knelt down over the now faded stains on the pathway, the sound only seemingly getting louder. She was about to stand up when something grabbed her wrist. Looking down she saw the familiar pair of blue eyes, the shadow laying on its back underneath her. Elisabeth put her free hand over her heart. "Goodness, you scared the daylight out of me!" She said with a small laugh. "Now where have you been?" She asked, standing up properly. The shadow fading into static and appearing standing next to her. It merely shrugged. She waited, watching it for a second. "No more talking, hm?" She asked. It shook it's head. "Alright, let's go home." She said simply. The shadow tugged her blouse, shaking s its head. Elisabeth cocked a brow. "No?" She asked. The shadow pointed at her, and then the direction of her house, then at itself shaking its head. "I'm going aren't?" She asked. It nodded its head before disappearing. Elisabeth stood, slightly confused. What was going on with it?

Anthony sat in bed next to Alastor. just as it had the previous night, sleep didn't come. Remaining restless, unable to stay still. Alastor sleeping peacefully beside him. Thoughts of the events of the previous interactions ran through his mind. His confession with Alastor subsiding into hardly any comfort. If anything it made him feel worse, how would he react if he knew? Thoughts of what he would do to molly, thoughts of what would happen to himself, thoughts of what had already taken place all those years ago. Memories that he had repressed for so long, moments he had promised himself to take to the grave. Now finally having their chance to surface, exactly what he didn't want. He didn't want to think about any of this, he didn't want to think. Why couldn't he just be numb to it all for a few minutes. Sometimes feeling nothing seemed more blissful than being happy. He tried to push away any memories of the events all those years ago, before the hospital, before his father, before the- Anthony quickly got up, covering his mouth and running out of the room. Last thing he wanted was to be sick, but unfortunately it didn't seem like it could be helped. Quickly turning on the tap and drinking a bit of water, trying to get the taste out of his mouth. Slowly sinking back down onto his knees, weakly slouched over the sink. Shutting his eyes for a moment, trying to force any thoughts out if his head, bad or good. What did it take to be numb? What did it cost for that bliss? He would have traded almost anything, just to make him forget again. Begging himself. 'Please stop thinking.'

