365 Days

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365 days...

Taylor can't believe it. She has been able to call Brooke Ehlert her girlfriend for 365 days. She has been extremely in love for 365 days.

Taylor knows that Brooke is the one for her. It may be silly to say it at such a young age, but Taylor wants to be with Brooke forever. She wants to marry her and start a life with her.

In great timing, Brooke's parents told her they would be out of town for the weekend. Brooke even paid her brother Max thirty bucks to get out of the house in order for the two to be fully alone.

"There's the simp," Brendan says with a mouth full of cereal as Taylor comes down the stairs.

"At least I have someone to simp over," Taylor replies sharply.

Noah chuckles, Taylor zinged him.

"So..." Jordyn then says. "...what are you surprising Brooke with today??"

Taylor chuckles as she opens the fridge for some orange juice.

"Some special stuff," She simply says.

"Oh god," Brendan groans. "...don't put that image in my head,"

"I didn't put anything in your head," Tay laughs. "...it's gonna be a really special day though,"

Jordyn smiles as she looks back down to her cereal. This past year, she has seen a change in her sister. A change that many people yearn for their entire lives.

Jordyn can see that Taylor is in love...head over heals for Brooke Ehlert.

"I'm taking the car today," Tay then announces. "...I asked Mama like a week ago,"

The other three nod. They aren't going to protest on such a monumentous occasion.

"Later losers," They then hear their sister say as she slips out into the garage.

"Have fun," Jordyn hollers.

Brendan then gets up to put his cereal bowl in the sink, looking at his other two siblings.

"Well, I have work," Jordy says as she gets up.

"And I'm going to the pool with Grace," Noah follows.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa," Brendan protests. "...you're all just gonna leave me here?"

"You're a big boy," Jordyn chuckles. "...go for a run or something,"

Brendan rolls his eyes. He can't believe they're just gonna get up and leave!


A few minutes later, Brendan is dressed and heads out to the garage to lift some weights.

He jumps when he sees Jonah already there.

"I thought I was in the house alone," Brendan laughs.

"I'm quiet remember," Jonah replies.

"Right," B says as he sits down on a stool. "...I haven't talked with ya in a while,"

"Yea," Jonah says.

"Something wrong," Bredan asks. Jonah has kinda been acting like an ass lately.

"Nothing," Jonah stutters.

"You trying to workout?"

"Yea," His brother begins. "...um, it's a long story,"

"I got time," Brendan scoffs as he stands up and picks up some 25 pund barbells.

"Well," Jonah thinks. "...I just think it's time that I start taking my life in my own hands,"

BENDING THE RULES..A USWNT FANFICWhere stories live. Discover now