Hustle & Bustle

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"Why the hell do all of my teachers have to give tests two days before Christmas break," Brendan sighs as he and Noah walk up to their house from the bus stop. All sports practices ended for the week on Tuesday.

"I feel ya bro," Noah chuckles. "...what illness should we try and fake?"

Brendan chuckles along. "...this year is so different from last year," He then says after a while.

"Huh?" Noah says as he looks to him confused as they walk.

"I was only your first Christmas with us. You were only in our family for a little while," 

"Yea," His brother nods. "'re right.

"And hell," B then scoffs. "...It's only been 2 1/2 years and I never wanna leave your side. But we've got that damn thing called college," 

Noah shoves his brother jokingly.

"Brothers are brothers no matter matter where they go to college," 

B nods as he shoves Noah back, this time into the snow pile at the side of the road.

"What the hell," He laughs.

"That's what brothers do kid,"


"What is that," Jordyn laughs.

"It's an igloo," Jack smiles back. "...I made it out of marshmallows," 

Jordyn shakes her head as she smiles. "It's actually pretty good,"

"Damn, right it is," Jack says as he leans in and kisses Jordy's cheek.

It's Wednesday night, and it's the one school night where Jack and Jordyn are actually able to spend some time with each other. So, what did they plan for the festive holiday date night?

They're making a gingerbread house! 

"I think we should be able to live in this," Jack says goofily.

"Do you think it can have wifi?" Jordyn jokes back. "...if it does then I'm in," 

"Anywhere with you is fine with me," 

Jordyn smiles.

"'re really bummed about going to Florida huh," 

Jack fiddles with the bag of white icing and thinks. 

"Yea..." He says. "...I know I'm a jerk for not wanting to spend Christmas on a beach but, I just don't want to be away from my friends, the," 

"Well, I think you should see the good in it..." Jordyn says optimistically. "...yes, you'll be away from your dad and Jessie, but you'll be with the rest of your family. Your grandparents, your cousins...your Uncle Clint..." She laughs. Jack has told her many stories about his crazy Uncle Clint.

"...I'm just nervous," Jack says honestly. " ya know, ask them,"

Jordyn takes Jack's hand in hers. 

"...nervous that you're betraying your dad,"

"Yea," He answers as his voice shakes.

"'s a big deal, Jack. But your grandparents love you. Your whole family does. And asking to be a permanent member of their home is perfectly okay," 

Jack is planning to ask his grandparents to adopt him. He cannot take living with his dad and his wife Jessie. His dad is angry, judgemental, violent and quite honestly a drunkard. He craves a safer home life. Jack's grandparents live in a condo right by the kid's high school, and his cousins live a few towns away. 

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