(Serious) YOU SON OF A-

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*inhales* I'm going to be honest, I'm not in a good mode right now, Why? Well cause of this peace of shit that APPERENTLY exist on Wattpad...... 

It was actually informed by me by one of my followers @EzcahLabaro that apparently he/she is homophobic

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It was actually informed by me by one of my followers @EzcahLabaro that apparently he/she is homophobic.... Now I didn't believe it at first and just thought they were just religious folk, I don't mind that he or she is religious but then I scrolled down and saw this

 Now I didn't believe it at first and just thought they were just religious folk, I don't mind that he or she is religious but then I scrolled down and saw this

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What in the actual fuck..... so it turns out he/she is a religious homophobe who sends hate towards order people, if you ever end up going to his/he announcements you'll see some people already calling him/her out for it and turns out she /he has sent hate  towards other people in this platform. 

I ended up responding to this because well it needed to stop, I honestly don't care if h this some sort of sick joke I'm not going to deal with this bullshit

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I ended up responding to this because well it needed to stop, I honestly don't care if h this some sort of sick joke I'm not going to deal with this bullshit. He/She does tend to delete any comments that call him or her out for it so I'm pretty sure this got deleted but I don know, now Why did I make this chapter? Well I wasn't planning to since 1. I'm not good at calling out on people with out getting mad and 2. I honestly prefer to ignore drama if it happens...... until this happened 

 (this comment really got under my skin so badly)

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 (this comment really got under my skin so badly) ............... What. In the name. Of all of the bad things in life and death. Do you think it's ok for you to say this..... you make me sick honestly. As a person who has had suicidal thoughts in the past this both hurts me and frustrates me, YOU CANT JUST TELL SUICIDAL PEOPLE TO KILL THEM SELFS YOU DUMB BITCH, WHAT THE IN THE ACTUAL FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!? Listen for those who are suicidal are have suicidal thoughts, don't listen to this sick person I do believe that you can get help and prevent a death from happening. I don't want anyone to take there own life, even if there like him/her, I recommend to reach  out to someone you trust or care about, BUT NOT THIS MESSED UP MOTHERFUCKER!!! 

...... If I had the chance to break my laptop right I could... but I won't cause it's expensive. I honestly never thought I would meet a messed up person so sick I'm the head to say these kinds of stuff, honestly.....They have done other more messed up stuff but I'm honestly about throw this laptop if I do say so cause a lot of this get's under my skin, So if your hearing this @Worship_the_lord ... get. The. Fuck. Of. This. Platform! Cause it seems like your not going to change one bit so, then get out! I know you probably wouldn't even bother to read this or listen to me but if not then I don't want to see you any where near my account, this place isn't  A place for homophobic, transphobic, racist, sexist, or any kind of discrimination around here! You can hate on me all you want cause I've been hated before, But I swear If I see one more offensive comment or announcement towards a follower, a friend or any one, I'll just let Wattpad know what you have been doing here in this platform, based on the guidelines: 

 Platform! Cause it seems like your not going to change one bit so, then get out! I know you probably wouldn't even bother to read this or listen to me but if not then I don't want to see you any where near my account, this place isn't  A place fo...

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WOOOOO- Ok I now let my anger out finally

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WOOOOO- Ok I now let my anger out finally..... 

I also don't recommend to sending hate towards this person, and even if you do your comment will most likely get deleted so I suggest you don't even try- 

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