Hail to the Chief

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"And now please welcome our junior class president, Jordyn Harris," Principal Donnelly says to the room full of people as they applaud.

Sam Morrison did indeed move away, which threw Jordyn into her first term as president fairly quickly. As much as she loathed Sam for two years because of his higher power, Jordy never imagined that one day the responsibility would be given to her. 

Lansing Highschool's annual fall fundraiser night is tonight, and despite Jordyn attending the last two years as vice president, this year there's a lot more pressure...

She has to make a speech. 

Whitney and Ashlyn definitely know that their daughter is very good at public speaking. She has no fear when it comes to preaching about things she's passionate about or feels strongly on. 

Jordyn wrote a 6-minute speech on the 11th-grade government's plans for this semester, as well as a plan to try and decrease the number of students who Juul in the bathrooms. Serious matters ya know? 

She's run it over for Jack and her parents countless times. They all think it's really great. They've even come to support her tonight.

"You're going to do amazing Jordy," Jack said to her before. 

Jordyn walks up the stairs on the side of the stage with her hands clenched onto her paper. 

"Hi," She says nervously as she adjusts the mic. She clears her throat before continuing. "...um, my name is Jordyn Harris and I have been apart of school government since freshman year. This is my first year as president and I plan to make our junior year as exciting, memorable and safe as possible..." 

She looks around only to see not a lot of enthusiasm from the students and parents. 

"...I understand that school government isn't the most exciting of all of the extracurriculars at Lansing High School, but it certainly is one of the most important...This year, the board and I hope to plan and conduct multiple fun and hands-on activities for the junior class. In October, the annual Color Run for junior students and their families will be held to raise money for the American Heart Association. We also hope to conduct a donation drive of old Halloween costumes for children in lower-income families and hospitals...In November we will conduct our annual flag football tournament benefitting the American Cancer Society as well as a Thanksgiving donation drive of canned food and warm clothes for the Franciscan Center in Baltimore...In December, the annual junior class skating party will be held in benefit to St. Jude's Hospital and the SPCA. We will also be holding our annual Toys for Tots drive for the 25th straight year..."

Jordyn looks out into the crowd again. They seem a little more interested.

"Juniors are encouraged to participate in these activities because, well because they're fun and for some really great causes. Further information will be announced in homeroom,"

Then she goes on some more to talk about the Juuling crisis...but I'll spare you of that.

By the time she's done the whole auditorium is applauding. She's really, really pleased with herself. 

"I told you you'd do great," Jack chuckles as Jordyn walks up to him.

"I guess you were right," She replies. She then thinks for a moment. "...can we talk for a second?" 

"...uh, yea," He says surprised. "...is everything okay?"

"Fine," Jordyn smiles.

Really, Jordyn isn't fine...It's been days since they held hands at the hockey game and Jack still hasn't said anything! They even kissed!  

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