Ship's theme Songs because.....IDK

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 So these are just my ships some don't hate me for this.... also this is not all of my ships but just for the sake of it.....  (also some of these are based of my AU btw) anyways, enjoy! 

Dipper x Wirt/ Pinecones : I'm Glad you came by The Wanted 

 I honestly love this Ship too much I can't explain why. Both of these two nerds have things in common with each other and faced similar problems.  I'm not sure how much more I can say other than they are meant to be together.  

 Bipper x Beast Wirt / Pinecones : Bad Word by Panicland 

 Honestly, even though they've both went through a lot the can still move on together. I do feel like things are more complicated in this AU since Bill is in side of Dipper's body (not in my headcannon) and Beast Wirt being...... Beast Wirt, But they still make a great couple and I do see some chance of it working out. 

 Ellie x Henry : Partners in crime by Set It Off 

 I can already hear my friend plus Henry x Charles shippers yelling at me but, I do even need to explain why I love this ship? 

Morty x Mabel: Crush song by Tessa voilet 

My friend actually intruduced me to this ship and...... is it weird that I can see this happening? 

Evil Morty x Birthday Mabel :  

 Basically Morty x Mabel but more complicated... (if you watch Fairy Tale Origins on Youtube basically imaging this relationship like Kay and Viper) In short words Mabel has had a crush on Morty but Morty....well not that much. However he does have soft spot (which prefers not to be spoken) for her which not a lot of people notice. That's just my AU of this ship but being realistic..... I dought it will become real. 

 Phantom x Shade/ Phade : Fresh Eyes by Andy Grammer 

My friend actually came up with the ship name which is not that bad. Anyways, I can tell I'm not sure if this is canon but it's still a decision but they are a couple in my AU. Shade being an Arc-Demon( hybrid of a Demon and Arc-Angle) and Phantom being a humanoid with dark 

Echo x Spade/ Echade: My Oh My by Camila Cabello 

 Just a couple of lovers going through a Bad phase that's all..... nothing else.... keep scrolling 

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