Gamer trying to do they're job for once...

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 Little back round, In this universe(or at least In Gamer's dimension) Hell is similar to Hazbin Hotel/Helluva boss however there are somethings different like Demons can't go to the overworld and kill people unless they have some for of human DNA..... I think you know where is going.... The Queen of Hell (who shall not be named yet) choses sertant demons every 300 million years(in Hell) and turns them into half-human half Demons with the cost of there memories. Then they are sent to The over world with specific targets they must torture and/or kill along with what they call "A Demonic Guardian" (They are basically like there teacher)to help them along. They are sent in to the over world to find there target and like I said before, kill or torture them untill they kill them self, after that they can chose to go back to hell or keep staying on earth cause.. let's be real here.... 

 Now Gamer is the youngest out of all them..... which is why this is a problem and you'll see why.... 

 Gamer: so as I was saying about my Bad end friend ships, I drew some Pinecones! do you think Beast Wirt and Bipper would like it? hang on the fridge material? DO you ship them Luci!! :D 

Lucifer: uhhh....- 

Gamer: QUITE LUCIFER!!! Remember what we are here for..... to keep watch for our target.... 

Lucifer: like her points at Ivy 

Gamer: OH MY SATAN!!!! whispers that's our target right? 

Lucifer: .... yeah.... 

Gamer: YES!!! Excellent! clears throat VICTIM!!!! YOU SHALL NOT PASS THIS AREA!!! I the GREAT GAMER will stop you! turns around to see she's passed her 0_0 naturally. Looks like we're going to play in hard mode then.... SO BE IT!!! nothing a half-Demon can't handle.... 

Lucifer; the victim left 

Gamer: turns around to see she's gone again WHAT!? oh... W̷̟͠ĕ̴̗l̵̞̔l̵̟̈́ ̴̻͌ṡ̴͎o̴͔̍ ̴̝̋b̶̫̋è̸̳ ̶̫͂i̵̙͝ţ̵̈́.̵̮̒.̷͇͗.̴̙̈́

Ivy: causally walking and then stops because Gamer is in her way(ugh this again) 

Gamer: Looks like you must surrender to me, Victim since you surely won't be able to pass my TRAP!!! 

*random bear trap on the sidewalk* 

Ivy: ..... grabs a stick and places it on the bear trap and walks around it

Lucifer: That target sure knows how to get out of a STICKy situation laughs 

Gamer: BE QUITE LUCI!!! I will NOT be out smarted, VICTIM!!!! I'll get you next time ....... n̷͇̐e̵̅ͅx̸̼͗t̸̩͋ ̶̺̑t̵̥̃i̵̜͌m̵̭̕ȩ̴́.̷͈͋.̴̫͌.̷̯̿.̴̭͛

Ivy: again causally walking 

Gamer: GO NO FURTHER, FIEND!!!!! Surrender now, or I'll show you my....SPECIAL ATTACK 

Ivy: ..... (let's just get this over with....) 

Gamer: not surrendering, huh? T̶̬̿h̷̘̏e̶͕͋n̸̤̑ ̵̻́y̸͈̌ǒ̸̰u̴̜̎ ̴̺̌a̵̮̽s̴̺͊k̸̤̇ë̵̘d̵̝̃ ̵̤̐f̵̪̚ȍ̴͖r̷͎̔ ̴̡͂į̶̅t̵̝̉.̷̟̈́.̴̟͛.̸̮̊.̷̢̂ ̴͓̀ 

Gamer: There is a bomb strapped to my chest, Victim. Surrender now and I'll disarm it.... But if you do not surrender, I'll be forced to detonate the device! killing us bo-

Ivy: cuts the right wire quickly 

Gamer: ... you edgy bitch...... THAT WAS A REAL BOMB YOU MANIC!!!!! sigh nevertheless, you solved my puzzle....Proceed.... 

Ivy: walks by 

Gamer: I'll get you next time, Victim. There is NO WAY my new plan can fail! 

Ivy: standing over on obvious box trap with mac'n'cheese underneath it (you have to be kidding me....) 

Gamer in the distance hiding in a near by bush : EAT IT..... EAT THE MAC'N'CHEESE

Ivy: (what the fuck is wrong with them....) 

Gamer: My Mac'n'Cheese (with mostly likely poison in it) is the perfect trap to lure in that victim, Lucifer.... As a self proclaimed 3.5 star Cannibal Chef and Hunter, I'd say this is my best dish yet! 

Lucifer: ..... I don't know what Mac'n'cheese is but what ever makes you happy, Pal... 

Gamer: Pulls the rope I caught it, Luci!! I CAUGHT IT!!!!

Lucifer: wait, really? 

Gamer: Just look, Lucifer! it's right here!!! 

Lucifer: opens the box to see Gamer inside eating the Mac'n'Cheese 

Gamer: DAMN!!! My cooking was to amazing! still eating the Mac'n'cheese I'll get you Victim.....Ṉ̶̂o̴̟̒ ̵͉͊m̷̞͠á̸̢t̵̝̋t̸̻̉e̴͌͜r̶͒ͅ ̴͉͂ḥ̶̕ȯ̴̖w̴̙͝ ̴̱̀m̶̼̃a̴̢̚n̶̪̓y̵̰͊ ̴͍͑p̷͓͐e̶̜̋ȯ̶̳p̸͚̒ĺ̷̰é̵̫ ̸̰̓Į̶̅ ̷̪́h̴͚̐a̴͈͆v̴͈̾è̵̲ ̷͙̓t̶͚̒o̶̿ͅ ̵̯͌ḵ̷̄ȋ̴̬ḷ̶̌l̸̿͜ ̵̢̂.... Oh this is good keeps eating it 

 Ivy: I can see why hell doesn't want you back...... your terrible at your job..... 

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