Rah, Rah, Rah

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(Does anyone get the title name? ;) ) 

"Oh," Taylor says surprised. "...hi...I'm doing pretty good,"

Anson smiles.

"I think you know why I'm here,"

Taylor chuckles nervously as she looks at her Mama.

"I think I have a pretty good guess," She says.

"Sit with us," Anson then says as he begins to sit back down.

Taylor walks over to where her parents are sitting, positioning herself right in between them.

"So," The man continues. "...you are one special girl, Taylor,"

"Thank you," Tay says.

"And I've known you since..."

Taylor can tell that Anson is thinking.

"...like two years old...You in Carolina blue running around the field with your brothers and sister,"

A soft smile comes across the girl's face. What amazing memories they've created when visiting Anson in Chapel Hill.

"Now you have turned into an amazing player," He says. "...a player who alot of our scouts have had their eyes on since freshman year...and now that you're a senior...I wanted to come and ask you formerly,"

"What," Taylor says.

Anson smiles and looks around to the other women in the room.

"...would you like to become a Tarheel, Taylor?"

Taylor scoffs as tears begin to form.


"Of course you," Anson laughs. "...who else would I trust with running my midfield?"

Taylor puts her head in her hands. This is so unexpected.

Whitney and Ashlyn are beaming as they look down at their daughter.

She then looks up with a tear streaming down her face.

"I thought you'd never ask," She says.

Anson continues to smile as he looks to Heather.

"And you won't have to say goodbye to me," HAO laughs. "...the assistant coach's main job is working with the new recruits,"

Taylor continues to beam.

"I can't believe this is happening,"

"Well believe it," Anson says. "...because despite what you might have thought, UNC has wanted you since you were like thirteen,"

Tay looks to her mothers.

"You guys knew this was happening?"

"Anson told us two weeks ago," Whitney says.

Anson nods.

"As much as I would love to stay," He says as he stands. "...Heather and I have to visit a few friends with you...Ally and Sophie,"

Taylor gives a wide smile.

"Good luck," She chuckles.

Anson extends his hand to the girl.

"Signing is in December," He says. "...I'm looking forward to seeing you there,"

"Thank you so much, Mr. Dorrance,"

"Please," He smiles sincerely. "...just call me Coach," 

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