Dare 30

49 1 0

 From insanekidbat: I dare the Bad End Friends to do a                 BODY SWAP!!!!!!

*POOF they swap bodys with ...... whoever* 

Bipper( Ice Finn): ...wait..... touches his head WHERE THE F*CK IS MY CROWN!? 

Beast Wirt(Bipper): hey now I get to hold this lantern thing you kept me away from! 

Ice Finn(Beast Wirt): Great....Now I'm third wheel....and........Finn when is the last time you took a shower? 

Bipper (Ice Finn): what's a shower? 

both: oh my f*cking Bipper..... 

Bipper (Ice Finn): any ways I'm going to look for ever is Fern 

Ice Finn(Beast Wirt): fine but don't you dare try to- Bipper where are you going with my body? 

Beast Wirt(Bipper): I'M GOING TO RUN MY SELF OVER WITH 14 BUSSES!!!!! 

Ice Finn(Beast Wirt): BIPPER NO!!!!! 

Invader Zib(Evil Morty): please don't be Cyclock, please don't be Cyclock, please don't be Cyclock, please don't be Cyclock, please don't be Cyclock..... opens eyes HEY I HAVE 2 EYES NOW!!! wait..... WHO THE F*CK IS IN MY BODY!? 

Evil Morty(Villain Deku): that might be me......

Villain Deku(Invader Zib): geez.... the rumors were right......your hair does look like broccoli... 

Evil Morty(Villain Deku): shut the f*ck up Zib....

Invader Zib(Evil Morty): well at least I have SOME trust on you being in my body....but do I really have to be the one in this hybrid human-Irken thing..... 

Red Leader Tord(Cyclock): ....... looks in the mirror

Domino(Mirror Lapis): dude....you can't see your self in the mirror ...you can only see me.... 

Red Leader Tord(Cyclock): I know but I want to get a closer look at Tord's cool scar 

Cyclock(Red Leader Tord): you think my scar is cool...? 

Red Leader Tord(Cyclock): cooler than my scars... by the way, Domino how come you didn't switch body's? 

Domino(Mirror Lapis): but I did...I'm mirror lapis 

Red Leader Tord(Cyclock): makes sence.......realizes he's an Adult ..... I'M GOING TO COMMIT ILLEGAL ADULT STUFF NOW!!!! 

Mirror Lapis (Domino): ....... great.....just great.... well at least I'm not stuck in the same mirror....

Mewberry Star(Birthday Mabel): Gasp I HAVE 4 ARMS!!!!!


Demon Marco(Green Knight Fern): I have become my greatest weakness......fire..... 

Green Knight Fern(Demon Marco): I'm tall now..... actually how do you fit in this house? 

Demon Marco(Green knight Fern): ..... good question..... 0_0 

Brainwashed Max(Genocide Frisk): ..... am I suppose to feel something? 


Brainwashed Max(Genocide Frisk): annoying much .....

Duty mode Gir(Corrupted Gamer): finally...after all these years....I'm a robot... 

Corrupted Gamer(Duty Mode Gir): why are you so happy about this? 

Duty Mode Gir(Corrupted Gamer): cause now I can do this starts flying 

Corrupted Gamer(Duty mode Gir): GET BACK HERE WITH MY BODY!!!! 

Spade (Echo):should I find it awkward to be in my boyfriends body? 

Echo(Spade): using his dark magic yes....yes you should.... 

Abandoned Spinel(Yellow Steven): not another word...... 

Yellow Steven(Abandoned Spinel): I never thought I'd fit with yellow...but I guess I do 

???: is book 2 ready- 

Gamer: stop f*cking asking me that I'm barely getting to the climax..... 

???: but I want to be in the book soon.. 

Gamer: me too but your sadly going to have to wait ...but don't worry to make it up to you I'll let you get your revenge soon enough..... 

Gamer: oh wait is this thing still on? (SH*T) turns off quickly 

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