By the time Elisabeth had arrived back home, The house was dark. She took off her coat and hung it up, walking down the front hallway, she was about to go upstairs when she caught a glimpse of Anthony sitting in the lounge. She had originally assumed he was also asleep considering every light in the house was off. But here he was, just sitting in the dark. Elisabeth stretched her arms above her head and walked to the doorway. "Angel, why are you still awake? It's nearly one." She asked, squinting a bit in hopes to see him better. "Couldn't sleep." He replied simply. Elisabeth walked into the lounge, standing just in front of where he sat on the couch. "You hardly slept last night, aren't you tired?" She asked. Anthony nodded, raising a hand to his hair. "Very, it's just not happening." He muttered. Elisabeth reached for the lamp closest to her and flicked it on. Sitting next to him. "How was your night?" She asked, tilting her head a bit. "Last part was great, one little mishap. But I'm handling it." He explained. "Did you see your father? Did he say something?" She asked. Anthony shook his head. "No, just a guy that used to work with em..." he sighed. "It was...kinda a lot to see him." Elisabeth watched his expression. " you need to talk about it?" She asked quietly. Anthony thought for a moment. "Just, don't tell anyone..." he requested. Elisabeth gave him a small smile. "Of course."
"I- um...we met for the first time I was maybe thirteen. It was just some guy my dad knew. He was real friendly, honestly didn't mind him. He...he seemed pretty invested in gettin to know me. I didn't mind at all back then. Normally most people my dad knew pretended I didn't exist." He said, propping his head up on his hand as he rested his elbow on the arm of the couch. "When I turned fifteen, I got my first job for our 'family business', he was going to help me. Just the two of us..." Anthony bit his lip, shaking his head. "Um, I don't know how he did it, but he somehow knew I was sick." Elisabeth tilted her head, her small smile faltering a bit. "We were....damn it." Anthony stopped, rubbing at his eyes a bit. Elisabeth took his hand gently, giving it a small squeeze. "Take your time baby." She said in a soft voice. Anthony gave her a weak smile at the comfort. "Well...things a different direction than I thought they would, and we almost messed up the entire thing." He muttered. "I think he was mad at me...or maybe wanted to get to my dad before I did. But he...he told him, he was the one who told my dad." He said, eyes narrowing as he stared at the ground. "And he wasn't exactly gentle with the way he worded it. He purposely made me sound a lot worse than it was, specially since I was still a kid....and that ain't even the end." He said. Elisabeth leaned forward a bit, watching him explain. "He also demanded a bit of hush not tell everyone else about me. Of course my dad payed it, and I already was in hot water for bein out..." Anthony cringed a bit at his own expression. "I got into so much trouble, and this was before the god forsaken hospital even happened..." He said, sighing as he slouched forward a bit, running his hand through his hair. Elisabeth nodded, bringing a hand to rub his back. "I'm sorry that happened, and it's terrible to hear you had to see him again...if it's not to much trouble, what was it that almost messed you up...?" she asked. "By no means do you have to answer." Anthony went quiet, shutting his eyes and shaking his head. "It's something I planned to keep buried." He muttered. Elisabeth nodded, if he didn't want to say it, she wouldn't dare pry. "But...I guess telling anyone would be a little nice..." he finished quietly. "You just, you can't tell anyone about this, promise me. Not even Alastor." He said quickly, Elisabeth gave him a nod. "I promise." With that reassurance, Anthony gave her a brief nod, grip on her hand tightening, nerves rising even more. "I...where do I start?" He asked himself. "He tried to- things got-..." Anthony stopped to take a deep breath, slowly exhaling. "I guess he wanted to see how many boundaries he could push with me, because he tried something, and I-" Elisabeth immediately got the hint, feeling the blood drain from her face. "Oh...honey..." she muttered. Anthony pulled out of her grip. "I tried, I really did. I didn't want to do anything! I swear, I didn't try to lead him on. I wasn't even...I was a kid Elisa. I swear I wasn't trying." He said slightly manically. Elisabeth's expression softened, gently putting her hands on his shoulders. "I know Angel, I know." She said quietly, guiding the blonde into a gentle embrace, letting him lean against her chest. Anthony sighed, shaking his head. "I shouldn't have said it. It's fine, Elisabeth please. I don't want you to look at me differently." He said, half pleaded. Elisabeth shook her head. "Nothing is going to change how I see you." She said, running gently fingers through his hair. "Your father doesn't know about this?" She asked. Anthony shook his head. "No ones knows about it. Besides, I don't think anyone on my side woulda believed me." She sighed, continuing to rake her fingers through his hair. "No one believed me either." she said quietly. Anthony's eyes shot open at that comment. "What..?" He called nervously. She shook her head. "It's a thing of the past, but I understand what you're thinking. I'm sorry that this all has come to pass." She said in a soft voice. Anthony stared at her with wide eyes. "Oh...Elisa I'm sorry." He muttered. She shook her head, pressing a kiss to his forehead. "It's alright, and you are going to be fine. I promise."

They sat there on the couch for a while longer, Anthony's desperate need of sleep having a chance to set in. Elisabeth stood up, extending a hand to him. "I think you should get some rest." She said with a small smile. Anthony nodded, taking her hand and standing up. "I'll see you in the morning Angel. Pleasant dreams." She said, pushing his messy hair out of his face. Anthony nodded, walking to the stairs. "Oh and Angel-" she called after him as he reached the stairs. "Yes?" He called back quietly. "Thank you for telling me." She said in a hushed voice, keeping in mind it was late and her son was asleep upstairs. Anthony smiled to himself. "Thank you Elisa. Have a good sleep." He called back, walking up the stairs. Quietly opening Alastor's door, closing it gently behind him. Anthony removed his shirt and climbed into bed with the brunette. His week of insomnia finally subsiding as he was able to fall asleep.

OKAY! Okay, okay...I promise I will stop it with the Elisabeth! I'm banning myself from focusing chapters on her for a little. Because Alastor is the MAIN character of this, and I have hardly even talked about him. *sigh* I need to get my shit together...

MOLLY, has had more development than him.
Fuckin hell, why aren't I writing about Alastor? The entire plot of radio demons dilemma followed Alastor! Why am I struggling so much with this?!

We are updating this for a sketch

We are updating this for a sketch

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