The Talk

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"Dalton. We need to talk." Whitney says to her son as he looks back at her with fear and worry in his eyes. 

"You'll be fine." Whitney says as she taps an empty spot in between herself and her wife. 

Dalton looks at his parents for a moment before stepping inside the room.

As he walks across the room, Dalton doesn't lift his eyes off the ground, for he is too scared to look the two women in the eyes.  

"So about last night..." Whit begins as Dalton sits down next to her. 

"Yea..." Dalton sighs.

"Why." Whit plainly asks.

"Why what..."

"Why did all of this happen? I mean we told you the rules and you obviously broke them." 

Dalton just keeps his head down, not saying anything.

"Dalton we're not gonna get anywhere if you don't talk." Whit says as she looks onto her son. 

"There's nothing I can say...No excuses, because I know that I made a stupid decision and it created problems." The boy says while playing with his hands. 

Whit looks up at Ash. She felt bad because Dalton felt so bad. 

"Well part of learning from your mistakes is analyzing them...Why don't we talk about what happened, because from what your siblings say, it was quiet a crazy night." Ash says. 

Dalton takes a deep breath before he begins talking. "I was doing some homework until Kyle texted me asking if I wanted to hang out. I said no because you guys weren't home and all that. But he came over anyway, with some other people and a six pack of beer...I told them to get out, but they were all already drunk. That's why the kitchen was trashed." 

Right then, everything started to make sense. Ash and Whit feel bad for being so hard on him at first, instead of actually hearing what he had to say.

"Then how did you end up drinking some beer?" Ash adds.

"Kyle was super super mad when I told them they couldn't stay, and hurled an open bottle of beer at me. Some got in my mouth and the bottle cut my lip." 

Whitney looks at her son, worried because he was injured. She caresses his chin with her thumb as she examines his swollen and purple lower lip.

"We judged the situation too quickly Dalton, and I'm sorry for that..." Whit says as she looks into tan boys eyes.

"Me too...I should've known better to have a little more faith in you." Ash says while putting her hand on Dalton's knee. 

"It's okay...but I still feel bad. Brendan could've gotten hurt, or even arrested because of me." 

"But the lucky thing that he didn't. And that was partially his fault as well, but we forgive both you guys." Whit says as she runs her hand through Dalton's brown curly, ethnic hair. 

"I still don't feel good about it..." Dalton confesses.

"Well that's the way mistakes are supposed to just means you care about what happened, and that's a good thing." Whit grins.

"Thanks, I'll learn to choose my decisions wisely next time."

"Don't let there be a next time Dalton..." Ash chuckles. 

"Oh right...of course." He smiles back. 


Whitney is very satisfied about the conversation her and Ash had with Dalton. Now that they know the true story about what really happened, they feel much better about the situation. 

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