Spitting Fire

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"Remind me again why we don't do this every single day?" Taylor sighs as she lies next to her girlfriend in her bed, completely naked with the covers draped over them.

"Because..." Brooke says as she softly kisses Taylor's neck.

"You can't even think of an answer," Tay chuckles.

"Because it's not special if we do it everyday," Her girlfriend says.

"I guess,"

Brooke smiles to herself as she traces her finger along Taylor's jaw.

"Would you say that we have a mature relationship," Taylor then asks.

"What?" Brooke chuckles.

"I've been thinking about it...Do you think our relationship is mature?"

Brooke thinks as she grazes her thumb against her lover's bare chest.

"Depends," She begins. "...If it's mature in the sense of what we just did, then yes...But in terms of experience, not exactly,"

"What kind of experience,"
Brooke sits up on her side.

"Why are you thinking about this anyway,"

"Can you please answer the question..." Tay says lovingly. "...I really wanna know what you think,"

The other girl looks down into her hands.
"To us, it's true love...For others, it's a two year high school relationship that will be abandoned once we get our diplomas...Not just us, but anyone like us..."

Taylor thinks about it.

"And let's face it, we're still young...And I think for our relationship to be mature, we would have to be mature...And I don't know about you but, I don't feel mature yet. I still have a lot of growing to do, a lot of things to figure out. Maturing takes time..."

Taylor stays silent.

"...You've been so insightful lately baby," She continues. "...Is something wrong,"

"No," Taylor nods. "...I'm just..."

"...Just what,"

"...I've been thinking alot...About our future that's all,"

"That doesn't sound good," Brooke admits.

"...No, it's good..." Taylor smiles. "...I've decided something,"

"What," Brooke asks lovingly.

"I don't want to tell you," She says. "...It'll freak you out,"

Brooke nods.

"...Babe, I know exactly what you're thinking,"

Taylor looks at her.

"You do,"

"Let's just say...I do,"

Taylor laughs as she playfully pushes her girlfriend away.

Brooke snuggles back into Taylor and begins kissing her neck.

"The answer would be yes," She says in between kisses.

Taylor's heart feels like it's going to explode. She can't put into words how much this girl means to her.

Taylor kisses her lover's head and traces her bare back with her hand.

"I'm gonna marry you one day, Brooke Ehlert. Just you wait and see,"


"You let her do what?" Jack Engen says. "You just let her throw it all away?"

Jack and Barb made a surprise trip out to Maryland for the weekend (after quarantining of course). They're in the kitchen right now, and Whitney just told them about Taylor and Maryland.

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