Start of Something New

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Well, the first 2 weeks of the kid's remote learning has just ended. It's Friday night and for the first time in as long as Whitney and Ashlyn can remember, all seven of their kids are home. 

The first day of e-learning got off to a slow start, but soon enough all of them got settled into their new routines. And with the kids doing school work for about five hours of the day, and then not having anywhere to go after that, they have picked up new hobbies in the meantime. 

With his infatuation with cars since he was a little boy, Dalton has finally started to get his hands dirty in the garage. Last week, he finally finished the book on beginner mechanics Gramma Tammy got him for Christmas. And now, he's been out in the garage every day studying the driver's manual of the family's Suburban. Ashlyn's even allowed him to pop open the hood and learn from that too.

And with sports coming to a pause, Noah, Taylor, and Brendan have been desperately trying to stay conditioned. They have been doing absolutely everything...running 5 miles every day, working on agility, sprints, upper body workouts, balance and so much more. Quite honestly, it's madness. Not even Ashlyn and Whitney would've have done all those things in their pro days. They love how dedicated they are. 

Jordyn has also been learning some new things. She has seriously been buckling down on the fact that she wants to desperately become a lawyer. She has been reading and researching everything a lawyer learns, just to make sure it's the profession she wants. And in the meantime, she's been FaceTiming Jack a lot too. But ever since Jack told her that he is going to the University of Miami next fall, they have been kinda putting their romantic relationship on the back burner.

They can kinda vouch that ever since this whole pandemic thing, the "spark" hasn't exactly been there. And even though they're both are self-quarantining and are able to see each other, they haven't been trying that hard. They still enjoy, so much. And they're putting their friendship first, and quite honestly they're both extremely happy. 

As for Jonah, he is going way past his horizons and learning Japanese. He's so siked about it and is actually really good at it. He already takes Spanish in school and has been learning for hours on end. Sometimes to the point where Whit and Ashlyn have to force him to go to bed. 

And Bryce...well, he's Bryce. What else would he be doing other than playing basketball? And the goal he's set for his time at home is growing, work on his handles, getting his verticle jump up and learning to dunk, then growing some more. He's been eating like a machine. It's totally paying off though, Whit swears he's grown another inch. 

"Whoa," Ash says unbelieved as she lines up the pencil over her youngest son's head against the wall. She looks to her wife with wide eyes.

"What," Bryce asks nervously.

Ashlyn looks at him.

"5'9" and a half,"

"A whole inch and a half?!" He yells excitedly.

"It must be some genes Mom gave ya," She chuckles back. She absolutely can't believe it.

"My littlest baby is almost 5'10"?" Whitney pouts as she walks over to Bryce and rubs the back of his head. "...and he's only in the 7th grade,"

"And puberty is just starting to hit," Bryce says proudly. "...just you wait until I get to high school,"

"I'm sure you'll be towering over us all by then, bud," Ash says grinning.

"I gotta go tell Jonah," He says as he walks to the stairs. "...and try to get him to play one on one with me now,

Whitney and Ash watch as he runs up the stairs. Whit walks over to her wife as Ash wraps her arm around her waist.

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