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Noah found out he was going to be adopted just yesterday, and was so so excited for what was going to come. He was really starting to feel like apart of the family. He was sharing a room with Brendan, he often played games with Jonah and Bryce, he chatted with Taylor and Jordyn and played many, many video games with Dalton and Brendan. 

"Hey can you guys stop with the video games already? You were up late last night playing too." Whitney says coming into the boys room looking for dirty laundry.

"Can't Mom, Noah's trying to beat my high score on Fortnite, he's so close!" 

Whitney smiles at her sons, she didn't want to break up their fun. 

"Fine. But when you're done with that, turn it off. Mama and I are taking Noah shopping for some new clothes and some things for his side of the room."

"Really?" Noah says excitedly turning around. He was so excited that he didn't see one of the other players on the TV screen come out and shoot him. Noah lost the game.

"Dude! You lost it." Brendan laughs.

" a little distracted." Noah chuckles back.

"Guess you're ready to go now then..We'll be waiting downstairs." Whitney smiles while exiting the room.


Noah runs down the stairs eagerly with Brendan trailing not far behind. 

"I see someone's ready to go." Ash grins.

"Can I go with you guys? I need to have a say in the whole room decorating decisions, it's my room too after all." Brendan states.

"Well you have to ask Noah, it's his shopping spree after all." Whitney says grabbing the car keys.

"Sure, that'd be fun." Noah answers.

"Alright, let's go." Ashlyn says taking the keys from her wife and starting her way out to the car. 

"Jordyn, Taylor watch your brothers. Dalton's lost in his video games." Whitney says to her daughters as she rolls her eyes.

"Got it Mom..I'll take care of them." Taylor smiles goofily.

"You watch her too.." Whit chuckles to Jordyn and gestures towards Tay.

"I am perfectly capable of babysitting on my own." Taylor says.

"Yea okay..learn to walk first." Whitney says closing the door.

"Damn, she got you." Jordyn laughs.

"Shut up J." Taylor playfully says.


"So Noah, any ideas on how you wanna decorate your room?" Ash says while looking in the backseat mirror to the boy.

"Well I love the Patriots after all, I think I want to continue Brendan's room theme." Noah says looking over at his newly found brother.

"Nice choice dude, we need more wall hangings. Dalton absolutely hates the Patriots, it was so annoying." 

They both laugh, which makes Whitney's heart melt. They pull into the Target parking lot and all make their way into the store.

"So what do you want to start with? Clothes, shoes, room.." Whit says as she walks beside Ashlyn, who is pushing the cart. 

"Maybe shoes, this old one's aren't doing justice anymore." Noah says while looking down at his ratty old, dirty converse. He must've had them for like a year and half. 

" you know your shoe size?" Ash asks.

"Oh um...." Noah says scratching the back of his head. He was embarrassed for not knowing.

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