I'll Be Home For Christmas

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Whitney wakes up in Ashlyn's arms, grinning.

"Something funny..." Ashlyn groans. Whit chuckles.

"I'm just lucky..." 

"K..." Ash replies, falling back to sleep. 


Ash sleeps for about an hour more, with Whitney awake next to her on her laptop. At one point, Ash moved in the bed, resting her head on her wife's thigh as she sits criss-cross applesauce. Whit runs her fingers through Ashlyn's brown hair. 

"Ready to get up? We have to be out of the room by ten..." Whit whispers to the sleeping beauty in front of her. 

Ash just groans again.


It's now 11:30. Whit and Ash checked out of their hotel room, got some coffee, and then went to pick up some Christmas gifts. 

They pull into their garage and are a bit slow to get out. Both of them have been in cute kissy moods lately. They walk into the kitchen, knowing that all the kids are at school, but see something they don't expect. Ali and Heather sitting at the island, in each other's arms, with tears in their eyes.

"Hey guys, is everything all right?" Whit asks concerned as she walks closer to the two. 

"Everything's absolutely perfect..." Ali chuckles.

"Is crying the new smiling?" Ash asks curiously.

"I guess so...the adoption services just gave us a call. Our trip to Uganda is scheduled for January 17." 

"Oh my gosh! You guys that's huge!!" Whitney replies excitedly, going over to hug the two.

"I know we can't believe it. It's a whole 2 months earlier than we thought." Heather adds.

"Congrats you two..." Ash smiles. "...plus, just know it doesn't matter when they get here, it's just that they do..." 


Around 3:30, all of the kids start to roll in from school.

"Mom, can you wash my mouthguard?" Brendan asks when he comes into the kitchen. "...I dropped it in the dirt outside school." 

"How'd you manage that B..." Whit chuckles.

"It's a blur." Brendan simply says. Whitney chuckles, messing up his hair. 

"Hey, maybe today you and Noah could put up the outside decorations. I want them to be up before your grandparents get here." Whit adds as she chops up some carrots. 

"Yea...I don't know about that..." Brendan replies.

Whitney cocks her head up. "Why? I thought everything was okay between you two...something wrong?" 

"No, everything's fine with us...it's just, the decorations." 

Whitney grins, her son was starting to scare her. 

"Okay...how about I give you 30 dollars to go out and buys some new things." 

"Really?" Brendan shoots up.

"Yea, I mean the stuff out there is getting pretty old. Bought it before you were born. It's time for some new ones." 

"Wow, thanks, Mom. You're awesome." 

"I try," Whit replies. 


Ashlyn drove the boys to the hardware store to pick up some new lights and inflatables, then they're going to the Christmas tree farm to pick up the 2018 tree. 

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