The Big Day

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Today is the biggest day of Noah's life. The day he was going to be adopted.

"Ready for today?" Brendan asks sleepily while getting out of bed.

"Never been more ready for anything in my entire life." Noah smiles.

Brendan smirks and makes his way over to Noah, who's standing.

"Welcome to the family bro." He says bringing in the boy for a hug.

"Thanks Brendan..I'm so excited." Noah chuckles.

"You should be..we're a fun bunch. And we love you." Brendan says putting his hand on Noah's shoulder.

Noah grins uncontrollably.

"What's going on in here?" Whitney says while coming in the door way.

"Just some bro love." Brendan answers.

"Some bro love..I see." Whit says going over to the boys. She brings them both in for a hug. Brendan and Noah, both quiet taller than there mom, ease into the hug. Hugs are the best aren't they?

"Time to get ready, we have to leave in a half an hour." Whit says letting go of her sons.

They both nod. Noah puts in a light salmon vineyard vines shirt his new Grandma Tammy sent him along with some chino pants and his dark red vans. Brendan also has on a vineyard vines shirt, but light blue, from his grandmother. Also some cargo pants and a pair of adidas sneakers.


"Everyone ready? We gotta get going." Ashlyn says while going into the kitchen in a dark blue dress shirt, tucked into some dark navy pants with a gold chain around her neck.

"I'm ready." Jordyn says sitting at the counter in her navy dress.

"Of course you are." Ash grins.

"Jordy can you go help your brothers with their ties, I can't get them." Whit says coming into the kitchen as well.

"Yea." Jordyn says while getting up from her seat and walking into Bryce and Jonah's room.

"Do I have to wear this dress shirt?" Dalton whines as he pulls on the collar.

"'s a special day for Noah, we want everything to go smoothly." Whit answers while removing her sons hands from his collar and fixing it herself.

"Ready to go." Brendan says coming into the kitchen and taking out the carton of milk.

"Don't dare get that on your shirt." Ash says stirring her coffee.

"Fine." Brendan sighs while putting the carton on the counter so he could go over and get a cup.

Noah comes into the kitchen silently. He was nervous and excited.

"There he is." Ash smiles.

"Ready for this Noah?" Whitney gleams.

"Never been more excited in my life." Noah smiles.


The family of 9 pulls up to the front door of the court house. Everyone files out of the giant car and starts walking into the offices.

"Remember when we came here to get our marriage license?" Whit whispers to Ash and she intertwined their hands.

"Like it was yesterday." Ash says raising the mess of intertwined fingers and kissing it.


"Hi the Harris Family, we have meeting with Judge Doyle." Ash says to the lady at the front desk.

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