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 From 26zubiekalt: Charles are you and Burt long lost identical twins

Charles: well no but we are step brothers! 

Burt: don't remind me... 

Henry: spits of coffee cough cough....... clears throat keep going....

Charles: well before I got adopted my the General, I lived with my mom all alone since my dad sadly past away from an illness..... 

Burt: meanwhile I was stuck with my father who divorced my mom a while ago....... I still miss her, but of course he moved on so quickly and remarried Charles mom.... 

Charles: we didn't get along.... and we never did..... he always called me his bipolar opposite 

Burt: however one day when we were camping.... we both got lost and separated..... I ended up finding out about the Toppats and well they took me in as there member and then as I got older there pilot....

Charles: I was found by the army and then well the general took me in and I soon became there youngest pilot..... 

Burt: it was all fine UNTIL I SAW HIM AGAIN!!! 

Charles: well you didn't cry when we saw each other...

Burt: well because I never loved you Charles Calvin.... 

 insert Sad Charles noises here 

H̶̹̝̤̠̉̔́͗̾̎̕3̴̧̧̩̭̖̗͇̤͔̜̟͈͈̑̓̌̊̂̏͒͝͝n̸̢̬͍͙̫̏Ř̵́̇̈́͐͐̈́̂̏̊̑̇́̅̀͜y̸̥̪̮͑̈̈́̈́̔̚: ...... soooooooo, where is my coffee? 

Corruptick Will: .... you never asked for- 

H̶̹̝̤̠̉̔́͗̾̎̕3̴̧̧̩̭̖̗͇̤͔̜̟͈͈̑̓̌̊̂̏͒͝͝n̸̢̬͍͙̫̏Ř̵́̇̈́͐͐̈́̂̏̊̑̇́̅̀͜y̸̥̪̮͑̈̈́̈́̔̚: well then get me coffee.....

Toy Yendo: well Henry took it... 

H̶̹̝̤̠̉̔́͗̾̎̕3̴̧̧̩̭̖̗͇̤͔̜̟͈͈̑̓̌̊̂̏͒͝͝n̸̢̬͍͙̫̏Ř̵́̇̈́͐͐̈́̂̏̊̑̇́̅̀͜y̸̥̪̮͑̈̈́̈́̔̚: damnit..... 

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