New Years

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"Are you sure you two are okay watching them?" Whitney asks Chris and Josh as she puts on her coat. 

"Oh we'll be fine, it'll be good practice," Chris replies to her sister-in-law.

"Practice? I thought you guys just started dating?" Ash scoffs.

"Well not exactly..." Chris says nervously. "...we're actually engaged."

Ash and Whit's faces light up. 

"What?!" Ash says excitedly.

"Yea..." Josh replies as he rubs the back of his neck.

"Guys! Congratulations!" Whit says as she brings them in for a hug. Ash joins as well.

"Well, you can't stay here tonight..." Whit continues.

Ash looks puzzled at her wife. 

" guys should go out and celebrate! The kids will be fine here. We'll be back later tonight." 

Chris looks at his fiancee. 

"Are you sure? We don't mind staying..." 

"Please, go out...enjoy your freedom without kids while you can." 

Chris and Josh chuckle.

"Well, then I think we might just take you up on that..."


Chris and Josh just left to go out to some nightclub in town. 

"Babe, are you sure we can leave them here alone? Do you remember what happened last time?" Ash says to her wife.

"That 'last time' was more than a year ago Ashlyn. They learned their lesson, plus Dalton matured a lot from 16 to 17..."

Ash thinks for a moment as Whit walks over to her and begins rubbing her back. 

"This is the part in parenting where we just have to let go and trust them..."

"But do I trust us..." Ash says quietly.

"We raised them just fine Ash, and you know that. Letting go is always hard."

Ash puts her head in her hands as Whitney chuckles.

"What's so funny?" She asks.

"I guess I never thought you'd be the one to freak out about the kids growing up...I thought you'd be the one to calm me down." 

"Well, things change." Ash chuckles.


Whitney and Ashlyn settled their kids in with treats, soda, and junk food to get them through the night in order to have a good time.

"Wait Mama, don't forget about the money!" Bryce says to his mother before they leave.

"Oh right...thanks bud," Ash replies as she takes a 50 dollar bill out of her wallet.

"What's the money for?" Noah asks.

"Every New Years Eve, the kid who falls asleep last and stays awake the longest gets 50 bucks," Brendan replies. 

"Oh, that sounds like fun..." Noah answers.

"Are you guys okay here by yourselves? We should be home around 2."

"We're good." Jordyn answers for the group. 

Ashlyn leaves the money on the table and guides her wife to the car.

"They're gonna have a wild night..."Ash chuckles.

"Yea..." Whit agrees. "...good we got the older kids those one-year gym memberships." She chuckles. 

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