Saying Goodbye

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Saying goodbye can be can be sad and heart wrenching. But most importantly, it can be the start of a new adventure. 

"I'm gonna miss you so much," Jordyn says as she sinks into her brother's embrace. 

"I'll be back in November," Dalton says. "...time will fly by,"

"I hope so," Jordy sniffles. "...cause it's not gonna be the same around here without you," 

"I'm gonna miss being with you wackos," Dalton chuckles. "...but we're all gonna be fine,"

Jordyn nods as she moves over for the rest of the siblings to say their goodbyes.

"Make friends with some basketball players okay?" Bryce says. "...then I'll like the idea of you being so far away," 

Dalton chuckles as he messes up his younger brother's hair. He can't believe Bryce is as tall as him now! 

After goodbyes are said, it's the hardest time for Ashlyn and Whitney. They need to drop Dalton off at the airport. 

"And you have your boarding pass right?" Whit asks her son as she looks back from the passengers seat. "...and your mask?"

"Yep," Dalton says. 

Whitney nods. She really hopes they haven't forgotten anything. The three of them went to Michigan two weeks ago to set up Dalton's dorm room. 

"So what time is Jeremy getting there?" Ash asks. Jeremy is going to be Dalton's roomate for the year. 

The two have met before and really, really geta along. Jeremy is from Illinois, has brown hair, freckles and a nice smile. And like Dalton, he played basketball in high school. Both of Jeremy's parents attended MSU. 

"Like 5," He says. "...I should be getting there before him," 

Dalton is both excited and dreading having to quarantine in his dorm room for 2 weeks. Excited because he and Jeremy will really be able to grow their friendship while playing non-stop video games and watching sports. Dreading because well, who likes having to be stuck in a room for 14 days? He would much rather be out on the campus finding his footing, but he understands the vital need for him to do this. Plus, MSU promises to feed them well, so he's pretty excited about that. 

"Well," Whitney says as they arrive at the airport. She immediatly begins to cry. They all do, actually. 

"Don't forget to call when your plane lands," Ash sniffles. 

"I'll even text your when I get on the plane," Dalton chuckles. "...I love you guys," 

"We love you too," Whitney says as she hugs her son tightly.

"Don't miss me too much okay?" Dalton then says. "'ve got four seniors this year," 

"Don't remind us," Ash grins. Six kids in the same high school! Freaking insane. 

"You're gonna have the time of your life," Whitney continues as the three walk to the door. Unfortunetly, Whitney and Ash aren't allowed to go to the gate with him. "...and gate 2A alright? Boarding is in an hour,"

"I'm sure I'll be fine Mom," 

They come to a stop at the door. They all just stand there, thinking about what to say or do next. 

"I don't wanna leave," Dalton says softly as a tear slips down his face. 

Ashlyn, Whit and Dalton now start a giant group hug for the last time in 3 months. 

"See you November 22nd," Whit says. 

"....and hopefully no sooner than that," 

"Right," Dalton nods as he grabs his bag. 

"'s a fifty," Ash says as she quickly puts some money in to her son's hand. 

"I have enough money, Mama," Dalton says as he looks down at it.

"I know," Ash nods. 

Dalton looks into their sad eyes, then softly smiles. 

"I better go," 

"We love you," 

"Love you too," 

Dalton turns and begins walking into the terminal. He looks back once more.

"Go green," Ash jokes.

Dalton smiles. 

"...Go green," 

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