Growing Pains

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Fourth of July came and went, and the summer is quickly slipping away. Although there are no more summer holidays until labor day, the Harris family is getting ready for what was branded "the littest day of the year". That's right, Brendan's birthday. His 16th to be exact...

B slowly walks down the stairs in his pajamas on the morning of July 8th. As he enters the kitchen, a chat erupts.

"Happy Birthday!" everyone yells. A smile comes across his face.

Whitney walks over to Brendan and gives him a big kiss on the cheek. Ashlyn follows and gives him a big hug. When the hug breaks, Ash says: 

"Come sit down bud, we got your favorite,"

Brendan looks eagerly over to the counter. The familiar smell that only comes once a year takes over her senses. His absolute favorite breakfast food that he only gets on his birthday: peanut butter banana pancakes. 

Whitney and Ashlyn have been making these pancakes for Brendan's birthday ever since he was 6 years old. A tradition that will stay alive forever. 

B even tried making the pancakes for himself once, but no one makes them better than his Mama. 

"Any plans for today?" Jordyn asks as Ashlyn hands Brendan his plate. 

"DMV," He answers with a mouth full of food. 

"Speaking of, we should leave right after breakfast," Whitney says. Brendan nods.

"I think one of the greatest mistakes in the history of mankind is letting Brendan drive," Jonah plainly says, earning a chuckle from the group.

"Now I know who I won't be driving when I get my license," 

Jonah rolls his eyes. 

"Also..." Brendan than says. "...where are my keys?" 

Whitney and Ashlyn chuckle. "We told you multiple times that we're not getting you a car," Ash scoffs.

"Ah c'mon, you're gonna have 5 drivers soon. It seems like an amazing idea," Brendan rebuts.

"I second that," Jordyn adds.

Both Noah and Taylor nod along.


After breakfast, Ashlyn asked the girls and Noah to do the dishes so she could go get the DMV paperwork sorted out with Whit.

"New car my ass," Ashlyn scoffs as she walks into her bedroom with her wife.

"But in truth Ashlyn, we really never gave the whole car thing any thought," 

Ashlyn turns to her wife. "Who are you and what have you done with my wife,"

Whitney chuckles as she folds her arms.

"Truly a few years ago I wouldn't have given it any thought,"

"And why all of a sudden now?"

"Well, the kids are busy. Face it, Ash, they're growing up. They've got school and sports, they're all getting jobs and starting to date. It just seems like the right time," 

"But babe we just finished paying off our other two cars and we've got college coming up," 

Whitney sighs as she takes Ashlyn's hands into hers and sits down on the bed. 

"But you're dad left us a lot of money," 

Ashlyn is about to speak but Whitney stops her.

"And we covered everything that we need to. We said we'd use the extra cash for a vacation but face it babe this would be so much better for us,"

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