The Surprise

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It's the next day. Today, Ashlyn and the kids will be flying out to California. Right before the leave for the airport, Whitney calls Ash to check in.

"Hello?" Ash says picking up the phone

"Hey Ash, it's Whitney."

"Hey Whit, what's going on?" Ash says trying to laugh to reveal the surprise.

"I just wanted to call and check in. I'm sorry I left out of no where yesterday."

"Ah no it's fine baby. I....I uh understand." Ash answers.

"Thanks, how did the kids take it?"

"Not good, but we're going out today. We'll have some fun."

"Good, well then I'll talk to you later."

"Okay baby, bye."


The Harris' just landed in California. They rent a car and drive out to Torrance, Whitney's hometown. They arrive at a hotel a few miles away from Whitney's parents house. They have a huge day planned to surprise Whit, she's going to love it.

First off, Ashlyn arranged for flowers to be sent to Whitney.

*Ding dong*

"Who could that be?" Whitney's mom says.

"Mailman?" Whit says.

Whitney's mom opens the door and brings in a huge bouquet of roses.

"These are for you." She says.

"Really?" Whitney says getting up.

Whitney reads the card: "We love you Mom, hope everything is well. We miss you and can't wait until you are home. Love Dalton, Brendan, Jordyn, Taylor, Jonah, and Bryce." Whitney reads aloud.

"You are one of their favorites." Mrs.Engen laughs.

"Yea, they don't deserve to live like this, their parents fighting all the time."

"You'll work it out honey and the kids know that whatever happens, happens and that both you and Ashlyn still love them very much."


Then, Whitney would get a call from a friend, Jane.


"Hey Whit!" Jane says.

"Jane? What's up?! I haven't seen you in so long!" Whitney says to the other voice on the phone.

"I heard you're in Torrance? Let's hang out!" Jane says excited.

"Yea, that sounds good."

Phase two complete, get Whit to the park.


Whitney walks into her neighborhood park, looking for Jane. She sits on a bench and checks her phone. No word from Jane.

"Hi Mom."A voice says.

Whitney looks up and sees Dalton.

"Dalton?! What are you doing here?"

Dalton ignores the comment and sits down next to his mom. "Beautiful day isn't it?"

"Young man, what are you doing here? Did you fly across the whole country by yourself?"

"I wasn't by myself." Dalton simply says.

"Hello there." Jordyn says coming up behind Whit and Dalton.

"Okay, what's going on?" Whitney says looking around.

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