Whisked Away

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"Jack?" Jordyn says as she comes to the front door. "...what are you doing here,"

"Hi," He chuckles nervously. "...I just wanted to come by and tell you something kinda big,"


What on earth could it be?

"Well I got off of the waitlist at the Naval Academy...I'm going for basic training on Wednesday,"

"Oh wow Jack," Jordy says surprised. "...that's great! Congrats,"

"Thanks," He says. He's still standing there nervously. "...also," He continues. "...I'm wondering...what's going on with us. I won't have my phone for 4 months,"

Jordyn looks back to the kitchen to make sure her family can't hear their conversation. 

"Right," Jordy says softly as she steps out and closes the door. "...I have been meaning to call you," 

She looks into his eyes. She never wants to hurt him.

"Jack," Jordyn says as she looks down at her hands. "...You and I are so special to me...but I've been thinking. Thinking that since our relationship is so...messy? I don't know, I think we're meant to be really great friends,"

"Okay," Jack nods. Jordyn can sense some sad emotions.

"I love you Jack," She says. "...I love you so much to not hold you back. You're gonna start the greatest adventure of your life. You should be able to go through basic training and meet people and not have to worry about me. And I the same...If we're meant to be then I know we'll find each other again. But for now I think we need to just be friends,"

Jack has a tear slipping from his face.

"You're completely right..." He sniffles. "...We've gotten each other through so much. And I think that's why it's so hard for me to let go,"

"But we don't have to let go, Jack. The time that we were just friends was amazing. I still care about you and you still care about me. We don't have to say goodbye,"

"Except for four months," He laughs.

"Right," Jordyn smiles. "...promise you'll write?"

"Every week," Jack softly smiles. "...thanks for everything,"

They partake in a much needed hug.

"Bye Jack," 

"Bye Jordyn..."


Bryce wakes up this fine morning feeling great after an awesome's night sleep. He was out pretty late last night biking and reaking havic with his crew. 

He gets up, gets dressed, and heads to the bathroom. While washing his hands, Bryce sees a little smiley face drawn on his wrist, so he takes some extra soap and tries to scrub it off.

But the problem is, it's not coming off! 

"Hey Jonah," Bryce says as he shakes his brother awake. "...Jonah!" 

"Whaa," Jonah whines. He was out late last night too.

"...we have a problem,"


"Would Mom and Mama be mad if I had a tattoo?...Cause I do,"


"Hey Matt," Noah says to his coworker. "...is Grace in today?" 

"Nah, she took a personal day," His boss says. "...She only called me last night,"

"Oh..." He says. "...why?"

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