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Hey y'all! Hope you like this story!!

Whitney, Ashlyn and their six kids got on a flight back home to Maryland last night. Everything between Whit and Ash is okay now, they're actually planning to renew their vows in the next month. They're beyond excited, they love each other so much. More than the anything.

While on the plane, Ash asks Whitney all these questions about what they want at the ceremony.

"What kind of flowers would you like?"

"Ash, I told long as the kids and our families are with us at the ceremony, I'll be happy. We don't need flowers or anything fancy.."

Ash pouts. "I just want it to be perfect for you."

"I know you do.." Whitney says rubbing Ash's cheek with her thumb.

Ash sits there for the rest of the flight, hand in hand with her wife, just thinking. Whitney doesn't want anything big, but Ash wants to do something.

The plane lands and Whitney counts all the kids as they get off the plane.

"2...3..5..where's Dalton?" She asks.

"Right behind you." The 16 year old says behind his mother.

Whitney chuckles and starts walking up the corridor to the airport. When Whitney and Dalton arrive at the luggage gate, they join the other 6 members of their family. Whitney immediately sees Ashlyn with her arms around Jonah, patting his head. She sees Ash's tattooed arms, resting on the innocent brown haired boys shoulder. Honestly, she's never seen anything more sexy.

Whitney walks up to Ash and puts her hand on her back. Ash looks at Whitney and grins. They get all their luggage and head to the car.

"Do we have to go to school tomorrow??" Bryce asks when they all get in the car.

"Yep. You guys have missed too many days already." Ashlyn answers.

"But it's Friday. Why can't we just go back on Monday?" Taylor asks.

Whitney grins and looks back at her kids.
"You guys are going to school tomorrow. You'll be glad you did."

"Who needs school anyway." Jonah says softly.

"You will if you want a future." Jordyn says to her brother.

Whitney and Ash smile, Jordyn was always the most responsible out of all of them.

They get home and the kids disperse to their rooms. Ash and Whitney take their bags into their bedroom and begin to unpack.

"So when do we want to renew our vows?" Ash says.

"Not sure. Whenever is a good time for the kids and our parents."

"So no rush.."

Whitney looks up at Ashlyn saying, "well we're already's not like we haven't been for the past 17 years."

Ashlyn chuckles.


Everyone is finished packing and is in the kitchen just hanging out. Ash is playing cards with the kids as Whitney watches and prepares dinner. Whitney chuckles at something Brendan said as the phone rings. Whitney finishes chopping a pepper and goes to get the phone.

"Hello?" Whitney says into the phone.

"Hello. Is this Mrs.Harris?" A female voice says.

"Depends..are you looking for Whitney or Ashlyn?" Whitney chuckles. She has to clear that up a lot of the time.

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